Aposento Alto - La Lotería - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Aposento Alto - La Lotería

La Lotería
The Lottery
Hoy fue mi ultimo dia que jugue a la loteria
Today was my last day playing the lottery
Lo hice a lo callado mi familia no queria, ni maria
I did it secretly, my family didn't want me to, not even Maria
Ni la vecina eso es boberia
Nor the neighbor, that's nonsense
Como queria jugue y me fui a la peluqueria
Since I wanted to play, I went to the hair salon
Yo nunca pense que todo eto cualto yo tendria
I never thought I'd have all this money
Ni le preste atencion a lo que en la radio decian
I didn't pay attention to what they were saying on the radio
Hasta que llego Maria
Until Maria came
Chino te sacaste!!!
Chino, you won!!!
No relages empezo el aguaje y la bacaneria
Don't worry, the fun and revelry began
Cuando llegue a mi casa todo el mundo me queria
When I got home everyone loved me
Y eso que mi mama no queria que jugara
And that's even though my mom didn't want me to play
Llegaron los panas dijeron vamos pa sara pa comprar pinta bacana que esta noche hay llaveria
My friends came and said let's go shopping and buy some cool clothes, because tonight it's going to rain money
La hija de la vecina no queria hacer me coro
The neighbor's daughter didn't want to make me company
Me hizo coro en tono diciendo que me amaria
She humored me, saying that she would love me
Bebidas carro y mujer yo tengo por montones no me puedo quejar
Drinks, a car, and women I have by the dozens, I can't complain
Eso es lo que yo queria
That's what I wanted
Me siento vacio como la botella de romo
I feel empty like a bottle of rum
Lo que mas me gusta de la vida es el tegumo
What I like most in life is to party
Yo bebo no debo pero debo darle plomo a cualquiera que venga a hacerme sombra no soy palomo
I drink, I misbehave, but I am ready to shoot anyone who tries to come between me because I am not a wimp
Cuando tengo dinero por mi casa no asomo
When I have money I don't even go home
No me hables de trabajar que estoy cansado de bajar el lomo
Don't talk to me about work, I am tired of working hard
Me gusta la disco las luces mujeres cromo sino hay dinero como ficha de domino me desplomo
I like discos, lights, women, money; if I don't have money I just get down like a domino
Paresco un robot pero me desprogramo
I look like a robot, but I deprogram myself
Todo termina y comienza si nos reseteamos
Everything ends and begins if we reset ourselves
Aveces culpo al sistema pero asi es que somos
Sometimes I blame the system, but that's how we are
Ahora me atracan para ponerle la tapa al pomo
Now they rob me to put the lid on the bottle
Me dicen chino tu no cambias le pregunto como
They tell me, Chino, you don't change, and I ask, how?
Chino tu no cambias vuelvo le pregunto como
Chino, you don't change, again I ask, how?
Que te importa si duermo si como
What does it matter to you if I sleep, if I eat
Que no tengo amigos se que mi amigo es el romo
I don't have friends, I know that my friend is rum
El rolo el ultimo marbol de marihuana
The joint, the last marble of marijuana
Yo no me enamoro busco mujeres bacanas
I don't fall in love, I look for cool women
Y llama a ana para que me haga el coro
And call Ana so she can make me company
Que ahora fue que empezo el coro aunque sean las 2 de la mañana
The chorus has just begun even though it's 2 in the morning
Y dile que salga a tal po la venta
And tell her to come out to the window
Que vamos a vacilar aunque ya no quede mucha lana
That we're going to party even though there's not much money left
Porque lo cualto que me saque lo gaste bebiendo romo, me atracan unos palomos los agarro mañana
Because I spent the money I won drinking rum, I got robbed by some pigeons, I'll get them tomorrow
Sueltame yo hago lo que me de la gana
Let me go, I do what I want
Y ahi ahi a la entro un pana y el me gana y eta marihuana me tiene en el aire
And then, a friend came and beat me and this marijuana has me up in the air
Pero yo ando con mi pistola la negra afroamericana
But I carry my gun, the black African-American
Y me dan ganas de que esten un par de panas
And I wish I had a couple of friends with me
Estaban conmigo cuando me saque esta mañana y ahora ninguno esta aqui ni su sombra
They were with me when I won the lottery this morning and now none of them are here, not even their shadow
Y lo que mas me asombra es que estoy tirado aqui como una rana
And what surprises me the most is that I'm lying here like a frog
Ayana me siento mal no siento mi alma
Ayana, I feel bad, I don't feel my soul
Creo que no existe fuerza humana que me salve de esta mi corazón se para
I think there is no human force that can save me from this, my heart is stopping
Oye llama a mi hermana dile que ni la fama ni el dinero traen felicidad y que venga a orar por mi tu sabes que ella es cristiana
Hey, call my sister and tell her that neither fame nor money bring happiness and that she should come and pray for me, you know that she's a Christian
Y yo se que Dios sana (me quemo treme agua)
And I know that God heals (I'm burning, quench me with water)
Creo que no tengo mañana.
I think I have no tomorrow.
Hay caminos que al hombre le parecen ser rectos pero su final es muerte
There are ways that seem right to a man, but in the end they lead to death
Jesus toca tu puerta el toca tu corazon si tu lo dejas entrar el cenara contigo el mundo pasa y su deseo
Jesus knocks at your door, he knocks at your heart; if you let him in he will dine with you, the world is passing away with its desires
Al que hace la voluntad de Jehová permanece para siempre
But whoever does the will of Jehovah endures forever

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