Alan - Ziceam - перевод текста песни на английский

Ziceam - Alanперевод на английский

I Was Saying
Ziceam ca tre'sa fac o piesa sa ma placa toata lumea, una-n care sa nu-njur... inc-o data!
I was saying I should make a song everyone would like, one where I don't swear... again!
Ziceam ca tre'sa fac o piesa sa ma placa toata lumea, una-n care sa... sa-mi bag pula-n ea!
I was saying I should make a song everyone would like, one where I... stick my dick in it!
Ziceam ca tre-sa fac o suta, doua, trei
I was saying I should make a hundred, two, three
Da' in viata nu e totu' asa cum vrei
But in life, not everything goes as you wish
Ziceam ca tre'sa fac ceva sa ma placa toata lumea
I was saying I should do something everyone would like
Ete pula, nu ma duc cu turma
Fuck it, I'm not going with the herd
Ziceam ca tre-sa fac o suta, doua, trei
I was saying I should make a hundred, two, three
Da' in viata nu e totu' asa cum vrei
But in life, not everything goes as you wish
Ziceam ca tre'sa fac ceva sa ma placa toata lumea
I was saying I should do something everyone would like
Ete pula, nu ma duc cu turma
Fuck it, I'm not going with the herd
Cand eram pustan ziceam ca nimic nu-mi sta in cale
When I was a kid, I used to say nothing could stop me
C-o sa fac doar ce vreau eu atunci cand o sa ma fac mare
That I'd do whatever I wanted when I grew up
Sau ca n-o mai fac dupa ce-o faceam si-a 4-a oara
Or that I wouldn't do it anymore after doing it for the fourth time
Acum am mii de povesti despre cum s-o dai in bara
Now I have thousands of stories about how to screw up
Ziceam c-avem femei frumoase da' avem si paragini
I was saying we have beautiful women, but we also have wrecks
Si Ferarri si Dacii, "'ti-ai pula-n Ganacci"
And Ferraris and Dacias, "stick your dick in Ganacci"
Unele au impresia c-au gresit da' se repara
Some have the impression they made a mistake, but it can be fixed
O zic nostalgic: cu o muie nu se face primavara!
I say it nostalgically: you can't make spring with a blowjob!
Ziceam ca romanu' e sarac da' se descurca
I was saying the Romanian is poor but resourceful
Tot ce vrea: sa bea, sa futa, vorba lui:"viata e scurta"
All he wants: to drink, to fuck, as he says: "life is short"
Ii vezi pe unii cum se lauda ca-s de Aur ca Titi
You see some bragging that they're golden like Titi
E tipic, au de toate mai putin principii!
It's typical, they have everything except principles!
Ziceam c-am timp de toate atunci cand timpu' trecea greu
I was saying I have time for everything when time was passing slowly
C-am scapat de panarame da' vad ca apar mereu...
That I got rid of the bitches, but I see them appearing all the time...
Ziceam ca nu mai beau ca stiu ca-mi face rau si-mi place
I was saying I wouldn't drink anymore because I know it's bad for me and I like it
Acum, banu' vorbeste, inima tace!
Now, the money talks, the heart is silent!
Ziceam ca tre-sa fac o suta, doua, trei
I was saying I should make a hundred, two, three
Da' in viata nu e totu' asa cum vrei
But in life, not everything goes as you wish
Ziceam ca tre'sa fac ceva sa ma placa toata lumea
I was saying I should do something everyone would like
Ete pula, nu ma duc cu turma
Fuck it, I'm not going with the herd
Ziceam ca tre-sa fac o suta, doua, trei
I was saying I should make a hundred, two, three
Da' in viata nu e totu' asa cum vrei
But in life, not everything goes as you wish
Ziceam ca tre'sa fac ceva sa ma placa toata lumea
I was saying I should do something everyone would like
Ete pula, nu ma duc cu turma
Fuck it, I'm not going with the herd
Ziceau ca n-o sa fac ce fac ca nu reusesti cu asa ceva
They were saying I wouldn't do what I do because you can't succeed with that
Apoi ca tre-sa merg cu moda si sa-ncep sa schimb ceva
Then that I should go with the fashion and start changing something
Ca tre-sa mai zambesc si sa-mi fac relatii.
That I should smile more and build relationships.
Da' eu nu fac combinatii pe pupat in cur ca altii
But I don't make combinations by kissing ass like others
Ziceau ca tre's-ajungi in varf sa pari de neoprit
They were saying that you have to reach the top to seem unstoppable
Cand puneau muie de la muie ca sa stranga bani cinstit
While they were giving blowjob after blowjob to earn money honestly
Am ochi doar pentru ai mei astia ce-au ramas aproape
I only have eyes for my people, those who stayed close
Da' sa curga vinu' si pentru toti cei plecati departe!
But let the wine flow for all those who left far away!
Ziceau ca tre-sa faca bani se luau unu' pe altu'
They were saying they had to make money, they were taking advantage of each other
Si au plecat afara unu' la capsuni, altu' la carduri
And they went abroad, one to pick strawberries, another to steal cards
Ziceau ca-i bine c-au disparut toti comunistii
They were saying it's good that all the communists disappeared
Da' ii vezi ca sunt tot ei doar ca-n alte functii muistii
But you see that it's still them, just in other fucking positions
Totu-i frumos parc-aici e un mic Rai
Everything is beautiful, as if this is a little Heaven
Platesti taxe pe ce cheltui, pe ce castigi, pe ce ai
You pay taxes on what you spend, on what you earn, on what you have
Ziceau sa fiu atent ca pot sa cad oricand
They were saying to be careful because I could fall anytime
Acum zic "ce pacat ca nu i-am crezut pe cuvant"!
Now I say "what a pity I didn't take their word for it!"
Ziceam ca tre-sa fac o suta, doua, trei
I was saying I should make a hundred, two, three
Da' in viata nu e totu' asa cum vrei
But in life, not everything goes as you wish
Ziceam ca tre'sa fac ceva sa ma placa toata lumea
I was saying I should do something everyone would like
Ete pula, nu ma duc cu turma
Fuck it, I'm not going with the herd
Ziceam ca tre-sa fac o suta, doua, trei
I was saying I should make a hundred, two, three
Da' in viata nu e totu' asa cum vrei
But in life, not everything goes as you wish
Ziceam ca tre'sa fac ceva sa ma placa toata lumea
I was saying I should do something everyone would like
Ete pula, nu ma duc cu turma
Fuck it, I'm not going with the herd

Авторы: Alan Anghel

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