Akcent - Mi-esti draga - перевод текста песни на английский

Mi-esti draga - Akcentперевод на английский

Mi-esti draga
You Are Dear to Me
Download in format text Daca as fi un pictor
Download in text format If I were a painter
Oare-as putea
Would I be able
Sa reproduc albastrul ochilor tai? Daca as fi director
To reproduce the blue of your eyes? If I were a director
Crezi c-as avea
Do you think I would have
Bani destui sa te conving sa fii a mea? Dar daca as fi doar eu
Enough money to convince you to be mine? But if I were just me
Asa cum sunt mereu
The way I always am
Oare m-ai iubi
Would you love me
Cum ar trebui. Fiindca mi-esti draga, draga
As you should? Because you are dear to me, dear
E prima oara
It's the first time
Prima oara cand simt ceva
The first time I feel something
Simt iubirea ta.
I feel your love.
Draga, draga
Dear, dear
E prima oara Daca as fi un doctor
It's the first time If I were a doctor
Oare-as putea
Would I be able
Sa aflu ce se-ntampla in inima ta? Dar daca as fi un sculptor
To find out what's happening in your heart? But if I were a sculptor
Crezi c-as putea
Do you think I could
Sa te creez din nou, sa te fac a mea? Dar daca as fi doar eu
Create you anew, make you mine? But if I were just me
Asa cum sunt mereu
The way I always am
Oare m-ai iubi
Would you love me
Cum ar trebui. Fiindca mi-esti draga, draga
As you should? Because you are dear to me, dear
E prima oara
It's the first time
Prima oara cand simt ceva
The first time I feel something
Simt iubirea ta.
I feel your love.
Draga, draga
Dear, dear
E prima oara Ma lasi mereu s-astept, mereu in suspans
It's the first time You always leave me waiting, always in suspense
Vreau sa stiu daca vrei sa ramai a mea
I want to know if you want to stay mine
Tot ce vreau sa stiu e daca simti ceva
All I want to know is if you feel something
As vrea sa fii langa sufletul meu
I want you to be next to my soul
Insa tot ce ai vrea sa fii sunt doar eu
But all you want to be is just me
Asa cum sunt doar eu. Ma lasi mereu s-astept, mereu in suspans
The way I just am. You always leave me waiting, always in suspense
Opresc o fata pe strada
I stop a girl on the street
Cred ca esti tu dar e un fals
I think it's you but it's a fake
Te-am cautat stai ascunsa mereu
I've been looking for you, you're always hiding
Vreau sa stii cat de mult te doresc
I want you to know how much I want you
Iubitul tau tre' sa fiu eu. Fiindca mi-esti draga, draga
Your lover must be me. Because you are dear to me, dear
E prima oara
It's the first time
Prima oara cand simt ceva
The first time I feel something
Simt iubirea ta.
I feel your love.
Draga, draga
Dear, dear
E prïma oara
It's the first time

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