Atheist rap - Drugo Pakovanje - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Atheist rap - Drugo Pakovanje

Drugo Pakovanje
Atheist Unpacking
Nakon godina ponižavanja,
After years of humiliation,
Opljačkani, prebijeni, silovani, prevareni,
Robbed, beaten, raped, and deceived,
Dočekali smo martovski metak
We have finally met our March bullet
U srce zdravog razuma,
Through the heart of common sense,
I vratilo se sve!
And everything has come back!
Sad' više ništa nije isto,
Nothing is the same now,
I samo gore nam se piše.
And only the worst is in store for us.
Prvo su nama obojili živote.
First, they colored our lives.
A posle i živote naše nerođene dece!
Then the lives of our unborn children!
Isto je sranje.
It's the same shit.
Šta god izabereš - baš svejedno je.
Whatever you choose - it makes no difference.
Jer ovde ne postoje
Because here there is no
Istina i pravda jednake za sve!
Truth and justice for all!
U gore sutra, ludo i brzo,
Into a crazy and fast tomorrow,
Krupnim koracima vodi nas elita parazita.
The elite parasites lead us with great strides.
Moralne i duhovne nakaze
Moral and spiritual freaks
Brinu za sudbinu ove šake jada!
care for the fate of this handful of misery!
I država i crkva
Both the state and the church
Su organizovane kriminalne bande
Are organized criminal gangs
Koje zajednički rade
That work together
Isključivo na tome da ti pokupe sve pare!
Only to take your money!
Isto je sranje.
It's the same shit.
Šta god izabereš - baš svejedno je.
Whatever you choose - it makes no difference.
Jer ovde ne postoje
Because here there is no
Istina i pravda jednake za sve!
Truth and justice for all!

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