B.A.P - Coffee Shop - перевод текста песни на английский

Coffee Shop - B.A.Pперевод на английский

Coffee Shop
Coffee Shop
아침 햇살에 눈을 뜨고
I open my eyes to the morning sunlight
핸드폰 시계를 보고
I look at the clock on my phone
어제 준비한 옷을 입고서
I put on the clothes I prepared yesterday
서둘러 집을 나서죠
And I hurry out of the house
매일 즐겨 듣던 노래를
Humming the song I enjoy every day
혼자 흥얼거리고
All by myself
익숙한 빌딩 사이를
Between these familiar buildings
혼자 걷고있죠
I walk alone
Monday, tuesday, everyday
Monday, Tuesday, every day
그럭저럭 잘지내
I'm doing alright, I guess
친구도 많이 만나고
I meet a lot of friends
요즘엔 웃는일도 많아졌어
And I've been smiling a lot lately
Summer, winter, spring and fall
Summer, winter, spring and fall
시간은 빨리 가는데
Time flies by so fast
나는 제자리에서
But why am I still here
Waiting for you, girl?
너와 가던 커피숍
The coffee shop we used to go to
우리 둘만의 커피숍
Our own little coffee shop
향기가 나는 이곳에서
In this place where your scent lingers
멍하니 앉아있어
I sit blankly
아직 잊지 못해서
Because I still can't forget you
우리 기억이 남아서
Because our memories remain
나도 모르게 버릇처럼
Unconsciously, out of habit
여기 왔는지 몰라
I don't know why I came here again
찰랑거리는 머릿결
Your flowing hair
하얀 t-shirts and sneakers
Your pristine white t-shirts and sneakers
새침한 걸음걸이
Your coy gait
꿈속에서 보지만 이젠 설레지 않아, girl
I see you in my dreams, but I don't flutter anymore, girl
찐한 커피향이 사라지듯이
Just like the strong coffee aroma fades
희미해졌지 무덤덤해진 크기
You've become faint, an indifferent size
아무렇지 않게 걸어온 coffee shop
I walked into this coffee shop casually
익숙해, 몸에서 나던 캬라멜 right?
It's familiar, that caramel scent from your body, right?
Monday, tuesday, everyday
Monday, Tuesday, every day
그럭저럭 잘지내
I'm doing alright, I guess
밤에는 잠도 자고
I sleep well at night
슬픈 영화도 눈물없이
And I can watch sad movies without crying
Summer, winter, spring and fall
Summer, winter, spring and fall
모든게 변해 가는데
Everything is changing
나는 제자리에서
But why am I still here
Waiting for you?
너와 가던 커피숍
The coffee shop we used to go to
우리 둘만의 커피숍
Our own little coffee shop
향기가 나는 이곳에서
In this place where your scent lingers
멍하니 앉아있어
I sit blankly
아직 잊지 못해서
Because I still can't forget you
우리 기억이 남아서
Because our memories remain
나도 모르게 버릇처럼
Unconsciously, out of habit
여기 왔는지 몰라
I don't know why I came here again
너에게 오늘 하루는 어땠는지 묻고 싶어
I want to ask you how your day was
아주 가끔
Just sometimes
이젠 느끼한 파스타도 먹는데
Now I can eat creamy pasta just fine
How about you? 아직도 피클은 먹는지
How about you? Do you still hate pickles?
차츰 익숙해지는 없는 삶도 괜찮아
Gradually getting used to life without you is pretty good
소식에도 웃음이 나죠
I even smile at news about you
햇살 가득한 창가에 기대 이어폰을
Leaning against the sunlit window, I put in my earphones
Here I am again, today
너와 가던 커피숍
The coffee shop we used to go to
우리 둘만의 커피숍
Our own little coffee shop
향기가 나는 이곳에서
In this place where your scent lingers
멍하니 앉아있어
I sit blankly
아직 잊지 못해서
Because I still can't forget you
우리 기억이 남아서
Because our memories remain
나도 모르게 버릇처럼
Unconsciously, out of habit
여기 왔는지 몰라
I don't know why I came here again

Авторы: Ji Won Kang, Ki Beom Kim, Yong Kuk Bang, Hanai, Yuuki Reika

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