ACA LUKAS - Demon - перевод текста песни на английский

Demon - ACA LUKASперевод на английский

Ako se ikad sretnemo, ignoriši, ne prilazi
If we ever meet again, ignore me, don't come near
Jer neću da se smaramo sa "gde si ti" i "kako si"
Because I don't want to waste our time with "where are you" and "how are you"
Ja super, super živim od kad si otišla
I'm doing great, great, I've been living since you left
Replika lošeg filma, a gluma jeziva
A replica of a bad movie, and the acting is terrible
Još me po sred stomaka tvoj pogled preseca
Your gaze still cuts through the middle of my stomach
Pa pređem čim te vidim na tamnu stranu meseca
So I cross over to the dark side of the moon when I see you
Kad ugledam demona u svom ogledalu
When I see a demon in my mirror
Prekrstim se i kažem: "Dalje od mene, pu-pu-pu"
I cross myself and say: "Get away from me, pu-pu-pu"
Sebe ni samom sebi ne bi′ poželeo
I wouldn't wish myself on myself
A nije da te nisam do pakla voleo
But it's not like I didn't love you to hell
Bio sam prav i bio kriv, al' nikada bez tebe živ
I was right and I was wrong, but never alive without you
Čudovište sam hranio, od sećanja se branio
I fed the monster, defended myself from memories
Sad super, super živim od kad si otišla
Now I'm doing great, great, I've been living since you left
Replika lošeg filma, a gluma jeziva
A replica of a bad movie, and the acting is terrible
Još me po sred stomaka tvoj pogled preseca
Your gaze still cuts through the middle of my stomach
Pa pređem čim te vidim na tamnu stranu meseca
So I cross over to the dark side of the moon when I see you
Kad ugledam demona u svom ogledalu
When I see a demon in my mirror
Prekrstim se i kažem: "Dalje od mene, pu-pu-pu"
I cross myself and say: "Get away from me, pu-pu-pu"
Sebe ni samom sebi ne bi′ poželeo
I wouldn't wish myself on myself
A nije da te nisam do pakla voleo
But it's not like I didn't love you to hell
Kad ugledam demona u svom ogledalu
When I see a demon in my mirror
Prekrstim se i kažem: "Dalje od mene, pu-pu-pu"
I cross myself and say: "Get away from me, pu-pu-pu"
Sebe ni samom sebi ne bi' poželeo
I wouldn't wish myself on myself
A nije da te nisam do pakla voleo
But it's not like I didn't love you to hell

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