뱃사공 - 출항사 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 뱃사공 - 출항사

Sailing Poem
아무도 없는 외딴섬
A deserted island, no one around
뱃사람 하나
Just a sailor, a boat, and the sound
뱃노래를 부를 때면
When I sing my sea shanty, it's true
괜찮아 몰라준 세상도
The world doesn't know me, but I'm okay, boo
발로 뛰는 마라톤에
While they run the marathon, two feet on the ground
누군 차를 끌고 멀리 내달려
Some are in cars, speeding far out of town
구멍 닻과 맘을 꿰어가며
With a hole in my anchor, my heart I mend
또한 인간인지라
I'm just human, my dear, in the end
조금 아퍼
Ah, a little heartache, I can't pretend
가난을 노래해도 맘은
Even when I sing of hardship, my heart will transcend
떼부자면 두꺼운
It'll be rich with hope, so thick and grand
희망을 덮고
I'll cover myself with it, like a warm, soft sand
낭만을 베고 자면
Sleep on a bed of romance, so grand
겨울 되면 춥고
Winter's cold, of course, it's true
여름 되면 물론 뜨겁지
And summer's heat is undeniable, too
섭리대로 살면
But living with nature's flow, I see
대체 무엇이 부럽지
There's nothing to envy, my darling, truly
집에 오면 나를
When I come home, there you'll be
반겨주는 코시
My Koshi, greeting me so happily
행복은 여기도
Happiness is abundant here, don't you see?
많어 좋은 기운을 담아
Good vibes fill this melody
Into this song, I pour my soul
앨범이 나와
My album's released, making me whole
근데 제목이
But what's its title, you may wonder?
말야 뭐냐고? 출항4
It's "Sailing 4", my love, a true heart-thumper
그래 출항만
Yeah, I'm all about sailing, it's clear
없지 우왕좌왕
No time for hesitation, no room for fear
이것은 붐뱁
This is boom bap, pure and true
클리어는 미안함
Clearance? No need, my love, for me and you
존나 힙합
I'm all about hip hop, through and through
하고 쇠고랑차
I'll even wear handcuffs, if that's what we gotta do
For these stubborn souls, I row my boat
위해 노를
With every stroke, my love for them I devote
네가 느낀다면
If you feel it too, then it's clear to see
외롭지 않아 조금도
We're not alone, my love, you and me
울려라 뱃고동
Cry, foghorn, let your sound resound
다됐지 녹음도
The recording is done, safe and sound
To your thirsty ears, my dear
고막에다가 모금
A sip of this music, let it be clear
리짓군스호는 수면
The Legit Goonship sails upon the water
소문이 많이 났지
Rumors about us, they just get hotter
만족 않지 개개인
But we're not satisfied, not yet, it's true
세질 때까지 갈고닦지
We'll keep honing our skills, me and you
뱃사공 말고 아무것도
Nothing but the name "뱃사공," I bring
아니 달고 왔지
No unnecessary baggage, just this thing
확실히 다른 달라는
I'm different, you see, that's the claim I make
말하는 답변 맞지
And your answer, my love, proves it's no mistake
얼쑤 요샌 배달
Hey, these days I'm working delivery
일해 맥도날드
At McDonald's, earning my keep, you see
퇴근길에 얻은 소절
A few lines scribbled on my way back home
이것만큼 값진 것이 없어
Nothing more precious, my love, than these words I've known
이젠 가봐야해 몰러
Now I gotta go, steer my ship, it's time
파도야 나를 태워
Waves, carry me away, so sublime
멀리 나를 데려가
Take me far, to a distant clime
뱃길은 막힐 없네
My sea lane is clear, no need to wait
헐벗고 헤어나와
Let's strip down, escape, before it's too late
잃을게 없는 뱃사공
I'm 뱃사공, the one with nothing to lose
그래 이건 잃을 없는
Yeah, this adventure, there's nothing to refuse
모험이야 뱃길에 막을
On this sea lane, there's no blockage, it's true
알려 뱃길에 막을 알려
Know this, my love, no blockage for me and you

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