Aimer - 雪の降る街 - перевод текста песни на английский

雪の降る街 - Aimerперевод на английский

Snow Falling on the Town
恋しくて ただ恋しくて 粉雪が街を包みこんだ
Longing, just longing, now the powder snow envelops the town.
会えてなくなって はじめて気が付いた
Only after we could no longer meet did I realize,
大切なコト 傍にいたコト
The important things, the fact that you were by my side.
灰色の空 冷たい風が吹き付ける
The gray sky, the cold wind blows,
キミの呼ぶ声 聞こえる気がするのはどうして?
Why does it feel like I can hear your voice calling?
My sighs turn white,
季節はめぐる 立ち尽くす心残したまま
The seasons turn, leaving my heart standing still.
恋しくて ただ恋しくて 粉雪が街を包みこんだ
Longing, just longing, now the powder snow envelops the town.
どうして? 生まれたての想いが そっと手のひらで溶けてゆく
Why? The newly born feelings gently melt in the palm of my hand.
かじかんだ指 吐息で温めた
I warm my numb fingers with my breath,
愛しく想う あのぬくもり
Thinking fondly of that warmth.
ひとりになって 3度目の冬が来た
The third winter has come since I've been alone,
伝えたいのは 「元気でいるよ」と それだけ
All I want to say is, "I'm doing well."
Precious memories,
降り積もる雪のように また景色を染めていく
Like the accumulating snow, they dye the scenery once again.
恋しくて ただ恋しくて 粉雪がナミダ包みこんだ
Longing, just longing, now the powder snow envelops my tears.
どうして?突然で切なくて そっと濡れた頬を冷やしてく
Why? It's sudden and painful, gently cooling my wet cheeks.
Even now, it appears before my eyes,
駅のホーム キミは涙こらえながら笑ってた
The station platform, you were smiling while holding back tears.
あと少しだけ 切ない冬の中で
Just a little longer, in this painful winter,
二人きり 夢見ていたかった
I wanted to dream, just the two of us.
そうだよ この雪がやむ頃には きっとまた歩いていけるよ
That's right, when this snow stops, I'm sure I'll be able to walk again.

Авторы: AIMERRHYTHM, 黒田 晃太郎, 黒田 晃太郎, AIMERRHYTHM

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