Adala - Hibarnan - перевод текста песни на английский

Hibarnan - Adalaперевод на английский

Hi ha qui molta cara i hi ha qui creu
There are those who have a lot of face and those who believe
Creuen en la moneda tot cara o creu
They believe in the coin all head or tail
Creuen l'Esglèsia donant pela al que seu
They believe the Church by giving peel to the one who sits
Seuen i resen demanant perdó a Déu
They sit and pray asking God for forgiveness
Deu ser la culpa pel que fan i no es veu
It must be guilt for what they do and is not seen
Veuen del vi que fa la merda més lleu
They drink wine that makes the shit lighter
Lleuren la ràbia ara quin és el teu deal
Take away the anger now what is your deal
Dilemes sobre pela no és el meu stil
Dilemmas about peel is not my style
Stilitzan' cada lletra estic sempre apunt
Styling every letter I'm always ready
Apuntant paraules no em veuràs fallar el tret
I point out words you won't see me miss the shot
Tret de la música res passa la set
Shot of music nothing quenches the thirst
Setmana 3 al puto 67
Week 3 at the fucking 67
Barna Town
Barna Town
Sobrevivint un hivern més a Barna Town
Surviving another winter in Barna Town
A la ciutat gelada on és my Burnin' Town
In the frozen city where is my Burnin' Town
Una nit més hivernan' a Barna Town
One more night hibernating in Barna Town
I escolta això dama
And listen lady
Mi se'm enfot la fama
I don't give a damn about fame
Mi poc a poc amb calma
Little by little with calm
No pressa dama camino fins que se'm fot la cama
No hurry lady I walk until my leg is fucked
Se del seu jo la trama
I know his plot
Tu ets un robot i ell mana
You're a robot and he rules
Cuidado amb el que dius has de tenir la boca sana
Beware of what you say, you must have a healthy mouth
Fota-li foc i flama
Set it on fire and flame
Stat de xoc quin drama
State of shock what a drama
Torna la gana però ara parteixes tu la pana
The hunger returns but now you share the bread
I on és aquella Barna
And where is that Barna
La lluita que va caure
The fight that fell
Llavors del 36 on és que creixen i on se'n van
Then of 36 where do they grow and where do they go
On van, on van
Where do they go, where do they go
On van totes les lluites enterrades
Where do all the buried struggles go?
On és que creixen i on se'n van
Where do they grow and where do they go
On van, on van
Where do they go, where do they go
On van totes les lluites enterrades
Where do all the buried struggles go?
On és la nostra
Where is our
Barna Town
Barna Town
Sobrevivint un hivern més a Barna Town
Surviving another winter in Barna Town
A la ciutat gelada on és my Burnin' Town
In the frozen city where is my Burnin' Town
Una nit més hivernan' a Barna Town
One more night hibernating in Barna Town

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