Alejandro Fernández - Popurrí Bravío (En Vivo) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Alejandro Fernández - Popurrí Bravío (En Vivo)

Popurrí Bravío (En Vivo)
Brave Medley (Live)
Mira cómo ando mujer
Look at how I am, woman,
Por tu querer
Because of your love,
Perdido y apasionado
Lost and passionate,
Nomás por tu amor
Just for your love.
Mira cómo ando mi bien
Look at how I am, my dear,
Muy dado a la borrachera
Very given to drunkenness
Y a la perdición
And to perdition.
sólo eres causa de todo mi llanto
You, only you are the cause of all my tears,
De mi desencanto y desesperación
Of my disenchantment and despair.
Tú, sólo has llenado de luto mi vida
You, only you have filled my life with mourning,
Dejando una herida en mi corazón
Leaving a wound in my heart.
Y que te creías el rey de todo el mundo
And you who thought you were the king of the whole world,
Y que nunca fuiste capaz de perdonar
And you who were never able to forgive,
Y cruel y despiadado de todo te reías
And cruel and merciless, you laughed at everything,
Hoy imploras cariño aunque sea por piedad
Today you implore affection, even if it's out of pity.
Adónde está el orgullo
Where is the pride?
Adónde está el coraje
Where is the courage?
Porque hoy que estás vencido imploras caridad
Because today that you are defeated, you implore charity.
Ya ves que no es lo mismo amar que se amado
You see that it is not the same to love as to be loved,
Hoy que estás acabado qué lástima me das
Now that you are finished, how I pity you.
Maldito corazón, me alegra que ahora sufras
Damn heart, I'm glad you suffer now,
Que llores y te humilles ante este gran amor
That you cry and humiliate yourself before this great love.
La vida es la ruleta en que apostamos todos
Life is the roulette wheel on which we all bet,
Y a ti te había tocado nomás la de ganar
And you had only touched the one to win.
Pero hoy tu buena suerte la espalda te ha volteado
But today your good luck has turned its back on you,
Fallaste corazón, no vuelvas a apostar
You failed heart, don't bet again.
A la Feria de San Marcos del merito Aguascalientes
To the San Marcos Fair of Aguascalientes,
Van llegando los valientes con su gallo copetón
The brave ones are arriving with their crested rooster,
Y lo traen bajo del brazo al sonar de la partida
And they carry it under their arm at the sound of the start,
Va a jugarse hasta la vida con la en un espolón
It's going to gamble even its life with faith in a spur.
Linda la pelea de gallos con su público bravero
Beautiful the cockfight with its brave audience,
Con sus chorros de dinero y los gritos del gritón
With its jets of money and the shouts of the crier.
Retosándonos del gusto, no se sienten ni las horas
Frolicking with pleasure, you don't even feel the hours,
Con tequila y cantadoras que son puro corazón
With tequila and singers who are pure heart.
Ay, fiesta bonita, hasta el alma grita
Oh, beautiful party, even the soul shouts
Con todas sus fuerzas:
With all its strength:
Viva Aguascalientesn
Long live Aguascalientes!
Voy a contarles un corrido muy mentado
I'm going to tell you a very famous corrido,
Lo que ha pasado allá en la hacienda de la Flor
What happened there at the Hacienda de la Flor.
La triste historia de un ranchero enamorado
The sad story of a rancher in love,
Que fue borracho, parrandero y jugador
Who was a drunk, a partygoer and a gambler.
Juan se llamaba y lo apodaban "El Potrillo"
His name was Juan and they nicknamed him "El Potrillo",
Era valiente y arriesgado en el amor
He was brave and risky in love,
Y a las mujeres más bonitas se llevaba
And he took the most beautiful women,
Y en esos campos no quedaba ni una flor
And in those fields there was not a single flower left.
Un día domingo que se andaba emborrachando
One Sunday when he was getting drunk,
A la cantina le corrieron a avisar:
They ran to the cantina to warn him:
"Cuídate, Juan, que ya por a'y te andan buscando
"Be careful, Juan, they're already looking for you out there,
Son muchos hombres no te vayan a matar"
There are many men, they're going to kill you."
No tuvo tiempo de montar a su caballo
He didn't have time to mount his horse,
Pistola en mano se le echaron de a montón
Gun in hand, they attacked him in a heap.
"Ah, estoy borracho", les gritaba "Y soy buen gallo"
"Ah, I'm drunk," he shouted at them, "And I'm a good rooster,"
Cuando una bala atravesó su corazón
When a bullet pierced his heart.
Solo sin tu cariño voy caminando, voy y caminando
Alone without your love, I walk, I walk and walk,
Y no qué hacer
And I don't know what to do.
Ni el cielo me contesta cuando pregunto por ti, mi bien
Not even the sky answers me when I ask about you, my dear,
No he podido olvidarte desde la noche, desde la noche en que te perdí
I haven't been able to forget you since the night, since the night I lost you.
Sombras de duda y celos sólo me envuelven pensando en ti
Shadows of doubt and jealousy only envelop me thinking of you,
Deja que yo te busque
Let me look for you,
Y si encuentro, y si te encuentro vuelve otra vez
And if I find you, and if I find you, come back again.
Olvida lo pasado, ya no te acuerdes de aquel ayer
Forget the past, don't remember that yesterday anymore.
Olvida lo pasado, ya no te acuerdes de aquel ayer
Forget the past, don't remember that yesterday anymore.
Cuando lejos te encuentres de
When you are far away from me,
Cuando quieras que esté yo contigo, no hayaras un recuerdo de
When you want me to be with you, you won't find a memory of me,
Ni tendrás más amores conmigo
And you won't have any more love affairs with me.
Yo te juro que no volveré
I swear I won't come back,
Aunque me haga pedazos la vida
Even if life breaks me into pieces,
Si una vez con locura te amé
If once I loved you madly,
Ya de mi alma estarás despedida
You will be dismissed from my soul.
No volveré, te lo juro por Dios que me mira
I won't come back, I swear to God who sees me,
Te lo digo llorando de rabia, no volveré
I tell you crying with rage, I won't come back.
No pararé hasta ver que mi llanto ha formado
I won't stop until I see that my tears have formed
Un arroyo de olvido anegado, donde yo tu recuerdo ahogaré
A stream of flooded oblivion, where I will drown your memory.

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