Aposento Alto - 36 Barra y Un Coro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Aposento Alto - 36 Barra y Un Coro

36 Barra y Un Coro
36 Bars and a Chorus
Tu conoces ni te preocupas por conocer, No creo en su mentiras pues no hay nada que creer
You know, or you don't care to know, I don't believe in their lies, there's nothing to believe.
Arrancar la pagina pero,
Tear out the page, but
Nunca la historia
Never the story
Para la manos obreras
For the working hands
Es mi dedicatoria
This is my dedication
Con una funda en elecciones no seremos felices el problema no esta en el frutos si no en la raices,
With a sheath in elections, we will not be happy, the problem is not in the fruits but in the roots,
La tristeza a durado mas que la alegria no quitaron el ingenio pero,
The sadness has lasted longer than the joy, they did not take away the ingenuity, but
Fue a sangre fria .
It was in cold blood.
Pueden comprar un voto por un plato de arroz somo inteligentes no actuamos como animal ferroz pero,
They can buy a vote for a plate of rice, we are intelligent, we don't act like a ferocious animal, but
Volvemos hacerlo animal como perro a su amo mientras ellos se enriquecen te pregunto, En que fallamos .
We do it again, animal-like, a dog to its master, while they enrich themselves, I ask you, Where did we fail?
La calle sin asfalto, no tenemos agua potable, no necesita espejuelo la realidad es muy palpable
The street without asphalt, we don't have drinking water, you don't need a mirror, the reality is very palpable
En fermadad, epidemia que suba gran escala la tierra que Dios creo pues tengo que comprarla
In disease, an epidemic that rises on a large scale, the land that God created, well, I have to buy it.
Para lo mas desposeidos existen la leyes politicos roban millones no diluye y huye que hay muchos delincuentes es lo que dialogan
For the most deprived, there are laws, politicians steal millions, do not dilute and flee, there are many criminals, that's what they say
Somo humanos con los mismos derechos como eslogan
We are humans with the same rights as a slogan.
San Luis, para muchos fue un error nacer aqui, Dominicanos vivian de la mano hatiana en el batey los ninos piensa en pistola y olvidan el play ahora (Rest In Peace) en la pared con espray
San Luis, for many it was a mistake to be born here, Dominicans lived hand in hand with Haitians, in the batey, the children think about guns and forget the play, now (Rest In Peace) on the wall with spray.
Es mi punto de vista de lo que aprendi, recordar es vivir y vivir es arrepentir se lo se pero tenemos que migrar quisas pasemos al otro dia el dia de nuestro funeral
This is my point of view of what I learned, to remember is to live, and to live is to repent, I know it, but we have to migrate, we may pass to the other side the day of our funeral.
El pasado es pasado no dicernimos el presente del futuro tiene miedo a lo que triga la corriente
The past is the past, we do not discern the present from the future, it is afraid of what the current brings,
Los deseos son muchos, la realidad inmensa soy esclavo de mi palabra pero, no de tus ofensas
Desires are many, the reality is immense, I am a slave to my word, but not to your offenses.
Ello te dicen loco triunfar es imposible cuando vez que todo es imposible tu lo haraz posible
They tell you you're crazy, to succeed is impossible, when you see that everything is impossible you will make it possible.
Soy del pueblo para el pueblo ejemplo de superacion cuando hay dificultad hay viene tu bendicion
I am from the people for the people, an example of overcoming, when there is difficulty your blessing comes.
Que ama el projimo pero, nunca no quisimos si ellos piensa mucha mas en si mismo que en mi, necesita quien no necesita bueno haci vivimos
That loves one's neighbor, but never didn't want to, if they think much more of themselves than of me, who needs who doesn't need, well, that's how we live.
Los ninos con el estomago llenos pero
The children with their stomachs full but
Todos corremos con un riesgo sin ser malabarista entiende la humildad no te hace conformistad, tu color de piel no define de donde eres que define de donde eres son la jente que tu quieres
We all run a risk without being a juggler, understand that humility does not make you conformist, your skin color does not define where you are from, what defines where you are from are the people you love.
Vivo el dia a dia como si fuera el final
I live day by day as if it were the end.
Cuando miro a mi nina es como si fuera el principio para lograr lo cometido te debes que sacrificar
When I look at my daughter, it's like it's the beginning, to achieve what you set out to do you have to sacrifice yourself.
Debe mirar el cielo antes que mirar el precipicio
You must look at the sky before you look at the precipice.
Un corazon que calla, una mirada que pide agrito Dios sabiendo lo que pido me da lo que necesito el hombre no perdona aunque pequeno sea el delito el no rechaza un corazon contrito aunque sea un convicto
A heart that is silent, a look that asks, I cry out God knowing that what I ask for He gives me what I need, man does not forgive however small the crime, he does not reject a contrite heart even if he is a convict.
Te disfrazas y no te queda el disfraz
You disguise yourself and the disguise doesn't suit you
Cuanto discurso bonito pero solo borra paz cuanto premio novel pero ninguno son capaz de conocer el arte guerra y conocer la paz
How many beautiful speeches, but only erase peace, how many Nobel Prizes, but none of them are able to know the art of war and know peace
El sistema nos da no quites es su idiologia
The system gives us, do not take away, it's their ideology.
Vive, como si vivieras tu ultimos dias
Live as if you were living your last days,
Que el dinero no justifique tu alegria por que la vida es bella y no necesita cirugia
Let money not justify your joy, because life is beautiful and does not need surgery.
Nos enamoramos de la vida el arbol da su fruto aunque sus ramas esten torcidas
We fall in love with life, the tree bears its fruit even if its branches are crooked.
Que tu manos no sean la mano homicidas
May your hands not be the murderous hands.
Por el tiempo es como el doctor que cura la heridas
For time is like the doctor who heals wounds.
Cuanto cantan borracho de fama se siente desfraudado si no escuchan los aplausos parecen maquinas programadas en cada programa si no hay grama, no hay drama llamale raperos falso
How many sing, drunk with fame, they feel cheated if they don't hear the applause, they look like programmed machines in each program, if there's no grass, there's no drama, call them fake rappers.
Tu me preguntas porque elegi esta musica
You ask me why I chose this music.
Yo no la elegi, Dios me hablo atravez de ella
I didn't choose it, God spoke to me through it,
No todo se consigue atravez se suplica
Not everything is achieved through supplication
36 barras y un coro desde Quisqueya la bella
36 bars and a chorus from Quisqueya the beautiful.

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