ADIONE - Momento de Reflexión - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ADIONE - Momento de Reflexión

Momento de Reflexión
Moment of Reflection
Recuerdo que de niño quise las mejores parkas
I remember as a kid I wanted the best parkas
Vestirme de marcas, pa' estupidamente darle el corte,
To dress up like brands, to stupidly give him the cut,
Por seguir a creyentes de santa closs y su aporte,
For following believers of Santa closs and their contribution,
siendo que yo sabia que mi viejo era aquel viejo del polo norte,
since I knew that my old man was that old man from the north pole,
Por eso disculpa papá,
That's why I'm sorry Dad,
disculpa mamá, p
sorry mom, p
or insultarle aquella vez que me mandaron a la cama,
or insult him that time they sent me to bed,
si hoy me mandaran al diablo,
if they sent me to the devil today,
les prometo que mañana, d
i promise you that tomorrow, d
esde el infierno les mando el cielo pa ustedes y pa mi hermana,
from hell I send heaven to you and to my sister,
Que me diga que crees en meno la veo,
To tell me that you believe in less I see her,
creo que por eso el estudio y el empleo,
i think that's why study and employment,
pero tambien creo que mi mejor empleo seria cortarle los dedos aquel
but I also think my best job would be to cut off his fingers that
que le apunte pa dañarle y hablarle feo
to point at him to harm him and speak ugly
Por que no mato una mosca en mis cinco sentidos,
Why don't I kill a fly in my five senses,
pero tocame un ser querido y juro que no sigues vivo,
but touch me a loved one and I swear you're not still alive,
que dios me perdone eso de ser tan impulsivo,
God forgive me for being so impulsive.,
pero impulso viene de pulso y ellos son el pulso con que vivo .
but impulse comes from pulse and they are the pulse with which I live.
Momento de reflexion ...
A moment of reflection...
entre pena y saxofone
between pena and saxophone
Como dicen las ancianas en los velorios no somos nada,
As the old ladies say at wakes we are nothing,
por eso debemos aprovechar cada minuto para amar,
that's why we should take advantage of every minute to love,
porque mientras perdemo el tiempo discutiendo con el micrero,
because while I'm wasting my time arguing with the micrero,
el asiento a la felicidad lo ocupara otro pasajero,
the seat to happiness will be occupied by another passenger,
y ahy es cuando comiezas con el arrepentimiento cruelo,
and that's when you eat with the cruel regret,
y te sientes como un infiel despues de un orgasmo con otra mujer,
and you feel like a cheater after an orgasm with another woman,
o como esa,
or like that,
misma mujer que su mayor placer es comer pero no quiere engordar por
same woman that her greatest pleasure is eating but she doesn't want to get fat for
eso no va a almorzar lo que ha de querer,
that's not going to lunch what he must want,
Somos tan inteligentes los seres humanos que antes de darle la mano
We humans are so smart that before we shake hands
con agua a un niño africano, p
with water to an African child, p
rimero nos cuestionamos diciendo mejoor buscamos agua en marte y
then we wonder why we are looking for water on Mars and
aprovechamos de hablar con los marcianos,
we took the opportunity to talk to the Martians,
o castigamos al niño que llega de la escuela,
or we punish the child who comes from school,
que le va pesimo en matematicas pero exelente en artes,
he is doing poorly in mathematics but excellent in arts,
seguramente su padre muy inteligente le reforzara matematicas al que
surely his very intelligent father would reinforce mathematics to the
pudo ser un poeta mas adelante,
he could have been a poet later.,
y asi es como muere un artista,
and that's how an artist dies,
y asi es como se equivocan los padres,
and that's how parents get it wrong,
asi es como desde pequeños no existe el empeño y desidimos cambiar
this is how since childhood there is no commitment and we refuse to change
nuestros sueños por un trabajo estable, a
our dreams for a stable job, a
si es como muere un deportista un artista un cantante un escritor un
if it's how an athlete dies an artist a singer a writer a
actor si de un solo sorbo,
actor if in a single sip,
asi es como los grandes peces nos adormecen con su estupideces y nos
this is how the big fish lull us to sleep with their stupidity and we
vacunan con el morbo.
they vaccinate with the disease.
Y esque debemos ilusionarnos sin medos a multas,
And that's why we should get excited without fines,
como quinciañera que espera que le hable el chico que le gusta,
like a fifth-grader who waits for the guy she likes to talk to her,
como madre que espera que su padre no se muera nunca,
as a mother who hopes that her father will never die,
como preso que quiere salir sin vivir la culpa cumpa.
as a prisoner who wants to get out without living the guilt, comply.
Dime de que sirve tener fuerte el corazon,
Tell me what's the use of having a strong heart,
si el amor esta en peligro de extincion,
if love is in danger of extinction,
como oso panda tortuga .,...
like panda bear turtle.,...
rinoseronte o leon,
rhino or lion,
casamos te amo y los vendemos como pieles en chaqueton,
we marry I love you and we sell them as furs in chaqueton,
y si piensas que tu vida es una mierda,
and if you think your life is shit,
aguarda que hasta la mierda mas mierda sirve de abono pa las plantas,
wait until the shit more shit serves as fertilizer for plants,
cuyas plantas son las raices cosa que cuando crescai de frutos por
whose plants are the roots, which when they grow fruits by
minutos y no te quedes como bonsai,
minutes and don't stay like bonsai,
por la grandesa no va en la belleza,
for the big lady does not go in beauty,
tarde o temprano las ardillas te comeran la cabeza,
sooner or later the squirrels will eat your head,
pues yo tambien quise buen trasero y buenos cenos en mi cama pero los
well, I also wanted a nice ass and good dinners in my bed but the
cenos no te escucharan cuando estes de mala pana,
they won't listen to you when you're in a bad mood,
esta cancion es aburrida y plana pero tambien es como una mujer
this song is boring and flat but it's also like a woman
pariendo verdades gritadas,
giving birth to shouted truths,
pues dime si no vivimos en un mundo hecho de tiza,
well tell me if we don't live in a world made of chalk,
donde los humanos perrean y los perros humanizan.
where humans dog and dogs humanize.
Momento de reflexion ...
A moment of reflection...
entre pena y saxofone
between pena and saxophone
Dime de que sirve tener fuerte el corazon,
Tell me what's the use of having a strong heart,
si el amor esta en peligro de extincion,
if love is in danger of extinction,
como anciano de la mano como abrazo en un valcon,
as an old man holding hands like hug in a valcon,
casamos te amo y los vendemos como confianza en prisión,
we marry I love you and sell them as trust in prison,
por eso la television deja el cerebro roto,
that's why television leaves the brain broken,
pareciera que tiene el control y no hablo del remoto,
it looks like he's in control and I'm not talking about the remote,
pues mientras te quejas del que te quiere gobernar la mayoria del
well, while you're complaining about the one who wants to rule you the majority of the
tiempo eres esclavo del celular,
time you are a slave to the cell phone,
por eso hace mas falta mas adolscentes que no quieran ser rebeldes,
that's why we need more teenagers who don't want to be rebels,
menos verdes por mi area y mas areas verdes,
less green for my area and more green areas,
aca ase falta mas libros mas pasion y mas cultura,
there are more books missing here, more passion and more culture,
que se hable menos del chispa y mas de la chispa de neruda,
let's talk less about the spark and more about the spark of Neruda,
mas corazones que parescan cajeros,
more hearts than parescan atms,
para que depositemos mas confianza que dinero,
so that we deposit more trust than money,
a qui hace falta mas hombre que no quieran una modelo sin antes ver
who needs more men who don't want a model without first seeing
que le sobra pansa y le falta pelo .
that he has too much pansa and he lacks hair.
Yo busco ser libre en esta cuadra de esfera jugando ser el perro que
I seek to be free in this block of sphere playing being the dog that
no cabe en tu perrera,
it doesn't fit in your kennel,
porque prefiero ser un pescado pescado por un pesador antes de ser
because I'd rather be a fish caught by a weigher than be
alimentado en tus peceras,
fed in your fish tanks,
esque solo soy un soldado que soldado del sol que le han dado para
is that I'm just a soldier that soldier of the sun that's been given to
darle calor a los que amo.
to give warmth to those I love.
por eso voy a crear una zapateria,
that's why I'm going to create a shoe store,
pero como el mundo esta patas pa arriba los zapatos seran para las
but as the world is upside down the shoes will be for the
Mientras las señoras quieren colegiales,
While the ladies want schoolboys,
y los señores quieren colegiala,
and the gentlemen want schoolgirl,
mientras yo no me hago problemas soy esclavo del sistema pero con la
while I don't make problems for myself I am a slave to the system but with the
mente de william wallas,
the mind of William Wallas,
mientras me acusan de racista en esta pista les soy franco,
while they're accusing me of being a racist on this track I'm being frank,
diciendo que gracias al negro manche mis papeles blancos .
saying that thanks to the black stain my white papers.
Y lamentablemente la pista se detiene,
And unfortunately the track stops,
dicindo que deje mas estrofas y desahogo para los temas que vienen .
I decide to leave more verses and vent for the upcoming topics.

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