Andreea Balan - Prea tarziu pentru mine - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Andreea Balan - Prea tarziu pentru mine

Prea tarziu pentru mine
Too late for me
Pentru tine am plans si am scris multe versuri
For you, I cried and wrote many verses
Dar tu nu ai realizat ca inca te ador
But you didn't realize that I still adore you
Ma opresc din drum si-mi amintesc
I stop in my tracks and remember
Cum ma iubeai si-mi jurai ca asa va fi mereu
How you loved me and swore that it would always be that way
Vreau sa te caut, sa te iert, si sa ne iubim din nou
I want to find you, to forgive you, and to love each other again
Sa-mi iei durerea din suflet si aripi sa-mi dai
To take away the pain from my soul and give me wings
Dar e prea tarziu, pentru mine, o iubesti pe ea
But it's too late, for me, you love her
Vantul bate intre noi si-mi vad de drum
The wind blows between us and I keep going
Te primesc in fiecare noapte in visele mele
I receive you every night in my dreams
Tip incet cat mie de dor si tu nu ma auzi
I whisper how much I miss you and you don't hear me
N-am curaj sa-ti spun acum ce simt
I don't have the courage to tell you how I feel now
Si niciodata nu vei stii cat de mult te-as fi iubit
And you'll never know how much I would have loved you
As vrea sa pot da timpul inapoi
I wish I could turn back time
As vrea sa nu iubesc o amintire
I wish I didn't love a memory
As vre sa repar gresala ta
I wish I could fix your mistake
As vrea cand plang sa ma alini
I wish I could comfort myself when I cry
Dar vantul sterge orice speranta as avea
But the wind wipes away any hope I have
Eu merg mai departe si sper sa te uit
I move on and hope to forget you

Авторы: Andreea Balan, Teo Pacurar

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