9ice - Fire Dancer - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 9ice - Fire Dancer

Fire Dancer
Fire Dancer
你是玻璃的女孩 你腳尖惦著節拍
You are a girl of glass Your toes tip-toeing to the beat
你用沉默的旋轉獨白 你靜靜地聽 用透明
You speak your silent spinning monologue You listen quietly Softly transparent
感受一切 黑與白 凝結成易脆的彎
Sensing it all Black and white Condensing into a fragile curve
在晶亮的身軀裡 炙熱的靈魂中
In that crystal body In that burning soul
等待著被阻抗的魔咒 不輕易說出口的話
Waiting for the curse to be broken Words you don't say lightly
像裂痕般的傷 卻又那麼容易被看穿
Like the scar of a crack Yet so easily seen through
你是如此的清澈 所以如此的冰冷
You are so clear That's why you are so cold
你是火中的女孩 你從不害怕交出你的心
You are a girl of fire You are never afraid to give your heart
一次一次點燃 你正等待的那一個
Igniting it again and again You are waiting for the one
他願意 牽緊你的手 不讓微火分散
Who is willing To hold your hand To keep the flame from scattering
這漆黑的夜總是 讓一切看起來
This pitch-black night always Makes everything look
簡直比白晝擁有更多 屬於你們耀眼的光
As if it has more Of your blinding light than the day
致命又吸引的 我訝異的凝視著
Deadly and enticing I stare in amazement
我還記得 火焰裡 卻不覺得疼
Yet I remember In the fire I don't feel the pain
我還記得 這裡有 熔化的深刻
I remember The deeply melted depths
我也記得 不顧一切代價般的熱
I remember The price paid for recklessly burning
你是如此的清澈 所以如此的冰冷
You are so clear That's why you are so cold

Авторы: Alexander Ajifolajifaola

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