Ante Cash - Danke Deutschland - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ante Cash - Danke Deutschland

Danke Deutschland
Danke Deutschland
Willkomen zu balkan
Welcome to the Balkans
Bure baruta
We make a great gunpowder
U nas djeca u vrtiću znaju
Here, even kindergarten children know
Kartu frankfurta
The map of Frankfurt
S nepunih sedam
At the tender age of seven
Idu kod strica na ferije
They visit their uncles during the holidays
Sa petnaest
At fifteen
Gonjaju mercedese i perije
They chase after Mercedes and ferries
Tjednom se zarađuje
You can earn money during the week
Vikendom prazne kase
And by the weekend, you'll need to cash in
Jer je vikendom zna se
Because on the weekend, you know
Balkan štrase
The Balkan streets
Vozim c klasse
I drive a C-Class
Naplaćuju mi vasser
I'm finally charged for that water
Al uz domaće kobase
But I'll send home these local sausages
Moji pošalju i prase
My family will send me a pig too
Jer nemam za rentu
Because I can't pay rent
Nemam svoj stan
I don't own an apartment
Al imam balkan klan
But I have a Balkan clan
I jebeno dobar plan
And a damn good plan
Oženit ću švabicu
I'll marry a German woman
Državljanstvo meni daće
She'll give me citizenship
Nema veze što je žuta
It doesn't matter if she's pale
I teža od mog ćaće
Or heavier than my father
žene ajme majko
Oh, my goodness
Al u raji je spas
But there is salvation in heaven
Jer je ovdje češće ime
Because here, the name
Haso nego hans
Haso is more common than Hans
Cigare na šteke
Cigarettes on sticks
Dresovi od džeke
Suits made of jackets
A hrvatski šprehen
And the Croatian dialect
I angela merkel
Of Angela Merkel
Ich bin ein balkaner
I am a Balkaner
šaner, guten tag
Schöne, guten tag
Ovde ima balkanaca
There are many Balkaners here
Ko da doššo si u haag
As if you were in The Hague
Ich bin ein croat
I am a Croat
Al vizu će mi dat
But they will give me a visa
Jer misle da je imotski
Because they think Imotski
Minhenski kvart
Is a Munich district
Iman Triest godina
I am thirty years old
Od tog staža dvaest
And out of those, twenty
Od jezika znam samo
I only know the language
Ich cale ales
Ich cale ales
Ako ne radimo s cementom
If we are not working with cement
Radimo sa šitom
We are working with shit
Naučili smo švapske
We have learned from the Swabians
Murjake šta je mito
Construction workers what a bribe is
Naučili ih i to
We have taught them
Rupa u zakonu što je
What a loophole is
I kako dobit na švrercanu
And how to profit from smuggling
Robu merver štojer
Merver Steier goods
Znamo zajebat i krast
We know how to hustle and steal
Ich habe du hast
Ich habe du hast
ženi šaljem marke
I send marks to my wife
žena čvarke i mast
My wife sends me cracklings and lard
Odvje su mi tast
Your father-in-law
šura i babo
Your brother-in-law and your grandfather
Srbi hrvati bosanci
Serbs, Croats, Bosnians
I tu i tamo švabo
And here and there, a Swabian
Jer pola minken grada
Because half of the city of Minke
Nam je ambasada buraz
Is our Bosnian embassy
A marke -
And marks
Priznate samo u nas
Are only accepted here

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