Adan Zapata - Me Ilucionaste - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Adan Zapata - Me Ilucionaste

Me Ilucionaste
You Gave Me False Hope
No me arrepiento de haberte conocido porque apesar de todo la pase muy bien contigo
I don't regret meeting you, because despite everything, I had a great time with you
De lo que me arrepiento es de haberte querido porque solo jugaste conmigo
What I regret is having loved you, because you only played with me
Solo jugaste me engañaste lo arruinaste nose porque la verdad solo ilucionaste
You only played, you deceived me, you ruined it, I don't know why, the truth is you only gave me false hope
Jugastes con el hombre que por ti todo daria solo imagine una ilucion que no llegaria
You played with the man who would give everything for you, I only imagined a dream that would never come true
Aveces quisiera por ti perderme en tragos aveces pienso te alejastes por ser una vago
Sometimes I want to lose myself in drinks because of you, sometimes I think you left because I'm a bum
Aun recuerdo que decia te quiero y tu lo mismo no entiendo porque ahorita estoy perdido en un avismo
I still remember saying I love you and you saying the same, I don't understand why I'm lost in an abyss right now
Extrañando tu cuerpo tus besos todo aquello como un pobre iluso que ese fui fue lo mas bello
Missing your body, your kisses, all that, like a poor fool, that was me, it was the most beautiful thing
Derrotado de frente hubieras hablado el sueño que tenia para ti lo has terminado
You should have spoken honestly, you have ended the dream I had for you
Estuve contigo y en verdad no me arrepiento me ilucionaste jugastes con sentimientos
I was with you and I truly don't regret it, you gave me false hope, you played with my feelings
Yo no sabia que tu ami no me querias mientras me decias te quiero y yo de tonto te creiaa
I didn't know that you didn't love me, while you told me you loved me and I foolishly believed you
Todos los dias que te veia me sentia tan feliz bebe porque yo te tenia
Every day I saw you, I felt so happy, baby, because I had you
Pero que hipocresia tu jurabas que eras mia nunca pude abrir los ojos y es lo que mas me dolia
But what hypocrisy, you swore you were mine, I could never open my eyes and that's what hurt me the most
Porque lo hacias si saves bien que sufria y no me digas que no porque yo se que si savias que tonteria tanto que te presumia y yo diciendo que por ti todo dariaa
Why did you do it if you know well that I suffered, and don't tell me you didn't, because I know you did, what nonsense, I bragged about you so much and I said I would give everything for you
Esta alegria se convirtio en agonia nunca pense que por una mujer llorariaa
This joy turned into agony, I never thought I would cry for a woman
(Lo sabia) pero ya es tarde que ironia conmigo te hubieras sacado la loteria
(I knew it) but it's too late, what irony, you would have hit the lottery with me
Pero eres fria y por dentro estas vacia jamas pense que solo tu me ilucionarias
But you're cold and empty inside, I never thought that you would only give me false hope
Una ilusion hoy queda en esta cancion hoy pierdo la razon por ti pierdo el corazon
A dream today remains in this song, today I lose my mind, for you I lose my heart
No hay marcha atras que triste hoy te vas y miro cuando te marchas y nose si volveras
There's no turning back, how sad you're leaving today, and I watch you leave and I don't know if you'll come back
Yo te queria y jurabas que tu tambien tantos momentos chidos todo pintaba bien
I loved you and you swore you did too, so many cool moments, everything looked good
Conmigo encontrabas mas que un amigo hoy estoy sin ti sin ti en el camino sigo
With me you found more than a friend, today I'm without you, without you on the road I continue
No importa el dinero no importa cuanto regales lo que importa es que te quiero y no a las cosas materiales
Money doesn't matter, it doesn't matter how much you give, what matters is that I love you and not material things
No te sales de mi mente te pienso todos los dias me ahogo en llanto porque tu ya no eres mia
You don't leave my mind, I think about you every day, I drown in tears because you're no longer mine
Daria todo porque conmigo estubieras que volvieras mi amor que me quisieras
I would give everything to be with you, for you to come back, my love, for you to love me
Trato de olvidarte pero pierdo en el intento prometi ya no extrañarte pero en eso si si miento
I try to forget you but I fail in the attempt, I promised not to miss you anymore but in that I lie
No me arrepiento de haberte conocido porque apesar de todo la pase muy bien contigo
I don't regret meeting you, because despite everything, I had a great time with you
De lo que me arrepiento es de haberte querido porque solo jugaste conmigo
What I regret is having loved you, because you only played with me

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