ASIA ENGINEER - 傘 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский ASIA ENGINEER - 傘

Don't worry, even if the sky cries tomorrow, I'm not worried.
I'll be a big umbrella to protect you.
Don't worry, even if the sky cries tomorrow, I'm not worried.
I've found the meaning of protecting you.
絶対にいつも見守ってるよ どんな場所でも手をつないで歩こう
I'll always watch over you, no matter where you are. Let's walk hand in hand.
泣き出した空が濡らすアスファルト 悲しみが360度染める
The crying sky wets the asphalt, sadness colors everything around.
でも差し伸べる手 思いを聞かせて 目はそらさないぜ
But I'll reach out my hand, listen to your thoughts, and I won't look away.
汚れる足元 それでも笑って一歩 さぁチャプチャプランランラン
Your feet get dirty, but still, you smile and take a step, come on, splash, splash, run, run, run.
でもまだ悲しみにくれて 心の底金縛りになるなら
But if you're still sad, and your heart feels tied up,
隣でちょいメロディー奏でるよ 少しでも笑顔に戻れるように
I'll play a little melody next to you, so you can smile again.
さぁどしゃ降りの中を お気に入り長靴とレインコート
Come on, in the pouring rain, with your favorite boots and raincoat,
持って迎えに行くよ 決して一人にはさせない
I'll come and get you, I won't leave you alone.
その笑顔守りたい 心配はいらない
I want to protect your smile, don't worry.
An imperfect man becomes a father,
雨降り付ける 風吹き付ける中びしょ濡れになっても歩き続ける
Even if the rain falls and the wind blows, I'll walk on, even if I get soaked.
An imperfect man with stubborn pride,
小さな手だけは離さない その頬を濡らさぬ様守りたい
I won't let go of your small hand, I want to protect your cheeks from the rain.
My baby all my life
My baby all my life.
Don't worry, even if the sky cries tomorrow, I'm not worried.
I'll be a big umbrella to protect you.
Don't worry, even if the sky cries tomorrow, I'm not worried.
I've found the meaning of protecting you.
まるで映画の Life is beautiful のように何が起こっても笑ってよう
Just like in the movie "Life is beautiful", we'll laugh no matter what.
Even if the sun disappears, and endless nights continue, our hearts will shine.
前に現る人生のレール ルール変える力貸してあげる
I'll help you change the rules on the rails of life that appear before us.
I'll be a model for you, strong, kind, and joyfully walking, living.
昨日今日明日も異常気象続く模様 負けない様 備えよう
Yesterday, today, tomorrow, abnormal weather patterns are expected. Let's prepare so we don't lose.
空模様は Rainy day されど花咲かす糧に変わるぜいずれ
Rainy day skies, but they will eventually become food for blooming flowers.
ポジティブ思考で Ready go 常に精一杯背伸びを笑顔をいつもくれるから
With a positive attitude, ready, go, always try your best, you always give me a smile.
俺の全てでそれを守るから これから何が起きてもこのまま
I'll protect you with everything I have, no matter what happens from now on, this way.
An imperfect man becomes a father,
雨降り付ける 風吹き付ける中びしょ濡れになっても歩き続ける
Even if the rain falls and the wind blows, I'll walk on, even if I get soaked.
An imperfect man with stubborn pride,
小さな手だけは離さない その頬を濡らさぬ様守りたい
I won't let go of your small hand, I want to protect your cheeks from the rain.
My baby all my life
My baby all my life.
Don't worry, even if the sky cries tomorrow, I'm not worried.
I'll be a big umbrella to protect you.
Don't worry, even if the sky cries tomorrow, I'm not worried.
I've found the meaning of protecting you.
And someday,
雨降り続く場面 吹き荒れる風の中でも負けるなかれ
Even in the face of continuous rain, in the face of the raging wind, don't give up.
立て!! 諦めちゃ駄目 荒野にハナタレやがて花となれ
Rise up! Don't give up, in the wilderness, a tearful face will eventually become a flower.
さぁ晴れ晴れ笑え 遥かな旅路まさに幸あれ
Come on, smile brightly. A distant journey, may happiness be yours.
そう思い出せ すぐ側で見守ってるよ 君の影 君の為
Remember, I'm watching over you, always by your side. Your shadow, for you.
Don't worry, even if the sky cries tomorrow, I'm not worried.
I'll be a big umbrella to protect you.
Don't worry, even if the sky cries tomorrow, I'm not worried.
I've found the meaning of protecting you.
Don't worry, even if the sky cries tomorrow, I'm not worried.
I'll be a big umbrella to protect you.
Don't worry, even if the sky cries tomorrow, I'm not worried.

Авторы: Asia Engineer, Yanagiman, エイジア エンジニア

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