Alan Murin - Vypínam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Alan Murin - Vypínam

I Switch Off
Neboj sa maminka moja to prejde,
Don't worry, my mother, it will pass,
Zarobim love a kúpim ti maybach.
I'll earn some money and buy you a Maybach.
Alebo hocijaký iný merce,
Or any Mercedes you like,
Aky sa ti bude lúbit tak beriem.
Take the one you like best.
Včera sme neboli v meste,
Yesterday we weren't downtown,
Divný pocit že nehrozili päste.
A strange feeling with no threat of fists.
Chalani zverina, baby pekné,
Wild guys, pretty girls,
Aj tak si vážime iba tie verné.
Yet we value only the loyal ones.
Vypínam, (vypínam)
I'm switching off, (switching off)
Začalo ma baviť byť doma.(doma, doma)
I'm starting to enjoy being home. (home, home)
Rád že píšeš ale dnes sa nepridám, (nepridám)
Glad you're messaging me, but I'm not joining you today, (I'm not joining)
Ani keby tam bola ona. (ona, ona)
Even if she were there. (her, her)
Yeaoh, pedtým som sa toho bál,
Yeah, I used to be afraid of it,
Teraz som rád že to vidím.
Now I'm glad I see it.
Teraz som rád že to mám,
Now I'm glad I have it,
Teraz som rád že som iný.
Now I'm glad I'm different.
Mama mi nikdy nedala brata,
My mother never gave me a brother,
Za to mi dala tie najlepšie sestry.
But she gave me the best sisters.
Teraz aj dalších synov,
Now she's got more sons,
Ktorých mi daroval život do cesty.
Life has brought me along their path.
Ou. Stale mám, stale mám
Oh. I still have, I still have
Miesto ktoré volám domov. (domov)
A place that I call home. (home)
Ou. Stále mám, stále mám
Oh. I still have, I still have
Ludí ktorých volám domov, (domov)
People that I call home, (home)
Pretože dneska fakt.
Because today I really do.
Vypínam, (vypínam)
I'm switching off, (switching off)
Začalo ma baviť byť doma.(doma, doma)
I'm starting to enjoy being home. (home, home)
Rád že píšeš ale dnes sa nepridám, (nepridám)
Glad you're messaging me, but I'm not joining you today, (I'm not joining)
Ani keby tam bola ona. (ona, ona)
Even if she were there. (her, her)
Dnes mi to nezvoní...
It doesn't ring for me today...
Vypínam, (vypínam)
I'm switching off, (switching off)
Začalo ma baviť byť doma.(doma, doma)
I'm starting to enjoy being home. (home, home)
Rád že píšeš ale dnes sa nepridám, (nepridám)
Glad you're messaging me, but I'm not joining you today, (I'm not joining)
Ani keby tam bola ona. (ona, ona)
Even if she were there. (her, her)
Zajtra domov autom,
Tomorrow, home by car,
Ponúkaju ma tu kolou.
They are offering me cola here.
Na zdravie ideme alko,
To your health, let's go alcohol,
Ďakujem brzdím vodou.
Thanks, I'll stop with water.
Dlhé cesty o pol noci,
Long journeys at midnight,
Daj si red bull otvor oči.
Have a Red Bull, open your eyes.
Teším sa raz mi otvoríš ty
I look forward to the day you open up for me
Ja budem si hovoriť...
I will say...
Ou. Stale mám, stale mám
Oh. I still have, I still have
Miesto ktoré volám domov. (domov)
A place that I call home. (home)
Ou. Stále mám, stále mám
Oh. I still have, I still have
Ludí ktorých volám domov, (domov)
People that I call home, (home)
Pretože dneska fakt...
Because today I really do.
Vypínam, (vypínam)
I'm switching off, (switching off)
Začalo ma baviť byť doma.(doma, doma)
I'm starting to enjoy being home. (home, home)
Rád že píšeš ale dnes sa nepridám, (nepridám)
Glad you're messaging me, but I'm not joining you today, (I'm not joining)
Ani keby tam bola ona. (ona, ona)
Even if she were there. (her, her)
Dneska to nehrozí...
It's not happening today...
Vypínam, (vypínam)
I'm switching off, (switching off)
Začalo ma baviť byť doma.(doma, doma)
I'm starting to enjoy being home. (home, home)
Rád že píšeš ale dnes sa nepridám, (nepridám)
Glad you're messaging me, but I'm not joining you today, (I'm not joining)
Ani keby tam bola ona. (ona, ona)
Even if she were there. (her, her)
I'm switching off,
Začalo ma baviť byť domaaa.
I'm starting to enjoy being homeee.
Rád že píšeš ale dnes sa nepridám, aam
Glad you're messaging me, but I'm not joining you today, aam
Ani keby tam bola ona. (ona)
Even if she were there. (her)

Авторы: Alan Murin, Charlie Leslie

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