Aposento Alto - Diamante en el Lodo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Aposento Alto - Diamante en el Lodo

Diamante en el Lodo
Diamond in the Mud
¡Y el premio es para el grupo,
And the award is for the group,
Aqui lo tengo, Aposento Alto!.
Here I have it, Aposento Alto!.
Gracias, gracias mi gente gracias,
Thank you, thank you my people thank you,
En realidad este premio es dedicado pimeramente para Dios,
In fact this award is dedicated first of all to God,
Nos sentimos realmente contento y espero que, esperese philipe quiere decirle algo:
We feel truly happy, and I hope that... wait, philipe wants to tell you something:
Olle es que tu no te imaginas
Listen, you can't imagine
Por to lo que yo he pasao,
Everything I've been through,
Lo mal que me he sentio me he rio y he llorao,
How bad I've felt, I've laughed and I've cried,
En el mundo perdio yo escribio to mariao,
Lost in the world I wrote, all messed up,
Empeñao he cojio fiao y he pagao por lo que he llorao.
Determined I've borrowed, been in debt and paid for what I've cried about.
La he mordio demasiao,
I've bitten off more than I can chew,
Me han traicionao aficiao la he macao,
They've betrayed me, disappointed, I've messed up,
Me he arrepentio 80 veces mal contao,
I've repented 80 times, badly counted,
De mi casa me han votao,
They kicked me out of my house,
Por ta de malcriao,
For being a brat,
Estaba apunto de ser un difunto
I was about to be a dead man
En punto me han acarreleao.
On point, they've rushed me.
Yo me crie donde
I grew up where
Le llaman bueno al ma desacatao,
They call the disrespectful good,
Por que te regala mil peso
Because they give you a thousand pesos
De lo que tu hijo se ha fumao,
Of what your son has smoked,
Nombre que no he mensionao
Names I haven't mentioned
Averigue usted por su lao,
Find out for yourself,
Que yo ni, cuando muchacho fui,
That I never, even when I was a boy,
Muchacho de mandao.
Was a boy to be ordered around.
Pero lo que mas me duele,
But what hurts me the most,
Que son la misma gente mia,
Is that they are my own people,
Tienen los ojos ciegos
They have blind eyes
Y el alma llena de hipocresia,
And souls full of hypocrisy,
Tienen pa bebe to lo dia,
They have enough to drink all day,
Y no hay pa la comida,
And there's nothing for food,
Y tu hijo se va pa la escuela (con la barriga vacia),
And your son goes to school (with an empty stomach),
Despue quiere echa en la ofrenda
Then they want to put in the offering
Con lo que vende de mercancia,
With what they sell merchandise,
Como que si Dios acepta soborno,
As if God accepts bribes,
El no es policia.
He is not a policeman.
Mi papa me lo decia,
My father told me,
Estudia aprovecha el momento,
Study, seize the moment,
Aqui el que vive de esperanza,
Here, the one who lives on hope,
Se muere de un sentimiento,
Dies of a feeling,
Pero el presidente te promete
But the president promises you
Un futuro mejor que el ayer,
A better future than yesterday,
Como el va asegura mi futuro,
How can he ensure my future,
Si el no sabe cual es el de el.
If he doesn't know what his is.
Por eso yo solo deposito
That's why I only deposit
Mi esperanza en aquel,
My hope in him,
Que me prometio una tierra
Who promised me a land
En donde fluye leche y miel.
Where milk and honey flow.
Un diamante yo soy,
A diamond I am,
Aunque ayer anduve en valle de muerte
Although yesterday I walked in the valley of death
Y nadie me ayudo,
And no one helped me,
Un diamante yo soy,
A diamond I am,
Y ya no quiero mas el pari
And I don't want the party anymore
Ni mari por que el me salvo,
Nor weed because He saved me,
Un diamante soy por que,
I am a diamond because,
A este mundo renuncie,
I renounced this world,
Y al lodo no volvere,
And I will not return to the mud,
Porque soy hijo del Rey.
Because I am a son of the King.
Nanana. nana.aanananan...
Nanana. nana.aanananan...
(Tu no lo sabe). nananna... nananana.nana.
(You don't know). nananna... nananana.nana.
(Gloria a Dios). nanana. anana. ananan.
(Glory to God). nanana. anana. ananan.
(Yo me subi en un barco).
(I got on a boat).
Fui el novio de juana
I was Juana's boyfriend
Y el mejor amigo del talco.
And the best friend of talc.
Mientras yo me iba de rumba,
While I was partying,
Estaba a un paso del fracaso,
I was one step away from failure,
Y a un balazo de la tumba.
And a shot away from the grave.
La cuestion es que
The thing is that
La corrupcion no se detiene,
Corruption doesn't stop,
Rico no es el que mucho tiene,
Rich is not the one who has a lot,
Sino el que con poco tiene,
But the one who has a little,
La cuestion es que
The thing is that
El politico es quien reparte los bienes,
The politician is the one who distributes the goods,
Y aunque robe tiene que vota
And even if he steals he has to vote
Por el que mas te conviene.
For the one that suits you best.
Ahora le hemo puesto sentimiento a esto
Now we have put feeling into this
Pa sali de los ghettos,
To get out of the ghettos,
Proyecto, pa que el mundo reconosca
Project, so that the world recognizes
Que hay talento,
That there is talent,
El Aposento, nosotros ningunos
The Aposento, none of us
Somos perfectos,
Are perfect,
Pero Dios hizo que la rosa
But God made the rose
Creciera en medio del concreto.
Grow in the middle of concrete.
Porque na mas yo se
Because I only know
Lo que es escribi un tema to la noche,
What it is to write a song all night,
Cantando bajito
Singing softly
Pa que natan no sopeche,
So that Natan doesn't suspect,
Grabando en cinta de mi papa
Recording on my father's tape
Y aguante pila de boche,
And put up with a lot of noise,
Pero por mi esfuerzo
But because of my effort
A mi hijo no le va a falta su leche.
My son will not lack his milk.
Yo fui criado en el ghetto
I was raised in the ghetto
Donde el dinero borra mente,
Where money erases minds,
Refugio del policia del ladron del delincuente.
Refuge of the policeman, the thief, the delinquent.
Donde la menorcita son ma dura
Where the youngest are tougher
Que un carburo, y vende su cuerpo en
Than carbide, and sell their bodies in
Busca de un futuro diferente,
Search of a different future,
Seducen a lo tiguere
They seduce the tigers
Pa que le compre presidente,
To buy them a president,
Y amanecen en cabaña
And they wake up in cabins
Media juquia de la mente,
Half crazy,
Al otro dia tu amanece sin el carro y sin lo lente,
The next day you wake up without the car and without the lenses,
Camaron que se duerme se lo lleva la coriente.
Shrimp that falls asleep is carried away by the current.
Si no fuera cristiano
If I weren't a Christian
Me hiciera un tatuaje en la cara,
I would get a tattoo on my face,
Con la r de revolucion
With the R of revolution
En el nombre del che guevara,
In the name of Che Guevara,
Pero como soy cristiano
But since I am a Christian
Te vua a deja la cosas claras, mi R es de resurrecion
I'm going to make things clear, my R is for resurrection
Y a mi con Jesus
And with Jesus
Nadie me para-para-para.
No one can stop me - stop me - stop me.
Muchas gracias.
Thank you very much.
Un diamante yo soy,
A diamond I am,
Aunque ayer anduve en valle de muerte
Although yesterday I walked in the valley of death
Y nadie me ayudo,
And no one helped me,
Un diamante yo soy,
A diamond I am,
Y ya no quiero mas el pari
And I don't want the party anymore
Ni mari por que el me salvo,
Nor weed because He saved me,
Un diamante soy por que,
I am a diamond because,
A este mundo renuncie,
I renounced this world,
Y al lodo no volvere,
And I will not return to the mud,
Porque soy hijo del Rey.
Because I am a son of the King.
Nanana. nana.aanananan...
Nanana. nana.aanananan...
(Tu no lo sabe). nananna... nananana.nana.
(You don't know). nananna... nananana.nana.
(Gloria a Dios). nanana. anana. ananan.
(Glory to God). nanana. anana. ananan.
Felices ustedes los pobres,
Blessed are you who are poor,
Por que de ustedes es el
For yours is the
Reino de Dios,
Kingdom of God,
Felices los que tienen hambre
Blessed are those who hunger
Porque quedaran sastifechos.
For they will be satisfied.
Felices ustedes los que lloran,
Blessed are you who weep,
Por que despues reiran,
For you will laugh,
Felices ustedes
Blessed are you
Cuando la gente los odie,
When people hate you,
Y los expulse y los desprecie
And drive you out and despise you
Como cosa mala
As something evil
Por causa del Hijo del Hombre,
Because of the Son of Man,
Llenense de gozo en ese dia,
Rejoice in that day,
Por que recibiran un
For you will receive a
Gran premio en el cielo,
Great reward in heaven,
Pues tambien asi maltrataron
For in the same way they mistreated
A los profetas los
The prophets, the
Antepasados de esa gente.
Ancestors of those people.

Авторы: Chris Marte

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