Smoking Souls - La Nostra Força - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Smoking Souls - La Nostra Força

La Nostra Força
Our Strength
Ganes de mirar-te
Wanting to see you
Ganes de sentir-te
Wanting to feel you
Però avui la nit freda em mira a mi
But tonight the cold night looks at me
No ens acomiadarem
We won't say goodbye
De sobte et busque i no et veig
Suddenly I look for you and I don't see you
Has eixit amb el teu millor vestit
You left with your best suit
Sona el soroll i observe la por dels teus ulls
The noise plays and I see the fear in your eyes
Un dia més, es trenca una part del meu món
Another day, another piece of my world is broken
No em vas dir que feies
You didn't tell me what you were doing
Que era el que amagaves
What it was that you were hiding
Tan sols buscaves com arribar a la llum
You just wanted to reach the light
I ara mires endavant
And now you're looking ahead
Amb cadenes a les mans
With chains in your hands
Però sabent que el missatge arribarà
But knowing that the message will arrive
I jo et buscava i tu em buscaves a mi
And I was looking for you and you were looking for me
Jo no et trobava, tu no em trobaves a mi
I couldn't find you, you couldn't find me
I ara que ens separen per pensar diferent
And now that they separate us for thinking differently
Ara que ens vigilen perquè tenen por
Now that they watch us because they're afraid
Ja canviarà, s'alçarà tota la pols
It will change, all the dust will rise
Ara que ens amaguen la veritat
Now that they hide the truth from us
Ara ha arribat l'hora de començar a crear
Now is the time to start creating
La solució ara està en les nostres mans
The solution is now in our hands
Perquè recordem la història
Because we remember the story
Perquè no torne a passar
So that it doesn't happen again
I els records encara vius
And the memories still alive
Formen murs en l'oblit
They build walls in oblivion
Per ensenyar i fer més fort el futur, oh yeah
To teach and make the future stronger, oh yeah
Reixes que ens separen
Bars that separate us
Protegint la seua por
Protecting their fear
I més enllà la gent plora pel demà
And beyond the people cry for tomorrow
No esperem respostes
Let's not wait for answers
S'organitzem per capgirar
Let's get organized to turn it around
La situació ara està en les nostres mans
The situation is now in our hands
I jo et buscava i tu em buscaves a mi
And I was looking for you and you were looking for me
Jo no et trobava, tu no em trobaves a mi
I couldn't find you, you couldn't find me
I ara que ens separen per pensar diferent
And now that they separate us for thinking differently
Ara que ens vigilen perquè tenen por
Now that they watch us because they're afraid
Ja canviarà, s'alçarà tota la pols
It will change, all the dust will rise
Ara que ens amaguen la veritat
Now that they hide the truth from us
Ara ha arribat l'hora de començar a crear
Now is the time to start creating
La solució ara està en les nostres mans
The solution is now in our hands
Perquè recordem la història
Because we remember the story
Perquè no torne a passar
So that it doesn't happen again
I els records encara vius
And the memories still alive
Formen murs en l'oblit
They build walls in oblivion
Per ensenyar i fer més fort el futur
To teach and make the future stronger
I ara sent la teua força
And now feel your strength
Ara sembla estar a prop
Now it seems to be close
Perquè fins que no trenquem
Because until we break
Tot allò que ens feia por
All that scared us
No tornarem a trobar aquell sender
We won't find that path again
Perquè recordem la història
Because we remember the story
Perquè no torne a passar
So that it doesn't happen again
I els records encara vius
And the memories still alive
Formen murs en l'oblit
They build walls in oblivion
Per ensenyar i fer més fort el futur
To teach and make the future stronger
I ara sent la teua força
And now feel your strength
Ara sembla estar a prop
Now it seems to be close
Perquè fins que no trenquem
Because until we break
Tot allò que ens feia por
All that scared us
No tornarem a trobar aquell sender
We won't find that path again
I no et buscava, et tenia prop de mi
And I wasn't looking for you, I had you close to me
No et buscava, et tenia prop de mi
And I wasn't looking for you, I had you close to me
No et buscava, et tenia prop de mi
And I wasn't looking for you, I had you close to me
I no et buscava, et tenia prop de mi
And I wasn't looking for you, I had you close to me
No et buscava, et tenia prop de mi
And I wasn't looking for you, I had you close to me
No et buscava, et tenia prop de mi
And I wasn't looking for you, I had you close to me
I no et buscava, et tenia prop de mi
And I wasn't looking for you, I had you close to me
No et buscava, et tenia prop de mi
And I wasn't looking for you, I had you close to me
No et buscava, et tenia prop de mi
And I wasn't looking for you, I had you close to me
I no et buscava, et tenia prop de mi
And I wasn't looking for you, I had you close to me
No et buscava, et tenia prop de mi
And I wasn't looking for you, I had you close to me
No et buscava, et tenia prop de mi
And I wasn't looking for you, I had you close to me

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