Atupa - Beodisme II - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Atupa - Beodisme II

Beodisme II
Beodisme II
Castanyes de bar en bar, que el fetge ja ha descansat
Chestnuts from bar to bar, my liver has rested already
De Dilluns a Divendres pel matí toca empassar ja,
From Monday to Friday in the morning it's time to swallow,
Vaig ja, amb diners damunt pel que calga.
I'm going, with money on me for whatever I need.
Disfruta! Que avui tots ens posarem Atupa!
Enjoy! Because today we're all gonna get Atupa-ed!
Anem a xuclar ens anem a emborratxar! Dissabte aprofitat!
Let's go get hammered! Saturday, take advantage!
No penses en demà que aquesta nit perdrem el cap!
Don't think about tomorrow, tonight we're gonna lose our minds!
Quants sortim avui? Tots! Què beuré aquesta nit? Ron!
How many of us are going out tonight? Everyone! What am I gonna drink tonight? Rum!
O almenys al principi mentre em mantinga al lloc.
Or at least at first, while it keeps me standing.
Hi ha concert hui? Què hi ha obert, dius? Borratxo guiat pel piu;
Is there a concert tonight? What's open, you say? Drunkard guided by my dick;
Buscant xicones mones que acaronen en la nit.
Looking for pretty girls to caress me in the night.
És molt difícil, molt, molt difícil nena.
It's very difficult, very, very difficult, baby.
Que jo t'impressione duent damunt aquesta ceba!
For me to impress you wearing this onion!
Que va! Si jo sóc un xic ben sa.
What! I'm a very healthy guy.
Ben sabedor de la castanya per agafar!
Well aware of the chestnut to grab!
Festes mestres sempre després d'aquestes
Master parties always after these
Copes de més no voldràs ni vore el whisky.
Extra drinks, you won't even want the whiskey.
Nits d'esborranys que és millor no recordar,
Nights of debauchery that are better not to remember,
Tan sols si és per riure amb els amics, i sols, si cal.
Only to laugh about with friends, and alone, if necessary.
Vaig to ceba, atupa, bufa, trufa, vaig mig doblat,
I'm going onion, atupa, blow, truffle, I'm half bent,
Vaig castanya, cec, pet. Vaig que no em puc aguantar!
I'm going chestnut, blind, fart. I'm going, I can't hold it anymore!
Que arriba, estat de beodisme activat.
Here it comes, drunken state activated.
Alcohol a la meva vida és pura necessitat.
Alcohol in my life is a pure necessity.
És pura activitat, és massa digne d'admirar
It's pure activity, it's too worthy of admiration
Quan per uns glops de whisky perds la teva dignitat .
When for a few sips of whiskey you lose your dignity.
Sóc un enamorat del ron, li jure amor etern.
I'm in love with rum, I swear eternal love to it.
La party als carrers, llei antibotelló, la creme.
Parties in the streets, anti-bottle law, I burn it.
Tu creu-me quan et diga que l' alcohol és fidel,
Believe me when I say that alcohol is faithful,
Ell mai et fallarà en els moments que pitjor estigues.
It will never let you down in your worst moments.
No t'incite a que begues, tu a mi no em deus creure.
I'm not encouraging you to drink, you shouldn't believe me.
Però dir el que sent al cap i a la fi és el meu deure.
But saying what I feel, after all, is my duty.
Vomiteres hem passat, a la séquia hem caigut de cap
We've been through vomiting, we've fallen headfirst into the sewer
O per alguna muntanyeta hem acabat redolant.
Or we've ended up rolling down some small mountain.
Nèctar diví que este MC necessita.
Divine nectar that this MC needs.
De tant amor estil i flow és la benzina.
Of so much love, style and flow is the gasoline.
Jo faig el concert, tu em pagues la priva.
I'm doing the concert, you pay for my booze.
Jo no tinc diners, convida't a una pinta
I don't have money, invite me to a pint
O a un tientet, comprén-me, disbauxa represente.
Or to a stall, understand me, debauchery I represent.
Amor a la botella, a un bes etílic tendre.
Love for the bottle, a tender ethyl kiss.
I és que abans que prendre merdes sempre
And it's because before taking shit, I always
Preferisc que un wishky doble entre.
Prefer a double whiskey to enter.
Molt d' ahí, de rave, molt de bo, de beure.
Whatever, raving, very good, drinking.
Tinc un clon a una illa que em regalarà el seu fetge.
I have a clone on an island that will give me his liver.
Increïbles siegos, increïbles litres.
Incredible blackouts, incredible liters.
A la família ser abstemi és difícil d'entendre.
To the family, being abstinent is difficult to understand.
Mur, Antull, el Club, som el rom en cola crew.
Mur, Antull, the Club, we're the rum and coke crew.
Mescles en estiu, Guillermo ensenyant el piu,
Mixes in the summer, Guillermo showing his dick,
Beure d'intensiu, si voleu festa acudiu
Intense drinking, if you want a party come
Al massiu acte, ritual amb final vomitiu.
To the massive act, ritual with a vomitous ending.
Renta't la pota, quasi no es nota,
Wash your foot, it almost doesn't show,
Que és el sopar d'avui el que tens a la boca.
That what you have in your mouth is tonight's dinner.
Torna a la tropa, que ella t'invoca,
Go back to the troop, she's calling you,
Fes renàixer el fènix amb una altra copa.
Revive the phoenix with another drink.
Beu més, mestre, trenta tandes.
Drink more, master, thirty rounds.
Borratxos a totes bandes
Drunks everywhere
Molts diuen "Jo bec més" i després no veig res,
Many say "I drink more" and then I don't see anything,
Solament ells a terra amb la bilis sobre els peus.
Only them on the ground with bile on their feet.
Sobreviure la nit bevent fins que arribe el del fem.
Survive the night drinking until the garbage man arrives.
Que m'arrepleguen pregue, em negue a quedar-me ací més.
Please pick me up, I refuse to stay here any longer.
Que bèstia que ho passàrem. Grans quantitats mamàrem.
We had such a wild time. We sucked down huge quantities.
De cigarret en cigarret ja s'acabà el paquet.
Cigarette after cigarette, the pack was finished.
Setze whiskys Cutty Shark, el meu fetge s'han menjat.
Sixteen Cutty Shark whiskeys, they ate my liver.
Bo i barat estar a Cassalla Paradise.
Good and cheap to be in Cassalla Paradise.
I l'endemà ressaca aparca el teu cul al lavabo.
And the next day, a hangover parks your ass on the toilet.
Boca seca però val la pena tindre alcohol en vena.
Dry mouth, but it's worth having alcohol in your veins.
Ai pare, tu saps molt que jo sóc un xic jove.
Oh, dad, you know very well that I'm a young guy.
Ai mare, que tu saps que jo controle.
Oh, mom, don't worry, you know I'm in control.
Que vaig perfectament, arribaré un poc tard hui, ho sent.
I'm perfectly fine, I'll be a little late today, I'm sorry.
Aneu a dormir hui, no m'espereu despert, crec que aquesta nit sí, la reputació perd!
Go to sleep tonight, don't wait up for me, I think tonight, yes, my reputation is lost!
Tu no pares, jo no pare, el colze està empinat.
You don't stop, I don't stop, the elbow is up.
Tu no estàs bè, de què parles? temps de filosofar.
You're not okay, what are you talking about? Time to philosophize.
Pense que estic flipant, els núvols m'estan parlant
I think I'm tripping, the clouds are talking to me
Xarrades amb les parets que et quedes més bocabadat.
Chatting with the walls that leave you speechless.
Que surt el sol i és moment de recordar
The sun rises and it's time to remember
Llacunes a la teva ment i el teu cos per renovar, e jo
Gaps in your mind and your body to renew, and me
Què vàrem fer? On estàvem ahir? No anàvem saps el que vol dir?
What did we do? Where were we yesterday? We weren't doing well, know what I mean?
Que vàrem ser els kings de la passada nit i açò se celebra amb un altre "xin xin".
We were the kings of last night and this is celebrated with another "cheers".
Jo no com dir prou, només vull més alcohol.
I don't know how to say enough, I just want more alcohol.
Que lamentable sóc, torna a plenar el got.
How pathetic I am, refill the glass.
Injustificada apologia de destruir-se el cos.
Unjustified apology for destroying the body.
Problèmes d'erecció, no contindre's la micció.
Erection problems, not holding back urine.
Seré com el Jack Lemon de dies de vi i roses:
I'll be like Jack Lemmon from Days of Wine and Roses:
Si m'amagues la botella, et trencaré les plantes.
If you hide the bottle from me, I'll break your plants.
Coneixement recomanen les mares,
Knowledge is recommended by mothers,
No entenen que quan vaig a fer un concert dec de:
They don't understand that when I go to a concert I must:
Beure debades beguda infinita si donen tickets a aquest artista.
Drink free, endless drinks if they give tickets to this artist.
Fonerem els gels en coktails, que no pare la festa.
We'll melt the ice in cocktails, let the party not stop.
Jo toque millor quan bec, eh? o això em crec.
I play better when I drink, huh? or so I believe.
On ha anat la vergonya i què ha passat amb el fred?
Where has the shame gone and what happened to the cold?
Jo t'ho diré, el beodisme ha arribat i no ho pots evitar com a mi em passà.
I'll tell you, drunkenness has arrived and you can't avoid it, as happened to me.
Beguda social, si estàs fora no moles, "siego" açó no ho puc cantar.
Social drinking, if you're out, don't bother, "blackout" I can't sing that.
Beodisme segon hui, el rehabilitar ja arribarà
Second drunkenness today, rehabilitation will come
Mentrestant espere viure per escriure la tercera part.
Meanwhile, I hope to live to write the third part.
No puc beure, de tan beure, jo vull estar així sempre.
I can't drink, from drinking so much, I want to be like this forever.

Авторы: Atupa

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