Alan Murin - Viac - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Alan Murin - Viac

Dala si mi veľa ale chcel by som viac
You gave me a lot, but I would like more
Ako mám hľadať keď nechcem nikoho nájsť
How do I search when I don't want to find anyone
Predtým som sa bál že nikoho neviem ľúbiť
Before, I was afraid that I couldn't love anyone
Teraz viem že viem a bojím sa to znova skúsiť
Now I know that I can, and I'm afraid to try again
Je tak nevinná nevinná nevinná nevinná nevinná nevinná nevin
She is so innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent
Bojím sa to znova skúsiť
I'm afraid to try again
Bojím sa to znova skúsiť
I'm afraid to try again
Ani raz nevyhral nevyhral nevyhral nevyhral nevyhral nevyhral nevy
He never won, never won, never won, never won, never won, never won
Ale chcel by som viac
But I would like more
Ale chcel by som viac
But I would like more
Povedz mi
Tell me
Načo ťa cítim aj keď ona tu není
Why do I feel you even though she is no longer here
Načo sa tak na mňa večer lepíš
Why do you stick to me so much in the evening
Neskryjem sa ti na tejto zemi
I won't hide from you on this earth
Ale som rád bez teba by bol život šedý
But I'm glad that without you, life would be gray
Načo ťa cítim aj keď ona tu není
Why do I feel you even though she is no longer here
Načo sa tak na mňa večer lepíš
Why do you stick to me so much in the evening
Neskryjem sa ti na tejto zemi
I won't hide from you on this earth
Asi to tak byť bez teba by bol
It must be that way, without you
Život by bol šedý
Life would be gray
Škoda že so mnou nevieš rozprávať
It's a pity you can't talk to me
Chcel my som vedieť či ťa cítila tiež
I wanted to know if she felt you too
Ak áno tak že či ťa cíti aj dnes
If so, did she feel you today
Ak nie tak dúfam že cítiť ťa vie
If not, I hope she knows how to feel you
Ja stále dúfam ale aj keď je nevinná
I still hope, but even though she's innocent
Nevinná nevinná nevinná nevinná nevinná nevin
Innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent innocent
Bojím sa to znova skúsiť
I'm afraid to try again
Bojím sa to znova skúsiť skúsiť
I'm afraid to try again again
Aj keď ani raz som nevyhral nevyhral
Even though I have never won
Nevyhral nevyhral nevyhral nevyhral nevyhral nevyhral
Never won, never won, never won, never won, never won
Ale chcel by som viac
But I would like more
Ale chcel by som viac
But I would like more
Povedz mi načo
Tell me why
Povedz mi
Tell me
Načo ťa cítim aj keď ona tu není
Why do I feel you even though she is no longer here
Načo sa tak na mňa večer lepíš
Why do you stick to me so much in the evening
Neskryjem sa ti na tejto zemi
I won't hide from you on this earth
Ale som rád bez teba by bol život šedý
But I'm glad that without you, life would be gray
Načo ťa cítim aj keď ona tu není
Why do I feel you even though she is no longer here
Načo sa tak na mňa večer lepíš
Why do you stick to me so much in the evening
Neskryjem sa ti na tejto zemi
I won't hide from you on this earth
Asi to tak byť bez teba by bol
It must be that way, without you
Život by bol šedý
Life would be gray

Авторы: Alan Murin, Charlie Leslie

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