Akcent - 0721 AKCENT - перевод текста песни на английский

0721 AKCENT - Akcentперевод на английский

072 suna-ma si apoi
072 call me and then
Te conectezi la iubire
You'll connect to love
072 suna-ma si apoi
072 call me and then
Vom conversa in nestire
We'll chat endlessly
Cand te-am vazut aseara
When I saw you last night
M-am indragostit
I fell in love
Credeam ca esti un inger
I thought you were an angel
Printre oameni ratacit.
Lost among people.
Urmeaza-o noapte lunga
A long night follows
Creau sa fii a mea
I believe you'll be mine
Masina asteapta afara
The car is waiting outside
Sa ne duca-n paradis
To take us to paradise
Astept de mult telefonul tau
I've been waiting for your call for so long
Oare mai tii in agenda numarul meu.
Do you still have my number in your phonebook?
072 suna-ma si apoi
072 call me and then
Te conectezi la iubire
You'll connect to love
072 suna-ma si apoi
072 call me and then
Vom conversa in nestire
We'll chat endlessly
0721252368 pentru voi non-stop
0721252368 for you non-stop
0721252368 pentru voi non-stop
0721252368 for you non-stop
Vreau sa te am langa mine
I want to have you by my side
Vreau sa te am aproape
I want to have you close
Cand te-am vazut aseara
When I saw you last night
Chiar pentru prima oara
Even for the first time
Credeam ca esti un inger
I thought you were an angel
Printre oameni ratacit.
Lost among people.
Urmeaza-o noapte lunga
A long night follows
Mi-am pus in gand sa-ti spun ca
I set my mind to tell you that
Masina ne-asteapta afara
The car is waiting for us outside
Sa ne duca-n paradis
To take us to paradise
Astept de mult telefonul tau
I've been waiting for your call for so long
Oare mai tii in agenda numarul meu.
Do you still have my number in your phonebook?
072 suna-ma si apoi
072 call me and then
Te conectezi la iubire
You'll connect to love
072 suna-ma si apoi
072 call me and then
Vom conversa in nestire
We'll chat endlessly
0721252368 pentru voi non-stop
0721252368 for you non-stop
0721252368 pentru voi non-stop
0721252368 for you non-stop

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