Aman RA - Berada - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Aman RA - Berada

Apa maksud hidup penuh makna
What does life mean
Naik air terjun sampai jumpa takhta
Climbing waterfalls until we reach the throne
Jadi yang terbaik yang kita boleh jadi
Being the best we can be
Minta apa saja dari Tuhan boleh bagi
Ask God for anything and you will receive
Atap usang tempat ku berteduh
A dilapidated roof is my shelter
Kedinginan malam ku berlabuh
I anchor in the cold nights
Yang pasti ku masih rasa berada
For sure I still feel like I'm here
Dimakan usia kita rapuh
Eaten up by age, we become fragile
Berdiri tak selamanya utuh
Standing is not forever intact
Yang pasti kita semua berada (ber-berada)
For sure we are all here (being)
2 roti canai pagi, 2 lagi untuk petang
2 roti canai in the morning, 2 more for the afternoon
Cakap terang, budak bawah tanah mimpi nak terbang
Speaking frankly, the underground kid dreams of flying
Oh, ragu dalam hati menyerang
Oh, the doubts in my heart attack
Fokus mata pada piala jadi aku maintain tenang
Focusing our eyes on the cup keeps me calm
Duit cukup-cukup makan
Just enough money to eat
Tapi kalau aku cukupkan makan takda duit minyak kereta tak jalan
But if I only eat, there's no money for gas and the car won't run
Kereta tak jalan, macam mana nak cari makan
If the car doesn't run, how can I find food?
Suara hati aku jadi Waze, jom kita cari jalan
My heart's voice becomes my Waze, let's find a way
Cetak biru dalam otak lepastu orak gerak luar kotak
Blueprint in the brain, then start moving outside the box
Hasil ni sunyi takde orang sorak
The result is quiet, no one cheers
Flat Semarak 12, 2 blok 10 bila November Rain
Semarak Flat 12, 2 blocks 10 when November Rain
Biar musim tengkujuh ku menyeluruh
Let the monsoon season flood me
Mama kata tulis guna hati elok-elok
Mama said to write with your heart, it's beautiful
Papa kata berniaga fahamkan selok-belok
Papa said to understand the ins and outs of business
Brader tanya Altimet, dah kaya ke belum?
Bro asked Altimet, are you rich yet?
Brader, aku berada, meh aku sedekahkan satu senyum
Bro, I'm here, let me give you a smile
Atap usang tempat ku berteduh
A dilapidated roof is my shelter
Kedinginan malam ku berlabuh
I anchor in the cold nights
Yang pasti ku masih rasa berada
For sure I still feel like I'm here
Dimakan usia kita rapuh
Eaten up by age, we become fragile
Berdiri tak selamanya utuh
Standing is not forever intact
Yang pasti kita semua berada
For sure we are all here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Air bersih, makan bersih dan udara bersih
Clean water, clean food and clean air
Ada tempat tinggal untuk rehat bila letih
A place to live to rest when tired
3 bilik, 1 bilik air, 1 dapur
3 rooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen
Ada pinggan mangkuk, ada kipas, ada lampu
There are plates, bowls, a fan, a lamp
Akhir bulan lambat bayar bil, apa ada hal
End of the month late to pay the bills, what's the big deal
Janji duit, makan duit, minyak ada takde hal
Promising money, eating money, no problem with gas
Jiran tetangga riuh-rendah bukan huru-hara
Neighbors noisy but not chaos
Tak perlu iri hati, rezeki sama rata
No need to be jealous, fortune is equal
Anak bini riang, sihat hati senang
Wife and children are happy, healthy and happy
Rasa syukur cukup makan minum pagi petang
A sense of gratitude is enough to eat and drink morning and evening
Masa lapang jumpa kengkawan dan berketawa
Free time to meet friends and laugh
Hujung minggu jalan-jalan bersama keluarga (brrahhh!)
Weekends out with the family (brrahhh!)
Atap usang tempat ku berteduh
A dilapidated roof is my shelter
Kedinginan malam ku berlabuh
I anchor in the cold nights
Yang pasti ku masih rasa berada
For sure I still feel like I'm here
Dimakan usia kita rapuh
Eaten up by age, we become fragile
Berdiri tak selamanya utuh
Standing is not forever intact
Yang pasti kita semua berada
For sure we are all here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Kau dan aku berada
You and I are here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Kau dan aku berada
You and I are here
Kita semua berada
We are all here
Ada nama tak tentu ada harta (ada nama tak tentu ada harta)
There is a name but no fortune (there is a name but no fortune)
Ada harta belum tentu senang (ada harta belum tentu senang)
There is fortune but no happiness (there is fortune but no happiness)
Hancur badan bila dikandung tanah (hancur badan bila dikandung tanah)
The body is destroyed when it is buried in the ground (the body is destroyed when it is buried in the ground)
Budi yang baik tetap akan dikenang
Good deeds will always be remembered

Авторы: Mohammad Noh Salleh, Navin Kumar Shanmugam, Syed Ahmad Abdul Rahman Alhadad, Aman Jamaluddin

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