Azteca - LSD - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Azteca - LSD

Iau un timbru-s nebun
I take a stamp - I'm crazy
Iau un timbru-s in loop
I take a stamp - I'm in a loop
Dup-un timp ma vad batran
After a while I see myself old
Ego-ul m-il descompun
I break down my ego
Infinitu din secunde
Infinity of seconds
Cu totii din jur suntem unde
We are all around us
Un frate se-ntreaba ba unde
A brother asks where are we
Suntem in ce dimensiune
We are in what dimension
Urc vertical ascenciune
I climb vertical ascension
Vad totu ma simt de minune
I see everything, I feel great
Oare ce vad e pe bune
I wonder if what I see is real
Oare ce simt e pe bune
I wonder if what I feel is real
Stau fata-n fata cu alta parte a lunii
I stand face to face with another part of the moon
Ce pacat
What a pity
Dacai stii ce stiu nebunii ai inebuni ca tu nu stii
If you knew what the crazy people know, you would go crazy because you don't know
E despre cunoastere cercuri repetitii moarte poate si renastere
It's about knowledge, circles, repetitions, death, and perhaps rebirth
Realitate virtuala, alta viata anterioara intermediara, natura fractala regala matrice binara
Virtual reality, another life, previous life, intermediate life, fractal nature, royal binary matrix
Faci tetraede-n 4d si dejavu-uri care curg ca raul spune-mi ce vrei
You make tetrahedra in 4d and deja vu that flow like a river, tell me what you want
M-auzi bre
Listen to me
Spune-mi ce vrei
Tell me what you want
Iti bag pe limba timbru 200 de Lsd
I'll put 200 Lsd tabs on your tongue
Pace pentru Specii care mi-au deschis ambitia
Peace for the Species that opened my ambition
Tot pentru ei o sa iau la pula pe veci politia
For them I will forever fuck the police
Cand merg pe strada si vad strigoi cand e doar militia
When I walk down the street and see bogeymen, when it's just the police
Conduc masina zici cai o nava unde-i justitia
I drive the car, you think it's a ship, where's the justice
Sio lansez, sio lansez ba
I launch it, I launch it man
Sio lansez, sio lansez ba
I launch it, I launch it man
Iau Md si fac sex si dansez
I take E and have sex and dance
Someone said, ma lansez ba
Someone said, I launch it man
Iau un timbru-s nebun
I take a stamp - I'm crazy
Iau un timbru-s in loop
I take a stamp - I'm in a loop
Dup-un timp ma vad batran
After a while I see myself old
Ego-ul m-il descompun
I break down my ego
Iau un timbru-s nebun
I take a stamp - I'm crazy
Iau un timbru-s in loop
I take a stamp - I'm in a loop
Dup-un timp ma vad batran
After a while I see myself old
Ego-ul m-il descompun
I break down my ego
Iau un timbru-s nebun
I take a stamp - I'm crazy
Iau un timbru-s in loop
I take a stamp - I'm in a loop
Dup-un timp ma vad batran
After a while I see myself old
Ego-ul m-il descompun
I break down my ego
Iau un timbru-s nebun
I take a stamp - I'm crazy
Iau un timbru-s in loop
I take a stamp - I'm in a loop
Dup-un timp ma vad batran
After a while I see myself old
Ego-ul m-il descompun
I break down my ego

Авторы: Andrew Nedelcu

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