Alexandra Blakely feat. Lengualerta & Jeronimo Gonzalez (Los Sonex) - Sueltalo B-Side (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Alexandra Blakely feat. Lengualerta & Jeronimo Gonzalez (Los Sonex) - Sueltalo B-Side (Live)

Sueltalo B-Side (Live)
Let It Go B-Side (Live)
No me sirve no ver los ojos de mi gente
It doesn't serve me not to see the eyes of my people
No me sirve vivir en el ático de mi mente
It doesn't serve me to live in the attic of my mind
No me sirve dominar
It doesn't serve me to dominate
No me sirve tener dueño
It doesn't serve me to have an owner
No me sirve si no se está alineando con mi sueño
It doesn't serve me if it's not aligning with my dream
No me sirve si a me hace daño
It doesn't serve me if it hurts me
No me sirve no afinarme a la voz de mis hermanos
It doesn't serve me not to harmonize with the voice of my brothers and sisters
No me sirvo si a yo no me amo
I don't serve myself if I don't love myself
Y no sirvo yo si no estoy sirviendo al ser humano
And I don't serve if I'm not serving humanity
Cantamos para manifestar lo que anhelamos
We sing to manifest what we long for
Alquimistas que con nuestros versos materializamos
Alchemists who materialize with our verses
Abracadabra somos cantadores que hilvanamos
Abracadabra, we are singers who weave together
Diferentes realidades con lo que verbalizamos
Different realities with what we verbalize
Soñamos y no hay quien detenga las visiones que creamos
We dream and no one can stop the visions we create
No existen fronteras para lo que imaginamos
There are no borders for what we imagine
Esto sobrepasa cualquier regla ley o
This surpasses any rule, law, or
Límite geográfico y sino con música lo derribamos
Geographical limit, and if not, we tear it down with music
En movimiento estamos
We are in motion
Y a cada paso dado el horizonte vislumbramos
And with each step we take, we glimpse the horizon
Pero mientras a avanzamos parece que nunca
But as we move forward, it seems like we never
Llegamos al destino del eterno viajero y lo disfrutamos
Reach the destination of the eternal traveler, and we enjoy it
Al destino del eterno viajero y lo disfrutamos
The destination of the eternal traveler, and we enjoy it
No me sirve no ver los ojos de mi gente
It doesn't serve me not to see the eyes of my people
No me sirve vivir en el ático de mi mente
It doesn't serve me to live in the attic of my mind
No me sirve dominar
It doesn't serve me to dominate
No me sirve tener dueño
It doesn't serve me to have an owner
No me sirve si no se está alineando con mi sueño
It doesn't serve me if it's not aligning with my dream
No me sirve si a me hace daño
It doesn't serve me if it hurts me
No me sirve no afinarme a la voz de mis hermanos
It doesn't serve me not to harmonize with the voice of my brothers and sisters
No me sirvo si a yo no me amo
I don't serve myself if I don't love myself
Y no sirvo yo si no estoy sirviendo al ser humano
And I don't serve if I'm not serving humanity
Mi vaso se vacía para llenarme de energía pura como agua cristalina
My glass empties to fill me with pure energy like crystalline water
Fluyendo mi sangre como la nieve andina que corre por montañas
My blood flowing like the Andean snow that runs through mountains
Los ríos se ríen
The rivers laugh
Cosquillas charangueras medicina de la sierra
Charango tickles, medicine of the mountains
Conecto con la fuente y la voz de la tierra
I connect with the source and the voice of the earth
La jornada eterna enterna se encierra
The eternal journey is enclosed
Inhalo esta vida y suelto esta guerra
I inhale this life and let go of this war
Suelto el dinero, el miedo, el quejar
I let go of money, fear, complaining
Suelto etiquetes mi orgullo el juzgar
I let go of labels, my pride, judging
Suelto el compararme, la presión el suponer
I let go of comparing myself, the pressure, assuming
Suelto el futuro el mañana y el ayer
I let go of the future, tomorrow and yesterday
Suelto la perfección y suelto la identidad
I let go of perfection and I let go of identity
Yo suelto con mis programas de enfermedad
I let go with my programs of illness
Suelto expectativas para poder flotar
I let go of expectations so I can float
Yo suelto el apego para poder volar
I let go of attachment so I can fly
No me sirve no ver los ojos de mi gente
It doesn't serve me not to see the eyes of my people
No me sirve vivir en el ático de mi mente
It doesn't serve me to live in the attic of my mind
No me sirve dominar
It doesn't serve me to dominate
No me sirve tener dueño
It doesn't serve me to have an owner
No me sirve si no se está alineando con mi sueño
It doesn't serve me if it's not aligning with my dream
No me sirve si a me hace daño
It doesn't serve me if it hurts me
No me sirve no afinarme a la voz de mis hermanos
It doesn't serve me not to harmonize with the voice of my brothers and sisters
No me sirvo si a yo no me amo
I don't serve myself if I don't love myself
Y no sirvo yo si no estoy sirviendo al ser humano
And I don't serve if I'm not serving humanity
Soltaras el camino mas liviano
Letting go is the lightest path
Soltar para no seguir como un esclavo encadenado
Letting go to stop being like a chained slave
Soltar las cuentas pendientes con el pasado
Letting go of unfinished business with the past
Soltar toda la vida la muerte andando a nuestro lado
Letting go of life with death by our side
Soltar como la hoja que en el viento va dejándose llevar
Letting go like the leaf that lets itself be carried by the wind
Soltar para sentir la ligereza y volar
Letting go to feel the lightness and fly
Soltar sin tener pánico a la fragilidad
Letting go without panicking about fragility
Soltar nada es seguro en este mundo eso es
Letting go, nothing is certain in this world, that's it
Soltar presuposiciones
Let go of assumptions
Soltar preocupaciones
Let go of worries
Soltar la idea de que hay mejores y hay peores
Let go of the idea that there are better and worse
Soltar las opiniones que tienen de mi los reflectores
Let go of the opinions that the reflectors have of me
Soltar la ruta enferma de los opresores
Let go of the sick route of the oppressors
Soltar las armaduras pa' que aflore el alma pura
Let go of the armor so that the pure soul emerges
Soltar las ataduras las internas dictaduras
Let go of the ties, the internal dictatorships
Soltar toda moldura que limite la cordura
Let go of any mold that limits sanity
Soltar esa es la cura pa' mi miedo a las alturas
Letting go is the cure for my fear of heights
Soltar las armaduras pa' que aflore el alma pura
Let go of the armor so that the pure soul emerges
Soltar las ataduras las internas dictaduras
Let go of the ties, the internal dictatorships
Soltar toda moldura que limite la cordura
Let go of any mold that limits sanity
Soltar esa es la cura pa' mi miedo a las alturas
Letting go is the cure for my fear of heights
Soltar esa es la cura pa' mi miedo a las alturas
Letting go is the cure for my fear of heights
Soltar, saltar, volar
Let go, jump, fly
Para llegar hasta tu hogar
To reach your home
Soltar, saltar, volar
Let go, jump, fly
Dejando ir dejando atrás
Letting go, leaving behind
Soltar, saltar, volar
Let go, jump, fly
Para llegar hasta tu hogar
To reach your home
Soltar, saltar, volar
Let go, jump, fly
Dejando ir dejando atrás
Letting go, leaving behind
Soltar, saltar, volar
Let go, jump, fly
Para llegar hasta tu hogar
To reach your home
Soltar, saltar, volar
Let go, jump, fly
Dejando ir dejando atrás
Letting go, leaving behind
Soltar, saltar, volar
Let go, jump, fly
Para llegar hasta tu hogar
To reach your home
Soltar, saltar, volar
Let go, jump, fly
Dejando ir dejando atrás
Letting go, leaving behind
No me sirve no ver los ojos de mi gente
It doesn't serve me not to see the eyes of my people
No me sirve vivir en el ático de mi mente
It doesn't serve me to live in the attic of my mind
No me sirve dominar
It doesn't serve me to dominate
No me sirve tener dueño
It doesn't serve me to have an owner
No me sirve si no se está alineando con mi sueño
It doesn't serve me if it's not aligning with my dream
No me sirve si a me hace daño
It doesn't serve me if it hurts me
No me sirve no afinarme a la voz de mis hermanos
It doesn't serve me not to harmonize with the voice of my brothers and sisters
No me sirvo si a yo no me amo
I don't serve myself if I don't love myself
Y no sirvo yo si no estoy sirviendo al ser humano
And I don't serve if I'm not serving humanity
Suelto el gritar el mentir el enojar
I let go of yelling, lying, getting angry
Suelto controlar, el autocriticar
I let go of controlling, self-criticizing
Suelto el ignorar este manifestar
I let go of ignoring this manifestation
Robándole a mi esencia el impulso de crear
Stealing from my essence the impulse to create
Suelto tomar las cosas personales
I let go of taking things personally
Suelto mi ego, todas mis dualidades
I let go of my ego, all my dualities
Suelto la justificación, tener la razón
I let go of justification, being right
Suelto la respuesta, la sobreanalización
I let go of the answer, the over-analysis
Suelto limitar, reprimirme el deseo
I let go of limiting, repressing desire
Suelto el no ver las raíces de donde vengo
I let go of not seeing the roots where I come from
Suelto la purga, el tiempo, el volante
I let go of the purge, time, the steering wheel
Suelto a la muerte el llegar a cualquier instante
I let go of death coming at any moment
Suelto competir, la vida no es una carrera
I let go of competing, life is not a race
Suelto los conflictos de fronteras y banderas
I let go of the conflicts of borders and flags
Suelto mi perspectiva del éxito, cada ser sirve, tiene un propósito
I let go of my perspective of success, every being serves, has a purpose
No me sirve no ver los ojos de mi gente
It doesn't serve me not to see the eyes of my people
No me sirve vivir en el ático de mi mente
It doesn't serve me to live in the attic of my mind
No me sirve dominar
It doesn't serve me to dominate
No me sirve tener dueño
It doesn't serve me to have an owner
No me sirve si no se está alineando con mi sueño
It doesn't serve me if it's not aligning with my dream
No me sirve si a me hace daño
It doesn't serve me if it hurts me
No me sirve no afinarme a la voz de mis hermanos
It doesn't serve me not to harmonize with the voice of my brothers and sisters
No me sirvo si a yo no me amo
I don't serve myself if I don't love myself
Y no sirvo yo si no estoy sirviendo al ser humano
And I don't serve if I'm not serving humanity
No me sirve
It doesn't serve me
No me sirve
It doesn't serve me
No me sirve
It doesn't serve me
No me sirve
It doesn't serve me
No me sirve
It doesn't serve me
No me sirve
It doesn't serve me
No me sirve
It doesn't serve me
No me sirve
It doesn't serve me
No me sirve
It doesn't serve me
No me sirve
It doesn't serve me
No me sirve
It doesn't serve me
No me sirve
It doesn't serve me

Авторы: Alexandra Blakely Browne, Jeronimo Ismael Garcia Gonzalez, Rodrigo Alberto López Uribe

Alexandra Blakely feat. Lengualerta & Jeronimo Gonzalez (Los Sonex) - Sueltalo B-Side (Live)
Sueltalo B-Side (Live)
дата релиза

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