Paloalto - Reality Bites (feat. Huckleberry P) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paloalto - Reality Bites (feat. Huckleberry P)

Reality Bites (feat. Huckleberry P)
Reality Bites (feat. Huckleberry P)
얼빠들이 넘치는 와중에
Amongst the abundance of fools,
여자팬들은 뭐가그리 좋데
My female fans, what is it you like so much?
오빠인지 아저씨인지 애매하지
I'm neither young nor old, somewhere in between,
뭐가됐든지 나를 부정못해
But regardless, they can't deny me.
아는것같애 나쁜년인척하는
You think you know something, acting like a bad girl,
족속 아닌것같애
But you're a follower, not an original,
초딩수준 촌티랩 판쳐도
Your elementary-level, country-bumpkin punchlines are,
신의뜻이라면 공존할수밖에
If it's the will of God, then we must coexist.
나의 친구들은 넘버원 새끼들 엿먹어
My friends are all number one, other guys can go to hell,
영어로하면 fuck 'em all
In English, fuck 'em all.
노세노세 젊어서 늙어지면
Don't try to act young, because when you get old,
어려워 연어처럼 거꾸로
It'll be hard, like a salmon swimming upstream.
인정받은 앨범도 없는 래퍼들
Rappers who haven't released a recognized album,
뻔뻔하게 행사 페이만 올리셔
Shamelessly attend events just to show their faces.
본업이 따로있고 이게 서브 아니잖아
You have another job, this is just a side hustle, isn't it?
정신차려 무슨 너가 소지섭?
Wake up, you're not So Ji-sub.
흔들어 재껴 뭐하고 있냐 흔들어 새끼야
Shake your booty, what are you doing? Shake it, my friend.
느낌가는데로 흔들어 재껴
As you feel it, shake it, shake it.
뭐하는거야 흔들어 새끼야
What are you doing? Shake it, my friend.
그런 다음에 외쳐
Then shout it out.
그런 다음에 외쳐
Then shout it out.
없으면 없는데로 있으면 있는데로
If you have it, then own it, if you don't, then don't.
생긴데로 그대로가 좋아
I like it the way it is, just as it appears.
여긴 서울이지 나라아냐
This is Seoul, not some other country,
나는 살아본적 없는것을 따라하지않아
I won't follow trends I've never seen before.
하지만 비젼은 World Wide
But my vision is worldwide,
전세계 fan들에게 전해 오직 사랑과 평화
To all my fans around the globe, I spread only love and peace.
알아서들 해석해 알아듣는 사람들은
Interpret it as you will, those who understand,
나와같이 잔치를 계속해
Continue partying with me.
멋졌던 형들에게 경례
Hats off to the cool homies,
형제들과 건배
Cheers to my crew, my brothers.
자신없는 애들 구걸해 유명세
Losers beg for attention,
무대에서 악만쓰지 시끄러운새끼
On stage, they just make noise.
살랑살랑 흔들어봐 엉덩이
Shake that booty softly,
느낌아는 여자는 매력있어 엄청
Women who know how to move are so attractive.
자연스레 좋은 분위기를 형성
Create a good vibe naturally,
오바하지마 그런 행동은 멍청
Don't overdo it, that's just dumb.
우리 공연에 와본 애들은 바로 있어
Those who have been to our shows know right away,
진짜와 fake 차이를 판가름할 있어
The difference between real and fake, they can tell.
멋진 보고 자란 우리가 멋진 하듯이
We grew up watching the coolest, so we do cool things,
걔네도 멋을 알아가는 중이야 하나둘씩
And they're starting to learn what's cool, one by one.
그런 애들이 500명씩 모여
About 500 of them gather,
죄다 hi-lite sign's up 휴대폰은 보여
All the hi-lite signs up, no cell phones in sight.
우린 관중을 움직여 외모가 아닌 랩으로
We move the crowd with our lyrics, not our looks,
원하는 이들을 위해 매년 부산이나 대구로
For those who want it, we go to Busan and Daegu every year.
대구하면 egg 부산하면 revel
When it comes to Daegu, it's Egg, in Busan, it's Revel,
힙합에 대해 말하자면 당연히 우리 label
And when it comes to hip-hop, it's our label.
아쉽게도 우리는 화면상으론 자주
Unfortunately, we're not often seen on screen,
상관없어 아는 애들은 이미 공감
But it doesn't matter, those who know, already feel it.
달라고 해도 사는
We don't ask for money, we're doing just fine,
연예인 놀이 아닌 진짜 음악하는
We're not playing celebrity, we're making real music.
베테랑은 매진 분신 역시 매진
Veterans sell out, rookies sell out,
우린 hater 들의 기대를 아주 보기좋기 배신
We love to disappoint the haters.

Writer(s): Sang Hyuk Park

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