Aposento Alto - Espíritu Santo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Aposento Alto - Espíritu Santo

Espíritu Santo
Holy Spirit
Compara una pluma con un lápiz,
Compare a feather with a pencil,
Una hoja refinada con un papel corriente,
A refined sheet with a plain paper,
Pero dime, cual es la diferencia cuando el corazón de un
But tell me, what is the difference when the heart of a
Poeta esta decidido a plasmar sus sentimientos,
Poet is determined to capture his feelings,
Me Llaman loco, loco porque hablo contigo & no resivo
They call me crazy, crazy because I talk to you & I don't receive
Una respuesta audible.
An audible answer.
En ocaciones, En ocaciones, Loco, Porque se me hace
Sometimes, Sometimes, Crazy, Because I find it
Imposible vivir sin ti, Porque en mis canciones eres el centro de
Impossible to live without you, Because in my songs you are the center of
Inspiracion, del corazon habla la voca, & nota, que mis notas no
Inspiration, from the heart speaks the voice, & note, that my notes are not
Son pocas, Eh sufrido tanto, y eh llorado tanto,
Few, I have suffered so much, and I have cried so much,
Mas hoy elevo a ti mi canto. Si a ti padre, a ti Espiritu Santo.
But today I raise my song to you. Yes to you father, to you Holy Spirit.
Búscalo, Llámalo, Sientelo, El Espiritu Santo De Señor Llegó,
Seek him, Call on him, Feel him, The Holy Spirit Of the Lord Has Arrived,
Este es el momento, Siente lo que siento, Desde El Aposento, Este
This is the moment, Feel what I feel, From The Upper Room, This
Es el momento exacto,
Is the exact moment,
Buscalo, Llamalo, Sientelo, El espiritu Santo del señor llego,
Seek Him, Call on Him, Feel Him, The Holy Spirit of the Lord has arrived,
Para sanar el Pueblo, Yeeah, & a declarar palabra sobre hueso
To heal the People, Yeah, & to declare word over dry
Ya ah pasado tanto tiempo desde aquel primer momento, donde
So much time has passed since that first moment, where
Fueron mis primeros pasos, De pie me siento,
My first steps were, I stand on my feet,
Espiritu santo gracias por salvar mi vida, Estoy agradecido
Holy Spirit thank you for saving my life, I am grateful
Y lo estare de por vida, Eres hermoso digno de la gloria y de la
And I will be for life, You are beautiful worthy of glory and
Honra, Por ti supere el problema de la deshonra, te
Honor, For you I overcame the problem of dishonor, I
Agradezco tantas cosas, Tantos minutos grey-os,
Thank you for so many things, So many grey minutes,
Agradezco aquel dia que cambiaste mis pensamientos,
I am grateful for that day that you changed my thoughts,
Como olvidar señor, Como olvidar aquel momento,
How to forget Lord, How to forget that moment,
Donde sanaste las heridas de mis sentimientos, Donde
Where you healed the wounds of my feelings, Where
Secaste lagrimas que invadían mi rostro,
You dried tears that invaded my face,
Gracias a ti señor puedo gritar que eres Santo,
Thanks to you Lord I can shout that you are Holy,
Si me sumerjo en el mar yo encuentro entre las olas,
If I submerge in the sea I find you among the waves,
Si descubro camino en el bosque y te encuentro a solas,
If I discover a path in the forest and find you alone,
Tu sombra y tu frescura me acompañan cada dia,
Your shadow and your freshness accompany me every day,
Si me asomo a la ventana de los hombres me suspiras
If I look out the window of men you sigh at me
Y es que tu belleza supera toda belleza,
And it is that your beauty surpasses all beauty,
Eres rey de la existencia de la suprema realeza
You are king of the existence of the supreme royalty
Tu magnificencia opaca toda grandeza
Your magnificence overshadows all greatness
Por ser espiritu de Dios espiritu de firmeza
For being the spirit of God, the spirit of firmness
Búscalo, Llámalo, Sientelo, El Espiritu Santo De Señor Llegó,
Seek him, Call on him, Feel him, The Holy Spirit Of the Lord Has Arrived,
Este es el momento, Siente lo que siento, Desde El Aposento, Este
This is the moment, Feel what I feel, From The Upper Room, This
Es el momento exacto,
Is the exact moment,
Buscalo, Llamalo, Sientelo, El espiritu Santo del señor llego,
Seek Him, Call on Him, Feel Him, The Holy Spirit of the Lord has arrived,
Para sanar el Pueblo, Yeeah, & a declarar palabra sobre hueso
To heal the People, Yeah, & to declare word over dry
No te negare que fui insensible & hasta parece increible,
I will not deny that I was insensitive & it even seems incredible,
Nonono Soy soy yo que sin ti me siento inservible,
No no no I am I who without you I feel useless,
Que por la belleza de una rosa me cegué,
That for the beauty of a rose I was blinded,
Me corte con espinas, ¿cuantas heridas no cause?'
I cut myself with thorns, how many wounds did I not cause?'
La falta de tu ausencia me hizo darme cuenta de que sin ti rie
The lack of your absence made me realize that without you I laugh
En publico y en lo oculto revienta, que cosas como esta
In public and in private bursts, things like this
Hicieron que me arrepienta,
Made me repent,
Sin remordimiento de conciencia tu paz acierta,
Without remorse of conscience your peace succeeds,
En papel escirbo & escribo y descargo tension pero
On paper I write & I write and I release tension but
Contigo puedo entablar una conversacion,
With you I can have a conversation,
Contigo puedo ser real cante lo que cante,
With you I can be real sing what I sing,
Te cuento mi secreto y tu no me tiras pa' alante,
I tell you my secret and you don't throw me forward,
Tu me enseñaste a esperar en ti,
You taught me to wait on you,
& A no pensar en lo que piensan otros sino a pensar lo
& Not to think about what others think but to think what
Que piensas tu de mi,
You think of me,
Eres el alimento al alma la tormenta a la calma, no sonrio en bano
You are the food to the soul the storm to the calm, I don't smile in vain
Mi corazon te da mis palmas, mi corazon te danza, y no se cansa,
My heart gives you my palms, my heart dances for you, and does not get tired,
Mas que musica, mi estilo de visa es una alabanza,
More than music, my visa style is a praise,
Hoy canto a pesar del llanto y tanto que fallé.
Today I sing despite the crying and so much that I failed.
Búscalo, Llámalo, Sientelo, El Espiritu Santo De Señor Llegó,
Seek him, Call on him, Feel him, The Holy Spirit Of the Lord Has Arrived,
Este es el momento, Siente lo que siento, Desde El Aposento, Este
This is the moment, Feel what I feel, From The Upper Room, This
Es el momento exacto,
Is the exact moment,
Buscalo, Llamalo, Sientelo, El espiritu Santo del señor llego,
Seek Him, Call on Him, Feel Him, The Holy Spirit of the Lord has arrived,
Para sanar el Pueblo, Yeeah, & a declarar palabra sobre hueso
To heal the People, Yeah, & to declare word over dry
El espiritu santo mis tantos cantos no me bastan,
The Holy Spirit my many songs are not enough for me,
Ante tanta grandeza mis palabras no me alcanzan,
Before so much greatness my words do not reach me,
El dia que me tocaste hiciste que fuera distinto,
The day you touched me you made me different,
Fuera tras tus propositos & no tras mis instintos,
I went after your purposes & not after my instincts,
¿Que ah pasado? ¿Porque no eh vuelto a ser igual?
What has happened? Why haven't I gone back to being the same?
Me miraste eh hiciste que fuera un ser sin igual,
You looked at me, you made me a being like no other,
Sobrenatural en tu presencia sin ti no sobrevivo,
Supernatural in your presence without you I don't survive,
En cambio no te cambio por un millon en efectivo,
Instead I don't trade you for a million in cash,
Es que no hay motivo pa' dejarte porque me cambiaste
There is no reason to leave you because you changed me
Mi rostro triste, Me pusiste una sonrisa colgante,
My sad face, You put a hanging smile on me,
Me serviste me haces sentirme firme en el camino,
You served me you make me feel firm on the road,
Toy' profundo en mi mundo,
I'm deep in my world,
El mundo me importa un comino, a mi no,
The world doesn't matter to me, not to me,
Porque ya no me llaman los placeres,
Because pleasures no longer call me,
Si para orar me quieres buscame donde Perez,
If you want to pray with me, look for me where Perez is,
Me encanto su encanto & mi canto hoy es difernte,
I was enchanted by its charm & my singing today is different,
Aunque el diablo atente, con autoridad hijo detente,
Although the devil tries, with authority son stop,
Te amo porque clamo, y respondes cuando te llamo,
I love you because I cry out, and you answer when I call you,
Sollosamos, lloramos cada vez que te buscamos,
We sob, we cry every time we look for you,
Salto alto, con un toque de gracia infinita, Eres el conversor
I jump high, with a touch of infinite grace, You are the converter
Que hace que mi voz suene bonita.
That makes my voice sound beautiful.
Búscalo, Llámalo, Sientelo, El Espiritu Santo De Señor Llegó,
Seek him, Call on him, Feel him, The Holy Spirit Of the Lord Has Arrived,
Este es el momento, Siente lo que siento, Desde El Aposento, Este
This is the moment, Feel what I feel, From The Upper Room, This
Es el momento exacto,
Is the exact moment,
Buscalo, Llamalo, Sientelo, El espiritu Santo del señor llego,
Seek Him, Call on Him, Feel Him, The Holy Spirit of the Lord has arrived,
Para sanar el Pueblo, Yeeah, & a declarar palabra sobre hueso
To heal the People, Yeah, & to declare word over dry

Авторы: Aposento Alto

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