Al Safir feat. Dirty Dogz - Caraperro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Al Safir feat. Dirty Dogz - Caraperro

La cabeza me da vueltas y jaquecas
My head is spinning and I have a headache
Tu ya de qué te quejas? Pa' ti tus problemas
What are you complaining about? Your problems are yours
Esta mierda ya me pesa y me condena
This shit is weighing me down and condemning me
Pon el??? como excusa y te lanzo a la hoguera
Put the??? as an excuse and I'll throw you on the fire
Que ahora cantan cuatro temas y vacilan
Now they're singing four songs and bragging
Te cuentan sus mentiras y tu te las tragas
They tell you their lies and you swallow them
No me vengas a contar de las visitas
Don't come telling me about the visits
Que no lo hago por eso, que a mi me da igual
I don't do it for that, I don't care
Ciego de Yacaré, viviendo calité
Blind from Yacaré, living in luxury
Primo voy en la élite, solo espero evitarte
Cuz I'm in the elite, I just hope to avoid you
Ni con cinco copas ya no voy aldente
Even with five drinks I'm not going wild
Pagué males con bienes en billetes importantes
I paid for bad with good, with important bills
Solo canto pa' mis perros y pa' mi
I only sing for my dogs and for myself
Grabo fumao con énfasis al límite a lo Dirty
I record high, emphasizing the limit, in the Dirty way
Si muero habré conocido a Simoncelli
If I die I'll have met Simoncelli
Su sello made in italy
His made in Italy seal
GP Honda Satélite
GP Honda Satellite
2014 voy con lo que hay en la tana
2014, I'm going with what's in the tana
Rodeao de gramos y gramos mi pana
Surrounded by grams and grams, my friend
A lo yakuza, el shuriken y la katana
Like the yakuza, the shuriken and the katana
Madrid invierno, pico con visa la escama
Madrid in winter, I use my visa to get the scales
Los perros sucios te escupen en to' la cara
The dirty dogs spit in your face
A ti te escupo en el papo, monada
I spit in your belly, baby
La psicotrópica entra fuerte reventona
The psychoactive comes in strong and explosive
Pulmón, del tirón, aquí el porro no se apaga
Lung, all at once, here the joint doesn't go out
Hablando en plata con la Claudia maricones
Talking in silver with the Claudia, you faggots
Solo son clones y clones y clones
They're just clones and clones and clones
Esto que canto lo hago solo para
I do this singing only for myself
Pa'l Martín, porque sí, porque hay pocas ilusiones
For Martin, because yes, because there are few illusions
Saqueo tu barrio, primo no pido perdón
I loot your neighborhood, cuz I don't ask for forgiveness
Anda que no está guapo to'l tajo de???
Man, all the work of ??? is not beautiful
Hemos vuelto a esos cerdos
We've returned to those pigs
Les damos su ración, espabila o estás muerto
We give them their ration, wake up or you're dead
No digo mil promesas con la vida
I don't say a thousand promises with life
Basándome en carencias reforzando mi estadística
Based on my shortcomings, strengthening my statistics
Mi energía se evapora por el día
My energy evaporates during the day
Y por la noche sale ya dispuesta a disparar
And at night it comes out ready to fire
Dando vueltas de campana tu dirás
Spinning around, you'll say
No si irme de casa, ya paso de tanta mierda
I don't know if I should leave home, I'm tired of all this shit
Los que me llenan son colegas de verdad
Those who fill me up are real friends
Las copas se vacían y veo mi vida pasar
The glasses empty and I see my life pass by
Gasto los gestos y aún así no tengo nada
I spend my gestures and still I have nothing
Y si no gasto no hay ni un rosco que me coma
And if I don't spend, there's not even a dime to eat
Tardes pasadas en el parque de pachanga
Afternoons spent in the park playing pachanga
Enganchando mis pulmones en busca de nicotina
Hooking my lungs in search of nicotine
Entre desgracias colocado ya de amnesia
Among misfortunes, already in amnesia
Son taquicardias lo que dentro de mi suena
They are palpitations that sound inside me
No son las noches lo que me mantiene en vela
It's not the nights that keep me awake
Es ese aroma tuyo que ya entra y no se va
It's that scent of yours that enters and doesn't leave
Al madero le pica la tocha primo
The cop's cock is itchy, cuz
Le gusta la zarpa, el maricón se ha puesto fino
He likes the paw, the fag has gotten fine
Las cosas claras, la mota sin tabaco y las patadas a la cara
The things clear, the weed without tobacco and the kicks to the face
Respiro, les miro, les tenemos fichaos
I breathe, I look at them, we have them filed
Lo que no son cuentas son cuentos flipao
What's not accounts are stories, you freak
Rapeando en un parque, fichas de hash y mahou
Rapping in a park, hash papers and Mahou
Mi firmas en las???, en cocheras y el busbao
My signatures on the???, in garages and the busbao
Joder, joder
Damn, damn
El reencuentro de las fieras
The reunion of the beasts
Me quedo fuera to' esa mierda es pa' los toys
I stay out, all that shit is for the toys
Ya ves, ya ves
You see, you see
Rapeamos en esta cera, dando y puliendo cera, aparto tu mierda pinfloi
We rap on this wax, giving and polishing wax, I put away your shitty pinfloi
Me saco el porro a caraperro, enciendo y chusto
I take out the joint caraperro, light it and just
Un flipao con placa no va a decir lo que es justo
A freak with a badge is not going to say what is fair
Martín y Chalo, Dirty Dog somos hermanos
Martin and Chalo, Dirty Dog, we're brothers
Tu ten cuidao que al final te dan un susto
Be careful, in the end you'll get a scare

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