Ade - AB Aeterno - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ade - AB Aeterno

AB Aeterno
AB Aeterno
Ut semel haec rerum secessit lite suarum
When this strife of things had once withdrawn to a truce
Inque novas abiit massa soluta domos
And rearranged itself to new homes, freed,
Flamma petit altum propior locus aera cepit
Flame sought higher places, air seized more friendly ones,
Sederunt medio terra fretumque solo
Earth settled in the center and water in the flat country
Tunc ego qui fueram globus et sine imagine moles
Then I, who had been a globe and a mass without form
In faciem redii dignaque membra deo
Returned to a face and limbs worthy of a god
Nunc quoque confusae quondam nota parva figurae
Now also, of that confused form a small trace still lingers
Ante quod est in me postque videtur idem
That which is before me seems also to be after
Accipe quesitae quae causa sit altera formae
Receive the cause why my form is now changed
Hanc simul ut noris officiumque meum
As soon as you know it, as well as my function
Quicquid ubique vides, caelum, mare, nubila, terras
Whatever you see everywhere, heaven, sea, clouds, earth
Omnia sunt nostra clausa patenque manu
All are enclosed in my hand, both shut and open
Me penes est unum vasta custodia mundi
The world's vast guardianship is mine alone
Et ius vertendi cardines omne meum est
And the right to turn the hinges of the universe
Cum libut pacem placidis emittere tectis
When it pleases me to send peace to quiet dwellings
Libera perpetuas ambulat illa vias
It walks those paths, flowing freely and for eternity
Sanguine letifero totus miscebitur orbis
The entire world shall be mixed with the lethal blood of death

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