Anri Kumaki - Kaze no Kioku - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Anri Kumaki - Kaze no Kioku

Kaze no Kioku
Wind Memories
蓝色的地球在我的心里 青い地球が 私の胸に
A blue Earth dwells within my heart Blue Earth upon my breast
捧起了夜空中的满月 夜に浮かぶ 満月をくれた
You brought about the rising moon in the night sky You have given me the full moon floating in the night
大地的鲜花在我的心里 大地の花が 私の胸に
Flowers of the earth dwell within my heart Flowers of the earth upon my breast
升起了不落的太阳 沈まない 太阳をくれた
You brought about the sun that never sets You have given me the sun that does not set
与人邂逅,总会伴随 人と出会う横には いつもある
When people meet, it's always accompanied Accompanying people's meetings
分别的海上晚风 いつか别れに変わる 夕凪が
With the sea breeze of parting Is a calm evening that will turn into a farewell
乘着风越过海洋 风をくぐって 海を越えたら
If I were to sail across the ocean on the back of the wind On the wind, crossing over the sea
你成了我追逐的宝岛 君が 宝岛になる
You will become the treasure island that I seek You become the Treasure Island
小小的梦想 ひとかけらの梦は
A tiny dream, a tiny dream A tiny part of a dream
就像成群鱼儿 群れを帯びてる鱼のように
Like fish that swim in schools Like fish swimming in shoals
横穿过整个季节 よこぎってゆく季节
Cutting across the entirety of the seasons Cutting across the seasons
(期待)与你共创奇迹 君と叶える奇迹
I hope I can achieve miracles with you To achieve miracles along with you
飞鸟在朝霞中飞过 明日の上を 鸟たちが飞ぶ
When birds fly through the morning glow When birds fly over tomorrow's sky
夜明けまでに 间に合うように
As if to make it before daybreak In time for the dawn
汽船开启的鸣笛声 也象要追逐黎明的脚步 船の汽笛は はじまりの音
The ship's whistle blows, the sound of beginnings The ship's siren is the sound of beginning
荡漾着漂向周围 见えない矢印を 浮かべて
Floating, depicting arrows that cannot be seen Floating, depicting invisible arrows
和你一起有过的短暂记忆 君と过ごした 短い记忆が
Those short memories I have with you Short memories I spent with you
不知何时冲破记忆的闸门涌上前来 いつか长く伸びて 迎えにくる
Will someday come rushing in, having burst through the floodgates of memory Will come to greet you, having stretched out
在微风中,闭上眼睛 风を頼りに 目を闭じたとき
When I close my eyes, entrusting myself to the wind When I close my eyes, relying on the wind
你成了我追寻的宝岛 君が宝岛になる
You will become the treasure island that I seek You will become the Treasure Island
点缀着梦想 梦を饰りながら
Adorning dreams Decorating dreams
象随波飘摇的珊瑚 珊瑚のように 波にゆられて
Like coral swaying to the rhythm of the waves Like coral swaying in waves
在不断感受的季节里 気がついてゆく 季节
In the seasons I continue to sense In the seasons I continue to notice
继续明天的旅程ひと続きの この旅
I continue the journey that began today This journey that continues
The end

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