Adastra - Pusti - перевод текста песни на английский

Pusti - Adastraперевод на английский

Let It Be
Dižemo silne zidove
We build strong walls
Svojih ego tripova,
Of our ego trips,
A iza njih smo usamljene skitnice.
But behind them we are lonely wanderers.
Najgore je kad desi se
Worst of all is when it happens
Da u trenu nestane
That in a moment all is gone,
Ono što gradili smo
That which we have built
Sad je prazan hram.
Is now an empty temple.
Kako se lako odreći
How easily we give up
Jedni drugoga,
On each other,
Sve svete stvari
So sacred things
Danas ništa ne znače.
Mean nothing today.
Negdje u tami prkosi
Somewhere in the darkness defies
Pravednik koji doziva
The righteous man who calls
Vjetar što utjehom će izbrisati bol.
The wind that will erase the pain with comfort.
Pusti nek' misle što hoće...
Let them think what they will...
Opet prkosim u tami
Again I defy the darkness
Ovog puta nema vraćanja
This time there is no turning back
Ja sam pravednik ovo su nepravedna sjećanja.
I am the righteous man these are the unjust memories.
Pamtim sreću koja traje duplo manje,
I remember happiness that lasts half as long,
Malo procvjeta pa se pretvori u sranje
It blossoms a little and then turns to shit
I kad postanem pric drugi dan sam opet žaba,
And when I become a prince the next day I am a frog again,
Umoran i nemoćan ko neka stara baba-
Tired and powerless like some old woman-
Sve je usporeno opet osjećam se grogi,
Everything is slowed down I feel groggy again,
Sve što boli u trbuhu mi se se zdrobi.
Everything that hurts crushes me in my stomach.
Odbijam bit' provociran,
I refuse to be provoked,
Odbijam bit' iznerviran,
I refuse to be nervous,
Odbijam bit' drogiran, pijan, izoliran.
I refuse to be drugged, drunk, isolated.
Zašto više nismo ljudi dobre volje?
Why are we no longer people of good will?
Zašto naše ne valja a tuđe je bolje?
Why is our no good but that of others is better?
Zašto sve što raste mi režemo u korijenu?
Why do we cut everything that grows at the root?
Zašto nepromjenjivi obećavaju promjenu?
Why do the unchangeable promise change?
A svijet je nekad lijep kada gledam ga takvog,
But the world is sometimes beautiful when I look at it that way,
Na njemu nema dosta hrane al'
There is not much food on it but
Ima metak za svakog...
There is a bullet for everyone...
Zašto dižu se zidovi stvoreni iz boli
Why are walls built out of pain
I tko su svi ti umjetni idoli?
And who are all these artificial idols?
Govore sorry kad za milost se moli
They say sorry when they beg for mercy
A reklame im govore kako se živi i voli.
And commercials tell them how to live and love.
Zato opet opet idem nazad,
That's why I'm going back again,
Duboko ispod,
Deep down,
Dublje nego ikad gdje visoko je pod
Deeper than ever where the bottom is high
I bit će mi dobro,
And I'll be fine,
Sve nevažno proć' će,
Everything unimportant will pass,
A do tada puštam ih nek' misle šta hoće.
And until then I'll let them think what they want.
Pusti nek' misle što hoće...
Let them think what they will...

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