Adrià Puntí - Flors I Violes - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Adrià Puntí - Flors I Violes

Flors I Violes
Flowers and Violets
Hi ha una festa a baix al port
There's a party down by the port
I la gent se n'hi va amb els ulls plens d'espurnes, cantant
And people are going with their eyes full of sparkles, singing
Mudadeta hi has anat
You've gone to the party
Que la vida et somriu amb la força del sol a l'estiu
May life smile on you with the strength of the sun in summer
Afanya't que no queda temps
Hurry, there's no time left
La feina se'ns va acumulat
The work has piled up on us
I encara que fóssim eterns
And even if we were eternal
Faltaria temps per a poder-te estimar
There wouldn't be enough time to love you
Afanya't que no queda temps
Hurry, there's no time left
Flors i violes per sopar
Flowers and violets for dinner
I encara que ens escorcollesin
And even if they searched us
No trobarien un segon de més
They wouldn't find a second more
Mudadeta tu has tornat
You've come back to the party
Cap a casa plorant com cada any pels tristos carrers
Home crying as every year through the sad streets
Es fa tard però tingues fe
It's getting late but have faith
Que la fe al capdavall és de franc i no costa diners
That faith after all is free and costs no money
Afanya't que no queda temps
Hurry, there's no time left
La feina se'ns va acumulant
The work has piled up on us
I encara que fóssim eterns
And even if we were eternal
Faltaria temps per a poder-te estimar
There wouldn't be enough time to love you
Afanya't que no queda temps
Hurry, there's no time left
Flors i violes per sopar
Flowers and violets for dinner
I encara que ens escorcollessin
And even if they searched us
No trobarien un segon de més
They wouldn't find a second more
Jo també vindré mudat
I'll come to the party too
A l'ofici de demà
At the service tomorrow
Flors i violes per dinar
Flowers and violets for lunch
Flors i violes i xampany
Flowers and violets and champagne
Afanya't que no queda temps
Hurry, there's no time left
La feina se'ns va acumulant
The work has piled up on us
I encara que fóssim eterns
And even if we were eternal
Faltaria temps per a poder-te estimar
There wouldn't be enough time to love you
Afanya't que no queda temps
Hurry, there's no time left
Flors i violes per sopar
Flowers and violets for dinner
I encara que ens escorcollessin
And even if they searched us
No trobarien un segon de més
They wouldn't find a second more

Авторы: Ignacio Tarres Garcia, Juan Jose Munoz Garcia, Roger Farre Llort, Oriol Farre Llort, Santiago Serratosa Lopez

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