楊宗緯 - 初愛 - перевод текста песни на английский

初愛 - 楊宗緯перевод на английский

First Love
Wayward Yang
First Love
Producer: Zhu Jingran
永遠感激 妳狂奔過操場 來到我眼前
I'll always be grateful that you ran across the playground to me.
陽光燦爛 燙紅了妳雙頰 溫暖妳笑靨
The sun was shining, turning your cheeks red and warming your smile.
那時節 黃澄澄的落葉 鋪滿整條街
At that time, the golden-yellow leaves covered the entire street.
下課鐘聲 盪過悠悠歲月
The sound of the school bell drifted through the years.
長大後 世界像一張網 網住我們的翅膀
As we grew up, the world became like a net, trapping our wings.
回憶 沈甸甸在心上
Memories weigh heavy on my heart.
偶爾 輕聲獨唱
Occasionally, I hum a song by myself.
Can I find the strength that has disappeared?
想起了初愛 想起最初的夢已不在
I think of my first love, the dream that we had in the beginning is gone.
想起青春 曾無畏無懼 無所謂失敗
I think of my youth, when I was fearless, unafraid, and failure didn't matter.
當時看見彩虹就笑開 一無窒礙在胸懷
At that time, I would smile when I saw a rainbow, and I felt no obstacles in my heart.
帶妳拋下課堂 翻過圍牆 只為了往一片大海
I took you out of class and climbed over the wall, just to get to the sea.
告別了初愛 告別了制服上的名牌
I said goodbye to my first love, to the name tag on my uniform.
告別天真 學著去撥開 雨天的陰霾
I said goodbye to innocence and learned to push away the gloom of rainy days.
沮喪失落反覆地重來 不能放棄勇敢去愛
Disappointment and failure came again and again, but I couldn't give up the courage to love.
是妳讓我 還相信未來
You made me believe in the future again.
我不可能 在顛簸的路上 走的那麼好
I couldn't walk so well on the bumpy road.
雖然妳 終究沒等到我 做妳的驕傲
Although you never waited for me to be your pride,
卻永遠是 我生命中的美好
You are forever the beauty in my life.
總是會在碰撞中回望 脆弱累積成擔當
I always look back on the collisions, and my weakness becomes a burden.
總要 一段一段錯過 癒合 那時的傷
I have to miss you time and time again to heal the wounds of that time.
But you are no longer by my side.
永遠的初愛 永遠最初的夢最精采
My first love forever, the most wonderful dream.
想起青春 曾無畏無懼 無所謂失敗
I think of my youth, when I was fearless, unafraid, and failure didn't matter.
當時看見彩虹就笑開 一無窒礙在胸懷
At that time, I would smile when I saw a rainbow, and I felt no obstacles in my heart.
帶妳拋下課堂 翻過圍牆 只為了往一片大海
I took you out of class and climbed over the wall, just to get to the sea.
告別了初愛 告別了制服上的名牌
I said goodbye to my first love, to the name tag on my uniform.
告別天真 學會去撥開 雨天的陰霾
I said goodbye to innocence and learned to push away the gloom of rainy days.
沮喪失落反覆地重來 不能放棄勇敢去愛
Disappointment and failure came again and again, but I couldn't give up the courage to love.
是妳讓我 還相信未來
You made me believe in the future again.
我想起妳 就不會崩回首
I think of you, and I won't look back.

Авторы: chong li mu cun

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