Adiss - Mainchick - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Adiss - Mainchick

Main Chick
Bejbe, bejbe, bejbe
Baby, baby, baby
Nastal jeden problém menší
A little problem arose
Začal som sa s jednou slečnou riešiť
I started messing with another girl
To by nebol problém
It wouldn't be a problem
Keby o tom nevedela moja mainchick. Moja mainchick
If my main chick didn't know about it. My main chick
Teraz mi vraví, že som hriešnik
Now she's calling me a sinner
Nechce so mnou viacej nič riešiť!
She doesn't want anything to do with me anymore!
To by nebol problém
It wouldn't be a problem
Keby nechcem aby bola moja mainchick
If I didn't want her to be my main chick
Ay, píšem správu iba s bodkou
Ay, I'm texting her with just a dot
Aby vedela, že som s ňou
So she knows I'm with her
Že mi nemôže napísať nič
That she can't text me anything
A že by jej to došlo, lebo ma podozrieva nonstop
And that she would get it, because she suspects me nonstop
Ona ma zatiaľ čaká s vodkou
Meanwhile, she's waiting for me with vodka
Chce len aby som sa jej dotkol
She just wants me to touch her already
Hovorím jej, že zajtra bitch
I'm telling her, not until tomorrow, bitch
Zas budem mazať fotku za fotkou
I'll be deleting picture after picture again
A že ju to nebaví, ay
And that she's tired of it, ay
Že mala o nás iné predstavy, ay
That she had different ideas about us, ay
Stále chceš nech ju nechám ísť
You still want me to let her go
Prepáč mi, ale nebaví ma zažívať to dejavú
I'm sorry, but I'm tired of experiencing this déjà vu
Keď som sám, nepoznám krásu tvojich pier
When I'm alone, I don't know the beauty of your lips
Preto mám v zálohe dievča
That's why I have a girl in reserve
Čo nahradí mi krásu holých tiel, yeyeyeeeah!
Who will replace the beauty of naked bodies for me, yeyeyeeeah!
Nastal jeden problém menší
A little problem arose
Začal som sa s jednou slečnou riešiť
I started messing with another girl
To by nebol problém
It wouldn't be a problem
Keby o tom nevedela moja mainchick. Moja mainchick
If my main chick didn't know about it. My main chick
Teraz mi vraví, že som hriešnik
Now she's calling me a sinner
Nechce so mnou viacej nič riešiť!
She doesn't want anything to do with me anymore!
To by nebol problém
It wouldn't be a problem
Keby nechcem aby bola moja mainchick. Moja mainchick
If I didn't want her to be my main chick. My main chick
Moja main, moja main, moja mainchick, moja mainchick
My main, my main, my main chick, my main chick
Moja main, to ja viem, že si dokonalalalalala
My main, I know you're perfectlalalalala
Moja main, moja main, moja mainchick. yeah, ey, oou!
My main, my main, my main chick. yeah, ey, oou!
Moja main, to ja viem, že si dokonalalalalala
My main, I know you're perfectlalalalala
Huh, neviem čo v sebe máš
Huh, I don't know what you have in you
Ale to čo si mi dala som dlho nevedel nájsť, ey
But what you gave me, I couldn't find for a long time, ey
Uh! Bolo ich viac jak sedemnásť
Uh! There were more than seventeen of them
No ani pri jednej mi vážne nechcel rásť môj záujem
But with none of them did my interest really want to grow
Asi to tak musí byť, prepáč bejbe ja ti nechcem ublížiť
I guess it has to be like this, I'm sorry baby I don't want to hurt you
Ja lásku chcem! No mám denne stavy
I want love! But I have daily moods
Čo keď si len chutíme, no potom ostaneme sami, bejbe
What if we just like each other, but then we're left alone, baby
No tak buď moja, buď moja
So be mine, be mine
Hľadám predsa mainchick, no tak kľud moja
I'm looking for a main chick, so calm down, my dear
Žiadna spravodlivosť, toto neni súd moja
No justice, this is not a court, my dear
Nasleduj ma, zoberiem ťa na vrchol z údolia
Follow me, I'll take you to the top of the valley
Z toho vrchu krásne vidno celý minulý čas
From that peak you can see the whole past beautifully
sa môžme pritúliť zas
We can cuddle again
Bez toho aby zas niekto vyrušil nás
Without someone interrupting us again
Ne, ne, jej nevolám
No, no, I'm not calling her anymore
Nastal jeden problém menší
A little problem arose
Začal som sa s jednou slečnou riešiť
I started messing with another girl
To by nebol problém
It wouldn't be a problem
Keby o tom nevedela moja mainchick. Moja mainchick
If my main chick didn't know about it. My main chick
Teraz mi vraví, že som hriešnik
Now she's calling me a sinner
Nechce so mnou viacej nič riešiť!
She doesn't want anything to do with me anymore!
To by nebol problém
It wouldn't be a problem
Keby nechcem aby bola moja mainchick. Moja mainchick
If I didn't want her to be my main chick. My main chick
Moja main, moja main, moja mainchick, moja mainchick
My main, my main, my main chick, my main chick
Moja main, to ja viem, že si dokonalalalalala
My main, I know you're perfectlalalalala
Moja main, moja main, moja mainchick. yeah, ey, oou!
My main, my main, my main chick. yeah, ey, oou!
Moja main, to ja viem, že si dokonalalalalala
My main, I know you're perfectlalalalala
Nastal jeden problém menší
A little problem arose
Začal som sa s jednou slečnou riešiť
I started messing with another girl
To by nebol problém
It wouldn't be a problem
Keby o tom nevedela moja mainchick. Moja main
If my main chick didn't know about it. My main
Teraz mi vraví, že som hriešnik
Now she's calling me a sinner
Nechce so mnou viacej nič riešiť!
She doesn't want anything to do with me anymore!
To by nebol problém
It wouldn't be a problem
Keby nechcem aby bola moja mainchick
If I didn't want her to be my main chick

Авторы: Adam Miščík

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