Ann - 大丈夫だよ - перевод текста песни на английский

大丈夫だよ - Annперевод на английский

It's All Right
Even if you can't say anything now and are shedding tears,
大丈夫 大丈夫 僕も同じような夜を超えてるから
It's okay, it's okay, I've also been through similar nights,
泣きたい時は泣いてもいい その後に笑えば
It's okay to cry when you want to, if you laugh afterwards,
大丈夫 大丈夫 涙が全部洗い流してくれるから
It's okay, it's okay, because tears will wash everything away.
幸せを探しても見つからない 明確な目標も見つからないって
You search for happiness but can't find it, a clear goal is also nowhere to be found,
Since when have you started to feel anxious?
独りぼっちでへこまないで 独りぼっちで色んなもの抱え込まないで
Don't get depressed from being alone, don't bottle things up when you're alone,
Take a moment to look around you.
前からずっと そして今も 家族や友人に囲まれた輪の中の中心地
You've always been, and still are, surrounded by your family and friends,
みんなが信頼したり心配したり いっぱい愛したり
Everyone trusts you, worries about you, and loves you a lot.
小さな失敗なんて問題じゃないし 何より君と言う存在が大事
Small failures are not a problem, and your existence is what's important.
だから見失っちゃダメ 人生始まったばっかだぜ
So, don't lose sight of it, life is just beginning.
プレッシャーや日々のストレスも 嫌な事は誰にでもあるさ
Everyone has bad days, full of pressure and stress,
でも上を向いて歩いていると 少しずつでもなんとかなるさ
But if you keep looking up as you walk, little by little, things will work out.
半人前のボウズ頭だって あきらめなきゃ大丈夫だから
Even for a half-wit with a crew cut, if you don't give up, it'll be okay,
って自分に言い聞かせたり 廻りが支えてくれたり
That's what I tell myself, and everyone around me supports me.
急ぎ過ぎないで無理をしないで 一人で寂しく悩まないで
Don't rush, don't push yourself, don't worry alone in silence.
辛い時はみんな同じ そう思って明るく開きなおり
Everyone feels the same when they're in pain, so think about that and come around to a brighter outlook,
大人はせかすよ 「もっとガンバレ」
Adults will rush you, telling you to "try harder,"
But you don't have to change who you are.
無邪気なままでいいんだよ ゆっくりでいいんだよ
It's okay to be naive, it's okay to take your time.
君が今 夢を目の前に立ち尽くしていても
Even if you are standing still in front of your dreams,
大丈夫 大丈夫 みんなが君の努力を分かってるから
It's okay, it's okay, everyone knows how hard you're trying.
今日はゆっくり休んで 明日頑張りなよ
Get some rest today, and try again tomorrow.
大丈夫 大丈夫 朝日がやさしく君を迎えてくれるから
It's okay, it's okay, because the sunrise will gently welcome you.
悲しみに暮れた夕焼けさえも 明日へと続く通過点
Even the sunset filled with sadness is a waypoint on the path to tomorrow,
届かなくてもいいよ あの大空へ その手を伸ばせ
It's okay if you can't reach it, stretch out your hand to the vast sky.
Even if you can't say anything now and are shedding tears,
大丈夫大丈夫 僕も同じような夜を超えてるから
It's okay, it's okay, I've also been through similar nights
泣きたい時は泣いてもいい その後に笑えば
It's okay to cry when you want to, if you laugh afterwards,
大丈夫大丈夫 涙が全部洗い流してくれる
It's okay, it's okay, because tears will wash everything away.

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