2po2 feat. Ermal Fejzullahu - Palaço - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 2po2 feat. Ermal Fejzullahu - Palaço

Nese kom lind n'terr
I came to this world
Du me vdek te deti
So you can live like a god
Gjithe tu lyp diell
You shine every day
Deri sa dielli m'gjeti
Until the sun leaves me
Per me nal shiun
There is no sun for me
Se kom pas mas lehti
You came to me with ease
Per qata ylberin
For this city
Pe du veq per veti
You only care about yourself
Sot u bo ka t'sillesh
Today it's your turn
Konflikt interesi
Conflict of interest
Nuk o vshtir me vrejt
It's not difficult to say
Prej qe t'nis mengjesi
Before you're born
Kurgjo so tabu
Break the taboo
Pa kurfare kompleksi
Without this complex
Llafet nisen per lek
Words are not for play
E perfundojn te seksi
They end up in sex
Fatet ku pom lidhen
Fate doesn't connect people
Senet nuk pom lidhen
Years don't connect people
Sen spo fitohen
Years are gained
Senet ktu po vidhen
Years are seen here
Burrat pa qehre
Men without dignity
Burrat po zgerdhihen
Men are despised
Femnat nuk vlersohen
Women are not valued
Femnat ktu dridhen
Women are strong here
Eh ky karnaval
Oh this carnival
Mboni palaqo edhe mu
Show me the palace too
E kom vnu ni mask
I came in with a mask
Egon e kom shtu
I'm like that
Me pa nuk po du
Without it I don't exist
Nuk po du me ngu
I don't exist with you
Lekt po hin n'bank
Words are hidden in the bank
Kryhet u rrahatu
They hide and relax
Sa ma shum vitet qe po shkojn
The more years go by
Jeta me shum ka kuptim
Life makes more sense
Senet per mir nuk jon ka ndryshojn
Years haven't changed for the better
Dua qe te shoh buzqeshur ftyren tende
I want to see you smile
Dhe ti hekim maskat pergjithmon x2
And you take off your mask forever x2
Nese don ndryshim
If you want change
Duhesh mu nis prej vetes
You have to start with yourself
Kujdes mos je ka lyp
Be careful not to lose yourself
Pak si shume prej jetes
A little too much of life
Spo dina mi dallu
Years separate us
Llafet prej vepres
Words from actions
Se jena bo teper
We are too much
T'nvarun prej letres
We're getting dizzy from the letters
Jeta hec shpejt
Life is fast
Shume here e deshmume
I've seen it many times
Nuk ka dek pa marak
There is no decade without a war
Tem e konsumume
Subject to consumption
Gabime 100 mij qofshin t'kalume
Mistakes pass through a hundred thousand people.
Qka do qe na ndodh jet
Something will happen to us
Thojm u kon e shkrume
Let's say we write it down
E une po du me kon ndryshe
And I want to do it differently
Po du me bo emen
I want to be someone
Nuk po du mem gra
I don't want to be me anymore
Po du me ba temen
I want to be you
Po du me lshue pe
I want to let go of you
Edhe nese malet shemen
Even if my bags are heavy
Po du me than t'verten
I want to say the truth
Nuk pe du rrenen
I don't want to breathe
Eh ky karnaval
Oh this carnival
Mboni palaqo edhe mu
Show me the palace too
E kom vnu ni mask
I came in with a mask
Egon e kom shtu
I'm like that
Me pa nuk po du
Without it I don't exist
Nuk po du me ngu
I don't exist with you
Lekt po hin n'bank
Words are hidden in the bank
Kryhet u rrahatu
They hide and relax
Sa ma shum vitet qe po shkojn
The more years go by
Jeta me shum ka kuptim
Life makes more sense
Senet per mir nuk jon ka ndryshojn
Years haven't changed for the better
Dua qe te shoh buzqeshur ftyren tende
I want to see you smile
Dhe ti hekim maskat pergjithmon x2
And you take off your mask forever x2

2po2 feat. Ermal Fejzullahu - 2020
дата релиза

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