Aposento Alto - Tu Amor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Aposento Alto - Tu Amor

Tu Amor
Your Love
Ella desde pequeña era tan bella
She was such a beauty since she was little
Una estrella comparada con ella juro q estalla
A star compared to her I swear it would burst
Pero cuando creció se consiguió buenas amigas
But when she grew up she got herself good friends
Que viven la buena vida y beben bebidas en la playa
Who live the good life and drink drinks on the beach
Y su madre no se caya dice q será modelo por su pelo
And her mother won't shut up, says she'll be a model because of her hair
Hecho a la talla del cielo y es Minaya q'ren con hielo
Made to the size of heaven and it's Minaya they want with ice
Medallas cubren la estantería no están santa
Medals cover the shelf they are not Santa
Te encanta y practica la santería
You love and practice Santeria
Se graduó en la escuela pero no se tiene y
She graduated from school but you don't know it and
No tiene novio por q es obio que no le conviene
Doesn't have a boyfriend because it's obvious that it doesn't suit her
Pero su vecino tiene una humer TH3 tecnología 3
But her neighbor has a humer TH3 technology 3
En el celular y no bebe brugal Bebe Martini por eso ella le modela en
On the cell phone and doesn't drink brugal Drinks Martini that's why she models in
Bikini hace magia como Judini pa q el compre un lanborgini
Bikini does magic like Judini so he buys a Lamborghini
Es inocente como winy es tierna y modela en mini
She's innocent like Winy she's tender and models in mini
De pielna el chimy su madre casi esta interna
Of a leg the chimy her mother is almost internal
Que no estuviera con el su madre le decía
That she was not with him her mother told her
Pero ella le gritaba y le decía (oye déjame en paz)
But she screamed at him and said to him (hey leave me alone)
Escapaba con el de la casa desobedecía no sabia
Escaped with him from home disobeyed did not know
Q su sonrisa llevaba la maldad detrás un día lo encontró
Her smile carried evil behind one day he found her
A él con su mejor amiga tocándola, abrasándola y algo mas
Him with his best friend touching her, hugging her and something else
Y mientras más alcohol bebía mas se deprimía
And the more alcohol she drank the more depressed she got
Sola como la loca del muelle de San blass
Alone like the crazy woman on the pier of San Blass
Ella sabe q la vida es como un tren q
She knows that life is like a train that
Vuela q la vida se agota y q el tiempo pasa
Flies that life runs out and that time passes
Tendrá q buscarse algo q al final no duela
Will have to find something that in the end does not hurt
Aun q tenga q escaparse de casa
Even if I have to run away from home
Amor Real X6
Real Love X6
Y ella siguió con ese hombre q nunca la valoro
And she stayed with that man who never valued her
Q tanto la maltrato q tanto le gritaba
He mistreated her so much, he yelled at her so much
Y cuando llegaba a la casa borracho privaba el macho
And when he came home drunk the macho deprived
Y en frente de su muchacho la golpeaba
And in front of her boy he would beat her
Después le prometía q todo iba a cambiar
Then he promised her that everything was going to change
La rutina diaria y el mismo pretestó
The daily routine and the same pretext
Y como nadie es perfecto ella lo perdonaba
And as no one is perfect she forgave him
Y el volvía y la golpeaba (ley de causa y efecto)
And he came back and beat her (law of cause and effect)
Y ella pensaba en irse pero siempre pensaba
And she thought about leaving but she always thought
Q si se iba estaría sola y q nadie la amaba
That if she left she would be alone and that no one would love her
Su madre ya no estaba ya no la quería ni ver
Her mother was no longer there, she didn't want to see her anymore
Ya no la visitaba decepcionada mujer
She didn't visit her anymore, disappointed woman
Ella se fue con su hijo solo él le daba calor
She left with her son only he gave her warmth
Y lo mantenía con el dinero de su sudor
And he supported him with the money from his sweat
Una de sus viejas amigas paso y le dijo q Dios
One of her old friends passed by and told her that God
Envió a su único hijo a morir fue por amor
He sent his only son to die for love
Amor no de novelas
Love not of novels
Amor limpio
Clean love
Amor exacto
Love exactly
Amor de manantial
Spring water Love
Amor real como el dolor de un parto
Real love like the pain of childbirth
El amor q no te tuvieron tus viejas amigas
The love that your old friends didn't have for you
Q amaban tu belleza y admiraban tu mirada
Who loved your beauty and admired your gaze
El amor q no te tubo el hombre q le entregaste tu juventud
The love that the man who gave you your youth didn't have for you
Amor de luz
Love of light
Amor de cruz
Love of cross
Amor con actitud
Love with attitude
Amor de verdad
Love of truth
Amor q viene con luz
Love that comes with light
Amor real solo es el amor de Jesús
Real love is only the love of Jesus
Ella sabe q la vida es como un tren q
She knows that life is like a train that
Vuela q la vida se agota y q el tiempo pasa
Flies that life runs out and that time passes
Tendrá q buscarse algo q al final no duela
Will have to find something that in the end does not hurt
Aun q tenga q escaparse de casa
Even if I have to run away from home
Amor Real X6
Real Love X6

Авторы: Aposento Alto

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