齊豫 - 晨鐘偈 - traduction des paroles en anglais

晨鐘偈 - 齊豫traduction en anglais

Mantras of Morning Bell
晨钟偈 - 齐豫
Mantras of Morning Bell - Qi Yu
闻钟声 烦恼轻 智慧长 菩提生
When I hear the sound of the bell, my worries ease, my wisdom grows, and my Bodhi is born.
离地狱 出火坑 愿成佛 度众生
I leave hell, escape the fire pit. May I become a Buddha and save all beings.
南无大方广佛华严经 南无华严会上佛菩萨
Namo the Great Expanse Buddha Flower Adornment Sutra, Namo all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Flower Adornment Assembly.
妙湛总持不动尊 首楞严王世希有
Immaculate Universal Support, Immovable King, the King of Shurangama, rare and unparalleled.
销我亿劫颠倒想 不历僧祇获法身
Erase my upside-down thoughts of eons, attain Dharma body without spending eons as a monk.
愿今得果成宝王 还度如是恒沙众
May I attain the result and become a precious king today, and also save countless beings like the sands of the Ganges.
将此深心奉尘剎 是则名为报佛恩
With this deep heart I offer to the dust world. This is called repaying the Buddha's grace.
伏请世尊为证明 五浊恶世誓先入
I beseech the World Honored One to bear witness. I vow to enter the world of five defilements first.
如一众生未成佛 终不于此取泥洹
If even one being has not become a Buddha, I will eternally not enter Nirvana here.
大雄大力大慈悲 希更审除微细惑
Great Hero, Great Strength, Great Compassion. I beg you to scrutinize and eliminate my subtle confusions.
令我早登无上觉 于十方界坐道场
Let me quickly ascend to unsurpassed enlightenment, and sit in the bodhimanda in the ten directions.
舜若多性可销亡 烁迦逻心无动转
Like Shunruo, my nature can be extinguished, like Shakyamuni, my heart remains unmoved.
南无清净法身 毘卢遮那佛
Namo the pure Dharma body, Vairocana Buddha.
南无圆满报身 卢舍那佛
Namo the perfectly adorned 報身 (reward body),盧舍那 (Rushana) Buddha.
南无千百亿化身 释迦牟尼佛
Namo the thousands of billions of incarnations, Shakyamuni Buddha.
南无当来下生 弥勒尊佛
Namo Maitreya, the future descended world, honorable Buddha.
南无极乐世界 阿弥陀佛
Namo Amitabha Buddha of the Pure Land world.
南无清凉山 金色界 大智文殊师利菩萨
Namo Manjushri Bodhisattva, the golden world of Qingliang Mountain, the great wisdom.
南无峨嵋山 银色界 大行普贤愿王菩萨
Namo Samantabhadra Bodhisattva,the king of great conduct and universal vows, the silver world of Mount Emei.
南无普陀山 琉璃界 大悲观世音菩萨
Namo Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, the glass world of Mount Putuo, the great compassion.
南无九华山 幽冥界 大愿地藏王菩萨
Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the netherworld of Mount Jiuhua, the great vow.

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