Adala - Drames - перевод текста песни на английский

Drames - Adalaперевод на английский

Re da da da da da dan ooh
Re da da da da da dan ooh
Drames, i a Barcelona tot són drames
Dramas, in Barcelona everything is drama
Vinguis d'on vinguis tot són drames
Wherever you come from, everything is drama
Vagis on vagis tot són drames, oh oh oh
Wherever you go, everything is drama, oh oh oh
Drames, i a Barcelona tot són drames
Dramas, and in Barcelona everything is drama
Miris on miris tot són drames
Wherever you look, everything is drama
I a Barcelona tot són drames, oh oh oh
And in Barcelona everything is drama, oh oh oh
Aquí hi han moments de fam que la fama
Here there are moments of fame that are painful
Aquí hi han els que manen i els que manen
Here there are those who rule and those who are ruled
Aquí hi ha qui amenaça i qui s'abraça
Here there are those who threaten and those who embrace
Aquí o tot és poc o tot és Massa
Here everything is little or everything is too much
I si ens ataquen en el Lloc on tot fa mal
And if they attack us in the place where everything hurts
Has de saber que estem curtits de vegetal
You must know that we are seasoned with vegetables
Masses derrotes s'han lluitat fins al final.
Many defeats have been fought to the end
Masses mentides semblen dissoldre la sal
Many lies seem to dissolve the salt
I ens arriben les Inés
And the Inés come to us
D'una mar que fa temps que plora
From a sea that has long been crying
I on s'hi banya una Europa
And where a Europe is bathing
Soluble i xopa
Soluble and soaked
Drames, i a Barcelona tot són drames
Dramas, and in Barcelona everything is drama
Vagis on vagis tot són drames
Wherever you go, everything is drama
Vinguis d'on vinguis tot són drames
Wherever you come from, everything is drama
I a la tele tot drama
And on TV, all drama
Barcelona és un farol
Barcelona is a bluff
Només guanyem al futbol
We only win at soccer
Pro barna de qui és?
But who does barna belong to?
I ens han posat barreras
And they have put up barriers
No ens han fet aixeca'l vol
They have not made us fly
Han perdura el control
They have kept control
Pro jove
But young man
Dígali li-li-li
Tell him li-li-li
Que ja no et volen al barri
That they don't want you in the neighborhood anymore
Si no vas de consumir
If you don't come to consume
Explícali li-li-li
Explain to him li-li-li
Que el turime mata al barri
That tourism is killing the neighborhood
Que el volen ven lluny d'aquí
That they want to sell it far away from here
Drames, si no tens peles tot són drames
Dramas, if you don't have money, everything is drama
Per nar perdut tot es un drama
To get lost is a drama
Si no tens peles tot són drames
If you don't have money, everything is drama
Drames, i a Barcelona tot són drames
Dramas, and in Barcelona everything is drama
Re da da da da da drames
Re da da da da da dramas
I aquí de tot ja han fet un drama, oh
And here they have already made a drama out of everything, oh

Авторы: Guillem Simó Vallvé

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