Akcent - Dragoste de inchiriat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Akcent - Dragoste de inchiriat

Dragoste de inchiriat
Rental Love
Kylie give me, Kylie give me
Kylie give me, Kylie give me
Astăzi pe la 5 (cinci) ma văd cu ea
Today around 5 (five) I'm seeing her
Nu ştiu ce m-aşteaptă
I don't know what awaits me
Poate de la 8 (opt) e cualtcineva
Maybe from 8 (eight) it's someone else
Iubirea-i nedreaptă
Love is unfair
Acum c-am ajuns departe
Now that I've come so far
Vreau se te-ntreb
I want to ask you
Ma iubeşti său m-ai uitat, cine-i vinovat?
Do you love me or have you forgotten me, who's to blame?
Am o dragoste de dat, nu deinchiriat
I have a love to give, not to rent
Oare cine te-a vrajit când m-ai parăsit
Who bewitched you when you left me
Eu cu tine, ştii bine, cât de mult am cheltuit (2x)
You and I, you know well, how much I spent (2x)
ştiu n-ai avut curaj să-mi spui
I know you didn't have the courage to tell me
vei pleca fară mine
That you would leave without me
ştiu vrei fii iubita lui
I know you want to be his girlfriend
Dar cum ramâne cu mine?
But what about me?
Acum c-am ajuns departe
Now that I've come so far
Vreau sa te-ntreb:
I want to ask you:
Ref: (2x)
Chorus: (2x)
Ai fost cu mine, te-ai folosit de mine
You were with me, you used me
Acum ţi-e bine, de mine ai uitat
Now you're doing well, you've forgotten about me
As vrea cu tine, o noapte as vrea cu tine
I would like with you, one night I would like with you
ştii foarte bine mi-ai luat inima
You know very well that you took my heart


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