ASD - Big Boys (feat. Brooke Russell) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ASD - Big Boys (feat. Brooke Russell)

Big Boys (feat. Brooke Russell)
Big Boys (feat. Brooke Russell)
Check das aus!
Check this out!
Das ist A-S-D!
This is A-S-D!
Die neue Platte!!! 200 3!!
The new record!!! 200 3!!
Check Brooke Russell im!
Check Brooke Russell in!
Und zwar Jetzt!
Right now!
Joo, Get your ass on the floor! Genau Jetzt!
Yo, Get your ass on the floor! Right now!
What you waiting before! A-S-D babe!
What you waiting before! A-S-D babe!
Come to party tonight! Samsemilia!
Come to party tonight! Samsemilia!
Ey,??? does it right! Afrob!
Ey,??? does it right! Afrob!
Get your ass on the floor! Brooke Russell!
Get your ass on the floor! Brooke Russell!
What you waiting before! Baby Dooks!
What you waiting before! Baby Dooks!
Got to party tonight Yeah, yeah
Got to party tonight Yeah, yeah
Ey,??? somernight! Yeah, yeah!
Ey,??? summer night! Yeah, yeah!
Mit der, A-F-R-O-B und wer?
With the, A-F-R-O-B and who?
Herr über Block und Stadt mir geht's um mehr!
Lord of the block and the city, I'm going for more!
Wenn ich immer Bullerei, mein Arsch auf 180
When I'm always cops, my ass on 180
Scheiß drauf, mach mein Ding, weiß auch, was ich bin!
Fuck it, do my thing, I know what I am!
Weiß von dem und nehm Rücksicht auf jedes Kind!
I know about that and I take every child into consideration!
Weil in meiner Nachbarschaft, häng da ab und leg das???
Because in my neighborhood, hang out there and put the???
Sitz im Sprachlabor und musizier, weil meine Loggy brennt!
Sit in the language lab and make music because my crib is on fire!
Alles was du fühlst und fühl ich in meim Sortiment!
Everything you feel and I feel in my assortment!
Rest ist nur Stück wert, das ich mit der Zeit verrückt werd!
The rest is just worth a piece that I go crazy with time!
Muss doch nicht so tun als ob ich von entzückt wär!
I don't have to pretend I'm delighted!
Ich räum in one Bar, Tag und Nacht, Nacht und Tag!
I clean up in one bar, day and night, night and day!
Hoff das sich das ganze auf die Hörer sofort übertrag!
Hope the whole thing will be transferred to the listeners immediately!
Mit Afro und das Stoppelhaar, chill ich heut im Doppelhaar!
With Afro and the stubble, I chill today in double hair!
Keiner konnte fronten, weil der Scheiß so tight gekoppelt war!
Nobody could front because the shit was so tightly coupled!
Sam! (was geht?) Es lebt und bebt (Is doch klar!)
Sam! (What's up?) It lives and pulsates (It's clear!)
Mit A-S-D tun wir weh! Und machens wahr!
With A-S-D we hurt! And make it come true!
Große Jungs, großer Bums, keine Probe, bloße Kunst!
Big boys, big boom, no rehearsal, just art!
Texte vorn- und Widerschmeißen, ja mann so gefall ich uns!
Throw texts back and forth, yeah man that's how we like us!
Keiner könnte sagen, dass er von dem überrascht war!
Nobody could say that he was surprised by that!
Wir Zwei! Arthur hier jetzt die???
We two! Arthur here now the???
Joo, Get your ass on the floor! Genau Jetzt!
Yo, Get your ass on the floor! Right now!
What you waiting before! A-S-D babe!
What you waiting before! A-S-D babe!
Come to party tonight! Samsemilia!
Come to party tonight! Samsemilia!
Ey,??? does it right! Afrob!
Ey,??? does it right! Afrob!
Get your ass on the floor! Brooke Russell!
Get your ass on the floor! Brooke Russell!
What you waiting before! Baby Dooks!
What you waiting before! Baby Dooks!
Got to party tonight Yeah, yeah
Got to party tonight Yeah, yeah
Ey,??? somernight! Yeah, yeah!
Ey,??? summer night! Yeah, yeah!
Yeah, Ladies und Gentleman, Ich bin crazy wie Eminem,
Yeah, Ladies and Gentleman, I'm crazy like Eminem,
Wenn ich mal wieder besoffen von ein paar Wodka lemon bin! (Dändändän!)
When I'm drunk again from a couple of vodka lemon! (Dändändän!)
Bin ich dumm oder bin ich Intelligent, ich komm mit mehr Flow (Flow)
Am I stupid or am I intelligent, I come with more flow (flow)
Und burn MCs permanent! Dank an unser Management, an Peggy und Sophie!
And burn MCs permanently! Thanks to our management, Peggy and Sophie!
Sie halten unser Buissnes tight, ich mach noch Rap in meim Oby!
You keep our business tight, I still rap in my Oby!
Ei yo Afrob! (Was geht ab?) Jep, Wer hätte das gedacht,
Ei yo Afrob! (What's up?) Yep, who would have thought,
Dass mit som' crazy Typen wie dir mal ne Platte mach?
That I'll make a record with such crazy guys like you?
(Ich nich!) Ich auch nich, es ist unglaublich, erstaunlich,
(Not me!) Me neither, it's unbelievable, amazing,
Was hat das mit den beiden auf sich?
What's that got to do with those two?
Wir komm zu Zweit, das Team und übernehm!
We come as a couple, the team and take over!
Schrein: "Bitte gehen'! Sag: "Tschüß auf wieder sehn"!
Shout: 'Please go'! Say: "Bye see you again"!
Ich steh den ganzen Tag vorm Spiegel, übe Überposen!
I stand in front of the mirror all day, practice overposing!
Bin Größenwahnsinnig und hab ein paar Profiderhosen!
I'm megalomaniac and have some professional pants!
Ich könnt mich ändern, doch ich bleib wie ich bin!
I could change, but I'll stay as I am!
Mir Latte ob Battle-Rap out ist oder Eigenlob stink!
I don't care if battle rap is out or self-praise stinks!
Ich trag mein eigenes Logo, mein Image steht mir so gut!
I wear my own logo, my image suits me so well!
Der Name is Samy Deluxe, A-S-D ist die Crew!
The name is Samy Deluxe, A-S-D is the crew!
Also seht gut zu! Ich perform und schreib Klassiker!
So watch out! I perform and write classics!
Heut mit Brooke Russell, Ja, yeah, yo also was geht ab!?
Today with Brooke Russell, Yeah, yeah, yo so what's up!?
Joo, Get your ass on the floor! Genau Jetzt!
Yo, Get your ass on the floor! Right now!
What you waiting before! A-S-D babe!
What you waiting before! A-S-D babe!
Come to party tonight! Samsemilia!
Come to party tonight! Samsemilia!
Ey,??? does it right! Afrob!
Ey,??? does it right! Afrob!
Get your ass on the floor! Brooke Russell!
Get your ass on the floor! Brooke Russell!
What you waiting before! Baby Dooks!
What you waiting before! Baby Dooks!
Got to party tonight Yeah, yeah
Got to party tonight Yeah, yeah
Ey,??? somernight! Yeah, yeah!
Ey,??? summer night! Yeah, yeah!
Joo, Get your ass on the floor! Genau Jetzt!
Yo, Get your ass on the floor! Right now!
What you waiting before! A-S-D babe!
What you waiting before! A-S-D babe!
Come to party tonight! Samsemilia!
Come to party tonight! Samsemilia!
Ey,??? does it right! Afrob!
Ey,??? does it right! Afrob!
Get your ass on the floor! Brooke Russell!
Get your ass on the floor! Brooke Russell!
What you waiting before! Baby Dooks!
What you waiting before! Baby Dooks!
Got to party tonight Yeah, yeah
Got to party tonight Yeah, yeah
Ey,??? somernight! Yeah, yeah!
Ey,??? summer night! Yeah, yeah!
Joo, Get your ass on the floor! Genau Jetzt!
Yo, Get your ass on the floor! Right now!
What you waiting before! A-S-D babe!
What you waiting before! A-S-D babe!
Come to party tonight! Samsemilia!
Come to party tonight! Samsemilia!
Ey,??? does it right! Afrob!
Ey,??? does it right! Afrob!
Get your ass on the floor! Brooke Russell!
Get your ass on the floor! Brooke Russell!
What you waiting before! Baby Dooks!
What you waiting before! Baby Dooks!
Got to party tonight Yeah, yeah
Got to party tonight Yeah, yeah
Ey,??? somernight! Yeah, yeah!
Ey,??? summer night! Yeah, yeah!

Авторы: Sorge Samy, Russell Brooke, Zemichiel Robert, Vurdelja D.

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