ALO - H-H - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ALO - H-H

Cash rules everything around me
Cash controls everything around me
Ma mica il pezzo classic, i soldi sono tutto per 'sti scarsi
But not the classic piece, the money is everything for these poor people
Ma è con questi quarti che svelo questi falsi
But it's with these quarters that I reveal these fakes
Rimando a casa infanti, a pezzi come Narsi
I send home infants, in pieces like Narsi
Te lo dico simply, tu cerca di capirmi
I tell you simply, you try to understand me
So quanti dischi firmi, ma sai non mi convinci
I know how many records you sign, but you know you don't convince me
Tutti grandi artisti, col seguito di bimbi
All great artists, with a following of children
Fingi, sei nato per morire, mica Biggie
Pretend, you were born to die, not Biggie
Io che ho intenti nobili, criptati dentro codici
I who have noble intentions, encrypted in codes
Lascio sti fenomeni coi crani tipo Oberyn
I leave these phenomena with skulls like Oberyn
Tra questi mitomani coi soliti stereotipi
Among these mythomaniacs with the usual stereotypes
È inferno sulla terra come Avo con Prodigy
It's hell on earth like Avo with Prodigy
Io che verso lacrime, sudore e sangue misto
Me who shed tears, sweat and mixed blood
Ora che ogni tizio mi sa di già visto
Now that every guy already knows me
Forse non apprezzo solo perché non capisco
Maybe I don't appreciate it just because I don't understand
Ma se il futuro è questo, è meglio quello dei No Fiction
But if the future is this, it's better than No Fiction
There is no future, there is no future
There is no future, there is no future
There is no future, the future is down
There is no future, the future is down
Tra tormentoni estivi, falsi miti e web star
Between summer hits, false myths and web stars
L'inverno sta arrivando, come disse Ned Stark
Winter is coming, like Ned Stark said
Io questi non li vedo manco fossi Ray Charles
I don't see these guys, even if I was Ray Charles
Momento della verità. Guru, Gang Starr
Moment of truth. Guru, Gang Starr
Questi fanno i big con i money ed i fan
These ones play big with money and fans
Con i soldi di papà, tutti con la supercar
With daddy's money, all with a supercar
Questo pezzo qua va per queste rap star
This song is for these rap stars
È punizione capitale manco fossi Big Pun
It's capital punishment like I was Big Pun
Era tutto un sogno, e restano sogni infranti
It was all a dream, and dreams remain broken
Questa è la vecchia scuola, beh tornate ai vostri banchi
This is the old school, well go back to your desks
Un gesto con la mano e vi zittisco tutti quanti
A gesture with my hand and I silence you all
Lo faccio senza trucchi, al massimo Jedi Mind Tricks
I do it without tricks, at most Jedi Mind Tricks
Inventi un personaggio perché serve allo share
You invent a character because you need it to share
Qualsiasi cosa ho fatto, sai l'ho fatta per me
Whatever I've done, you know I did it for myself
Stavolta sarò chiaro, cristallino come me
This time I'll be clear, crystal clear like me
I keep on say warning, beware
I keep on saying warning, beware
There is no future, there is no future
There is no future, there is no future
There is no future, the future is down
There is no future, the future is down

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