Alan - 1 Mili - перевод текста песни на английский

1 Mili - Alanперевод на английский

1 Mili
1 Mili
Bum bum bum, n-am venit acum sa critic
Boom boom boom, I'm not here to criticize now
Da′ parca s-a-ntalnit hotu' cu prostu′, ca la miting
It's like the thief met the fool, like at a rally
Cand scoti ceva nou, vii cu tam-tam prin oras
When you release something new, you come to town with a bang
Da' arata de parca baga marfa noua la SH
But it looks like you're putting new stuff on at a second-hand store
Eu nu seman cu nimeni, poti sa zici ca nici cu mine
I'm not like anyone else, you could say not even like myself
Io si cand gresesc o fac super-super bine
Even when I make a mistake, I do it super-super well
Vad tot felu' de copii, mai au un pic si zic
I see all sorts of kids, they almost say
Da si mie flow-u′ tau sa il port in clip
And let me share your flow in a music video
Din patru someri, unu sigur tre′ sa cante
Out of four unemployed, one has to sing
E vorba de ce simti iar eu simt ca mi se rupe
It's about what you feel, and I feel like I'm breaking up
Hip hop-u' e la moda de cand Groza era mica
Hip hop has been fashionable since Groza was little
De pe vremea cand Elvis fura de la Banica
From the time when Elvis was stealing from Banica
Ce te-nvata muzica, nu te-nvata acasa
What music teaches you, you don't learn at home
Ciordeala nu e buna, da′ e sanatoasa
Stealing is not good, but it's healthy
Apar mereu brigazi, tu te-ntrebi de ce dispar
There are always brigades, you wonder why they disappear
Pai ca se ard intre ei in ultimu hal doar.
Well, because they burn themselves out in the end.
Sa faca un mili, mili-mili-milion.
To make a million, million-million-million.
Mili-mili, mili-mili-milion.
Million-million, million-million-million.
E timpu s-apar sa spun ca vad ca treaba nu prea se pupa
It's time to show up and say I see that things aren't going well
Vor viata de boss ca Hugo da' banii-i pun pe toti pe fuga
They want the life of a boss like Hugo, but the money makes them all run away
Dac-apar pe rap o dau sa rupa, stiu c-o s-o fac si-n viata de dupa
If I appear on rap, I'm going to break it, I know I'm going to do it in the afterlife
Aici vorbele mele sunt grele pe bune si nimeni nu poa′sa le duca, da'
Here my words are heavy for real and no one can stand them, but
Uite-te acum nu te panica, poate ca tu ai doar bani in cap
Look at it now, don't panic, maybe you only have money in your head
Volumu la blana la party ca orice roman nu panglicar
The volume at full blast at the party like any Romanian, not a ribbon
Vrei lux in club la fite cu pipite, ce frumos
You want luxury in a club with chicks, how nice
Degeaba ai parfumuri scumpe ca tu tot mirosi a prost
It's no use having expensive perfumes because you still smell like an idiot
Bum bum, yeah, n-ai auzit asa ceva
Boom boom, yeah, you've never heard anything like it
Nu-ti place piesa mea, da′ dai din cap pe ea
You don't like my song, but you nod your head to it
Nu-ti place piesa mea, da' ai fi vrut sa fie a ta
You don't like my song, but you would have wanted it to be yours
Era mai tare piesa mea daca era a ta, ah
My song would have been better if it was yours, ah
Fac cat un mili, io nu-s doar one in a mili
I make a million, I'm not just one in a million
De fapt, te fac din vorbe de vorbesti singur ca Siri
In fact, I make you speechless like Siri
Cand ii vad pe unii pe TV cum fac circ
When I see some guys on TV making a circus
Ma fac sa cred c-ar vinde tot de la frati la rinichi doar.
It makes me believe that they would sell everything from brothers to kidneys.
Sa faca un mili, mili-mili-milion.
To make a million, million-million-million.
Mili-mili, mili-mili-milion...
Million-million, million-million-million...

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