Aimer - Wren - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Aimer - Wren

風の音に混ざり ざらついた記憶が浮かんで
Mingled with the sound of the wind, a rough memory surfaces,
喉の奥に残る 苦みに今更気づいて
And now I realize the bitterness lingering in the back of my throat.
答えのない問いを 懲りもせず繰り返している
I keep repeating questions with no answers.
明日になれば また変わることを怖れるように
As if fearing that tomorrow will bring change again,
伸びる影にピントを合わせて 何か嘆くんだろう
I focus on the stretching shadows and lament something.
Even though none of this is the future I envisioned.
If there's still time,
傷つくとしても 声枯らしても 叫び続けたい
Even if it hurts, even if my voice breaks, I want to keep screaming.
夢から覚めて 消えかけるような
Like fading away after waking from a dream,
Let's put an end to this kind of dream.
夕立のあとで 悲しげに鳴いた
After the evening shower, the bird sang sadly,
That bird is nowhere to be found now,
But I have more than enough reasons.
褪せた香りのかけら 相変わらず握りしめて
I'm still clutching faded fragments of scent,
ひどく脆いくせに 諦めの悪い願いを
Clinging to a desperately fragile, yet stubbornly persistent wish,
やけに大事に抱え 夜を待っていた
I waited for the night, cherishing it strangely.
If there's still time,
後悔するよりは すべてマシだと 向かい続けたい
I want to keep facing it, thinking anything is better than regret.
暗闇にそっと 溶けていくような
Like quietly melting into the darkness,
I don't need to see that kind of dream again.
夕立のあとで 悲しげに鳴いた
After the evening shower, the bird sang sadly,
If that bird is soaring somewhere now,
I have more than enough reasons.
I reach for the light
I reach for the light

Авторы: Aimerrhythm, Kengo Minamida

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