Auxili feat. ZOO - Com Camot - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Auxili feat. ZOO - Com Camot

Com Camot
Com Camot
Vàndals, bandolers, bandes de roders
Vandal's gangster, bands of robbers
Vàndals, bandolers, ionquis dels diners
Vandal's gangster's, greedy for money
Vau jugar a ser Camot, rebolcant-se com a porcs
I played at being Camot, wallowing like pigs
A les clavegueres del poder
In the sewers of power
Palco, puro, pura dreta, massa visa
Box, cigar, pure right, too much visa
Poca classe, putes, coca, bous i missa
Little class, whores, coke, bulls and mass
Balla la parca al paradís contrabandista
Dances the parca in the smuggling paradise
Que trista la mort si el teu nom surt a la llista
How sad the death is if your name is on the list
Mira com corrien, s'amagaven entre portes
Look how they ran, they hid behind doors
Trien qui és la víctima, faran que no els delate
They choose who is the victim, they will make him not betray them
Miren d'escapar de les seues pròpies trampes
They try to escape from their own traps
Hi ha qui no suporta la pressió i no respira més
There are those who can't stand the pressure and can't breathe anymore
Ooooooh oooh ooooh ooooh!
Ooooooh oooh ooooh ooooh!
Qui la fa la paga
He who does it, pays for it
Ooooooh oooh ooooh ooooh!
Ooooooh oooh ooooh ooooh!
Callen tots, quan tot esclata
They all shut up when everything explodes
Hi ha qui por de sortir del pou
There are those who are afraid to get out of the pit
Qui estirarà la corda
Who will pull the rope
Callen tots, quan tot esclata
They all shut up when everything explodes
Hi ha qui por de sortir del pou
There are those who are afraid to get out of the pit
Qui estirarà la corda
Who will pull the rope
Jo que allà estava con las manos en la masa
I that was there with dirty hands
Que vaig buidar de colp la mina i el caixó
That suddenly emptied the mine and the box
Jo que em vaig fer la casa, al centre de la plaça
I who made my house, in the center of the square
Que isc en la foto encapçalant la processó, jo
That I go out in the photo leading the procession, me
Siempre en la cima, con la piel fina, tota eixa xusma
Always at the top, with thin skin, all that scum
Tu saps per què em critiquen? envejacoxina
You know why they criticize me? envy
Jo! m'havia pagat ja el billet de avió
I! I had already paid for my plane ticket
Per algo em va tocar set voltes el Euromillón
For something I got the Euromillions seven times
I ara volen que torne el que he gastat
And now they want me to return what I have spent
Que acabe arrossegant-me con un gos abandonat
That I end up crawling like an abandoned dog
I tota la gent jove que ha aportat totes les proves
And all the young people who have provided all the evidence
I han aconseguit que em trobe ací a la porta del jutjat
And have managed to get me here at the courthouse door
Ooooooh oooh ooooh ooooh!
Ooooooh oooh ooooh ooooh!
Qui la fa la paga
He who does it, pays for it
Ooooooh oooh ooooh ooooh!
Ooooooh oooh ooooh ooooh!
Ara callen tots, quan tot esclata
Now they all shut up, when everything explodes
Hi ha qui por de sortir del pou
There are those who are afraid to get out of the pit
Qui estirà la corda
Who will stretch the rope
Ara callen tots, quan tot esclata
Now they all shut up, when everything explodes
Hi ha qui por de sortir del pou
There are those who are afraid to get out of the pit
Qui estirà la corda
Who will stretch the rope
Ara callen tots, quan tot esclata
Now they all shut up, when everything explodes
Hi ha qui por de sortir del pou
There are those who are afraid to get out of the pit
Qui estirà la corda
Who will stretch the rope
Ara callen tots, quan tot esclata
Now they all shut up, when everything explodes
Hi ha qui por de sortir del pou
There are those who are afraid to get out of the pit
Qui estirà la corda
Who will stretch the rope

Авторы: Auxili

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