8 Kambarys - Randai - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 8 Kambarys - Randai

Tokia šalta naktis, sustojau čia
Such a cold night, I stopped here
Jau kurį laiką stebiu tavo langus
I've been watching your windows for a while
Žinau tu negalvoji apie mane
I know you're not thinking about me
O mano peilio nugaroj galandas
And my knife is sharpening on my back
nebenoriu jau matyt tavęs
I don't want to see you anymore
Taip pasiilgau tavo lūpų skonio
I miss your kiss so much
Strigau sapne kur bėgi nuo manęs
I was stuck in a dream where you were running from me
Bet žinau, kad manęs vis dar nori
But I know you still want me
Bandei apgaut mane
You tried to deceive me
Bet jaučiu, kai man į akis meluoja
But I can feel it when you lie to my eyes
Dar vienas peilis mano nugaroj
Another knife in my back
Ir stebiu jus rūkančius balkone
And I watch you smoke on the balcony
Šitas sapnas greit mums baigsis
This dream will end for us soon
Šitas skrydis mūsų tikslas
This flight is our destination
Let's fly
Tu nematai mums išimčių, ane?
You don't see any exceptions for us, do you?
Atrodai puikiai, bet tu neviena
You look great, but you're not alone
Tu neskaitai mano žinučių, ne
You don't read my messages, no
Tu šitaip stipriai užgavai mane
You hurt me so badly
Tu kankini vien tik būdama čia
You torture me just by being here
Tau šitaip tinka ši tamsi spalva
This dark color suits you so well
Tavęs jau atvažiavo pasiimt
They came to pick you up
O kaip visada, visada
And I, as always, always
Šypsausi tau, viduj mirę drugiai
I smile at you, butterflies dead inside
Kelias sustojo, nebėra kur eit
The road has stopped, there is nowhere to go
Kad tu žinotum kaip tu rūpi man
If you only knew how much I care about you
Išsipaišysiu savo kūną randais
I'll draw scars on my body
Tu mane veiki, bet tu per daug sau leidi
You affect me, but you take too much for granted
Nori tiesos, bet esi tik dviveidė
You want the truth, but you're just a hypocrite
Visas pasaulis tau griūva po kojom
The whole world is crumbling beneath your feet
Tu manęs taip ir nematei
You never saw me

Авторы: Deividas Alejūnas, Karolis Talutis

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