31 FAM - INSEPARABLES - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 31 FAM - INSEPARABLES

Co-co, co-co
Co-co, co-co
Como me gustas, nadie a me gusta
How I like you, nobody likes me like you
Como me besas, nadie a me besa
How you kiss me, nobody kisses me like you
No eres caprichosa, no quieres la luna
You're not capricious, you don't want the moon
Supongo que se conforma siendo la más bella
I suppose you're satisfied being the most beautiful
Tanto que me negaban, pero ya entré en razón
So much that they denied me, but I've come to my senses
Contigo aprendí lo que era hacer el amor
With you I learned what it was to make love
que irme contigo fue una buena decisión
I know that going with you was a good decision
Y lo que me gustaba follar con nuestra canción
And what I liked to fool around with our song
Esa muñequita a me parte y me rompió los planes
That little doll breaks me and broke my plans
De tantas mujeres, solo puedes calmarme
Of so many women, only you can calm me down
Toda mi chulería, contigo era invisible
All my cockiness, with you it was invisible
La bella y la bestia, pero que inseparables
Beauty and the Beast, but I know we are inseparable
Esa muñequita a me parte y me rompió los planes
That little doll breaks me and broke my plans
De tantas mujeres, solo puedes calmarme
Of so many women, only you can calm me down
Toda mi chulería, contigo era invisible
All my cockiness, with you it was invisible
La bella y la bestia, pero que inseparables
Beauty and the Beast, but I know we are inseparable
Contigo como si yo entro en condena, que valió la pena
With you as if I go to condemnation, I know it was worth it
Tu carácter fuerte, supongo que eso me frena
Your strong character, I suppose that's what holds me back
que es muy raro de escuchar estas mierdas
I know it's very rare to hear this shit from me
Supongo que nadie escoge de quien se enamora
I guess nobody chooses who they fall in love with
que no soy santo, pero ¿quién lo fuera?
I know I'm not a saint, but who would be?
Me encontré a Cupido, me quedé su flecha
I met Cupid, I kept his arrow
con maquillaje, mi cara de brechas
You with makeup, my face with scars
eres tan pijita, yo con chándal y las mechas
You are so posh, I'm with sweatpants and highlights
Seguimo′ en el estudio a altas horas
We're still in the studio late at night
Dime, ¿por qué llora'?
Tell me, why are you crying?
Si quieres un hombro, ven aquí y te consuelas
If you want a shoulder, come here and I'll comfort you
Hace mucho tiempo que no creo en personas
I haven't believed in people for a long time
Y no creo en por ti, ha postado tanto en eso
And I don't believe in you, you've posted so much on that
Y me enganché tanto a tus besos
And I got so hooked on your kisses
Que ahora ya ni me acuerdo ni de cómo dormir
That now I don't even remember how to sleep
me enseñaste a querer, me enseñaste a vivir
You taught me to love, you taught me to live
Inseparables som tu i jo i la nostra cançó
We are inseparable, you and I and our song
Que s′acabi el que hem ballat sento que em fa por
That what we danced ends, I feel scared
No et tallaré les ales de la vida
I will not clip your wings of life
Quan saps qui a t'estima
When you know who loves you
que seràs la nena dels meus ulls
I know you'll be the apple of my eye
Per culpa teva, my mind no pensa en els diners
Because of you, my mind doesn’t think about money
No si puc donar-te més del que hem après
I don't know if I can give you more than what we have learned
Facts and facts, em tens entre l'espasa i les parets
Facts and facts, you have me between the sword and the walls
La puta ment em mata si no puc conseguir res de tu
My fucking mind kills me if I can't get anything from you
Vaig complir la meta de seguir-te a tu (jo no puc, jo no puc)
I fulfilled the goal of following you (I can't, I can't)
I encara que tu pensis com m′agrades
And even if you think how much I like you
Per tu són les paraules
Words are for you
Si ja no em queden bales, només queda déjà vu
If I have no bullets left, only déjà vu remains
Sento que em falta l′aire d'explicar-te com
I feel like I lack the air to explain to you how
Em sento jo després del que he passat amb tu
I feel after what I've been through with you
Jo dins del trap sóc com el "renting", mami sempre surto a compte
I'm in the trap like "renting", mommy I always come out on top
Ets el meu drip més flexin′ (ets el meu drip més flexin')
You are my most flexin' drip (you are my most flexin' drip)
Esa muñequita a me parte y me rompió los planes
That little doll breaks me and broke my plans
De tantas mujeres, solo puedes calmarme
Of so many women, only you can calm me down
Toda mi chulería, contigo era invisible
All my cockiness, with you it was invisible
La bella y la bestia, pero que inseparables
Beauty and the Beast, but I know we are inseparable
Esa muñequita a me parte y me rompió los planes
That little doll breaks me and broke my plans
De tantas mujeres, solo puedes calmarme
Of so many women, only you can calm me down
Toda mi chulería, contigo era invisible
All my cockiness, with you it was invisible
La bella y la bestia, pero que inseparables
Beauty and the Beast, but I know we are inseparable
He d′arreglar els meus errors com va dir Bryson
I have to fix my mistakes like Bryson said
Ara a tot arreu on vaig sonen les meves cançons
Now everywhere I go, my songs are playing
Per això li vaig escriure uns versos
That's why I wrote her some verses
Perquè tornés a casa meva sempre i no a la d'aquells cabrons
So that she would always come back to my house and not to those bastards'
Perquè cap d′elles li fa la compe
Because none of them compete with her
Et penso més del que penso i això em virat
I think about you more than I think and that has me turned around
Hem estat cos a cos però t'ha faltat el "tat"
We have been face to face but you have lacked the "tat"
Estic "tranquilo" que jo t'hauré cuidat
I'm "tranquilo" I know I would have taken care of you
Fins els últims dies de la teva vida; homie, sembla mentida
Until the last days of your life; homie, it seems like a lie
Desde que estas amb ell segueixo trastornat
Since you're with him I'm still distraught
Meva babygirl em deixa vibin′ em va trencar els esquemes
My babygirl leaves me vibin' she's going to break my schemes
De partir-me el coco perquè lo nostre fós de veritat
To rack my brains so that ours was real
Cada cop que tanco els ulls sento el teu tors aquí tombat
Every time I close my eyes I feel your torso lying here
Vaig construïr la paret amb tu
I built the wall with you
Mossa la paret se m′ha escardat
Mossa the wall has fallen apart on me
Esa muñequita a me parte y me rompió los planes
That little doll breaks me and broke my plans
De tantas mujeres, solo puedes calmarme
Of so many women, only you can calm me down
Toda mi chulería, contigo era invisible
All my cockiness, with you it was invisible
La bella y la bestia, pero que inseparables
Beauty and the Beast, but I know we are inseparable
Esa muñequita a me parte y me rompió los planes
That little doll breaks me and broke my plans
De tantas mujeres, solo puedes calmarme
Of so many women, only you can calm me down
Toda mi chulería, contigo era invisible
All my cockiness, with you it was invisible
La bella y la bestia, pero que inseparables
Beauty and the Beast, but I know we are inseparable

Авторы: Alejandro Gil Rodríguez, Dídac Serra Franzi, Eduard Freixas Palou, Ferran Vilalta Aguilar

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