Alan - 1 Blunt - перевод текста песни на английский

1 Blunt - Alanперевод на английский

1 Blunt
1 Blunt
Fara hip hop pe posturi, vezi tu, sa n-o ia copiii p-alte cai
No hip-hop on the radio, you see, so the kids don't go astray
Muzica asta iti strica prostu′ - crezi tu? Zi sa-ti traiasca mortii tai!
This music spoils your mind - you think? May your dead live long!
Ia stai frate asa, fac un blunt
Hey brother, just chill, I'm rolling a blunt
Bag cam tot ce am - fac un blunt
Putting in almost everything I have - rolling a blunt
Ia stai frate asa, fac un blunt
Hey brother, just chill, I'm rolling a blunt
Bag cam tot ce am - fac un blunt
Putting in almost everything I have - rolling a blunt
Ia stai frate asa, fac un blunt
Hey brother, just chill, I'm rolling a blunt
Bag cam tot ce am - fac un blunt
Putting in almost everything I have - rolling a blunt
Ia stai frate asa, fac un blunt
Hey brother, just chill, I'm rolling a blunt
Bag cam tot ce am - fac un blunt
Putting in almost everything I have - rolling a blunt
Apar si dispar ca banu' - Tabla si frunze, cubanos
I appear and disappear like money - Cards and leaves, Cubans
Sa nu ridici tonu′ hermano sau sa-ti iei filme de gangsta "SOPRANO"!
Don't raise your voice, hermano, or start acting like a gangsta from "SOPRANOS"!
Aici totu'i OK, iti zic sa stii doar
Everything's OK here, I'm just telling you
Ca poti sa-mi iei zilele, noptile si anii de vrei da' banii de iarba n-ai cum sa mi-i iei!
You can take my days, nights, and years if you want, but you can't take my weed money!
Suntem oameni simpli, n-o ardem pimpin
We're simple people, we don't show off
O ardem fin-fin, aud de un timp: "nu conteaza banii", pai stai putin
We keep it subtle, I've been hearing for a while: "money doesn't matter", wait a minute
Nu conteaza doar cand sunt putini
It only doesn't matter when it's scarce
Cand e de treaba baietii s-aduna, sunt sensibili d-aia se consuma
When things are good, the boys gather, they're sensitive, that's why they consume
Domnu-i cu tine! l-ai prins pe tura! Ti-a pus mana-n cap si pula-n gura!
The Lord is with you! You caught him on duty! He put his hand on your head and his dick in your mouth!
- Primeste-l Doamne si p-asta! -
- Receive him, Lord, and this too! -
Ia stai frate asa, fac un blunt
Hey brother, just chill, I'm rolling a blunt
Bag cam tot ce am - fac un blunt
Putting in almost everything I have - rolling a blunt
Ia stai frate asa, fac un blunt
Hey brother, just chill, I'm rolling a blunt
Bag cam tot ce am - fac un blunt
Putting in almost everything I have - rolling a blunt
Ia stai frate asa, fac un blunt
Hey brother, just chill, I'm rolling a blunt
Bag cam tot ce am - fac un blunt
Putting in almost everything I have - rolling a blunt
Ia stai frate asa, fac un blunt
Hey brother, just chill, I'm rolling a blunt
Bag cam tot ce am - fac un blunt
Putting in almost everything I have - rolling a blunt
Eyo, hermana. sa nu-ti aud drama, am stil de Bucale si vibe de Havana
Yo, hermana, don't let me hear any drama, I have Bucale style and Havana vibes
Flori in dulap sa nu vada mama c-am luat de la ea tehnica ikebana
Flowers in the closet so mom doesn't see that I took the ikebana technique from her
Nu vedeam de fum, ai venit demult sau esti inca pe drum?
I couldn't see through the smoke, did you arrive long ago or are you still on your way?
Ne lipseai, oricum esti binevenita ca nu stai mult
We missed you, anyway you're welcome as you don't stay long
Atentia pe boxe, pe poze, pe blunt, Stam ca pe roze sau sauvignon blanc
Attention on the speakers, on the pictures, on the blunt, We're chilling like on roses or Sauvignon Blanc
Whisky cu sticla bag,am capu tanc, garda p-aici e ca berea la cald!
Whiskey with a bottle bag, my head is a tank, the guard here is like warm beer!
Nimeni nu pleaca, stam pana la capat, ne punem in cap - asa-i la romani
Nobody leaves, we stay until the end, we get high - that's how Romanians do it
A disparut iarba, unde e iarba?! n-o fi cumva in plamani?!
The weed disappeared, where's the weed?! It's not in our lungs, is it?!
Ia stai frate asa, fac un blunt
Hey brother, just chill, I'm rolling a blunt
Bag cam tot ce am - fac un blunt
Putting in almost everything I have - rolling a blunt
Ia stai frate asa, fac un blunt
Hey brother, just chill, I'm rolling a blunt
Bag cam tot ce am - fac un blunt
Putting in almost everything I have - rolling a blunt
Ia stai frate asa, fac un blunt
Hey brother, just chill, I'm rolling a blunt
Bag cam tot ce am - fac un blunt
Putting in almost everything I have - rolling a blunt
Ia stai frate asa, fac un blunt
Hey brother, just chill, I'm rolling a blunt
Bag cam tot ce am - fac un blunt
Putting in almost everything I have - rolling a blunt

Авторы: Anghel Anghel

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