B.U.G. Mafia feat. M&G - Muzica de noapte - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский B.U.G. Mafia feat. M&G - Muzica de noapte

Muzica de noapte
Night Music
Probabilitate de risc maxima
Maximum Risk Probability
Cand o p**da te ia si iti spune f***-ma
When a b*tch takes you and tells you f**k me
Cand unul de la colt zice: frate vrei un joint?
When someone from the corner says: bro, want a joint?
Pute ceva si nu e shaorma mea
Something stinks and it's not my shawarma
Conditii vitrege, tentatii, multe combinatii
Harsh conditions, temptations, many combinations
De unul sau mai multi ce se lasa cu-altercatii
Of one or more that lead to altercations
Lipsa de control, lipsa de punct de reper
Lack of control, lack of reference point
Lipsa de scor, te iau bine in vizor
Lack of score, they take you in their sights
Prompti ca un prompter produc si provoaca
Prompt like a prompter, they produce and provoke
Daune totale fara echivoc pe loc, stai! Ca sunetul la 4 hertzi
Total damage without a doubt, on the spot, wait! Like the sound at 4 Hertz
Nu ii auzi dar ii simti exact cand nu te astepti
You don't hear them, but you feel them exactly when you least expect it
Te-au intins pe peretzi, atmosfera e apasatoare
They've got you against the walls, the atmosphere is oppressive
Premiul cel mare e la tine-n buzunare
The big prize is in your pockets
Inca in picioare dupa furci, ai fost o prada
Still standing after the forks, you were prey
Pentru aceste elemente anti-socïale de pe strada!
For these anti-social elements on the street!
(Nu te asteptai la treaba asta?
(Didn't you expect this?
Nu stiai ca Bug Mafia si M&G sunt aici pentru toata Romania?
Didn't you know that Bug Mafia and M&G are here for all of Romania?
In direct din PTM
Live from PTM
Hai ridica si tu mainile
Come on, raise your hands too
Hai mai baiatule ridica mainile sau baga le n buzunar
Come on boy, raise your hands or put them in your pockets
Si asculta!)
And listen!)
As vrea sa scriu de bine doar ca pixul o ia razna
I'd like to write good things, but the pen goes crazy
Nu e prea bine mortiii matii tu stii asta
It's not too good, damn it, you know that
Banii sunt in stare sa te faca sa omori
Money can make you kill
Cam de asta-i la noi pe timp de pace, razboi!
This is what it's like here in times of peace, war!
E 20. 03 azi! Eu raman, tu cazi grav in treaba asta
It's 20.03 today! I stay, you fall hard in this
S-ar putea sa te arzi
You might get burned
Ca sunt multi bani in joc dar asta nu e un joc
Because there's a lot of money at stake, but this is not a game
Direct din Pantelimon am venit am luat tot! Stop!
Straight from Pantelimon we came and took it all! Stop!
Cine e cu noi are foi, sa faca!
Whoever's with us has dough, let them make it!
Cine e cu noi, ramane! restu' pleaca
Whoever's with us, stays! The rest leave
O t***a ma intreaba daca tot fumez iarba
A b*tch asks me if I still smoke weed
Fumez f***-te-n gura zi de zi daca esti varza!
I smoke, f**k you, every day if you're wasted!
Oriunde oricand oricum ti-o dau in bot
Anywhere, anytime, anyhow, I'll punch you
Doar pentru simplul fapt ca pot
Just for the simple fact that I can
Pentru simplul fapt ca am sapca mea cu P. T. M.
For the simple fact that I have my cap with P.T.M.
Pentru simplul fapt pentru tot ce am e al meu. Fraiere! Ma pish pe tine
For the simple fact that everything I have is mine. Loser! I piss on you
Cu mintea-n bani si cu banii in minte
With my mind on money and money on my mind
Ma gandesc doar cum sa-i inmultesc
I only think about how to multiply it
Pentru ca stii si tu cum e fara nici un regret
Because you know how it is without any regrets
Facem banii peste noapte si traim viata incet
We make money overnight and live life slowly
Mediteaza f***-ti gatul matii, analizeaza
Meditate, f**k your neck, analyze
Interpreteaza cum vrei dar fii pe faza
Interpret it as you like, but be on your guard
Fiindca lumea s-a schimbat si noi odata cu ea
Because the world has changed and we have changed with it
Dar asa cum zice piesa se reduce la lovea
But as the song says, it comes down to hitting
Asa c-ai grija ce faci, cu cine te bagi
So be careful what you do, who you mess with
Fii atent unde pui banii si la cine spui
Be careful where you put your money and who you tell
Ai impresia ca tu nu figurezi pe nici o lista
You think you're not on any list
Insa cineva in curand te va vizita
But someone will visit you soon
Lumea e a mea ti-aduci aminte?
The world is mine, remember?
Nu am renuntat la nimic, tot inainte!
I haven't given up on anything, still moving forward!
Astazi sunt pe scena, insa maine sunt pe strada
Today I'm on stage, but tomorrow I'm on the street
Tocmai cu baietzii care vor ca sa te faca
With the boys who want to get you
Poate ca la mijloc e destinul, nu stiu
Maybe it's fate, I don't know
Insa cumva de undeva tre' sa fac plinul
But somehow, from somewhere, I have to fill up
Ca un Pittbull in atac te fac sa simti in toata fiinta
Like a Pitbull in attack, I make you feel it in your whole being
Cadillac iti invadeaza locuinta
Cadillac invades your home
Cu mintea-n bani si cu banii in minte
With my mind on money and money on my mind
Ma gandesc doar cum sa-i inmultesc
I only think about how to multiply it
Pentru ca stii si tu cum e fara nici un regret
Because you know how it is without any regrets
Facem banii peste noapte si traim viata incet
We make money overnight and live life slowly
Muzica ne-aduna pe toti intr-un loc
Music brings us all together in one place
Suntem noi tot noi vino si tu, poti?
We are still us, come on, can you?
Daca spui ca esti destept, tre' sa stii la ce esti prost
If you say you're smart, you have to know what you're stupid at
Nu intra in jocul asta fara sa pui banul jos
Don't get into this game without putting your money down
Ca e zi, ca e noapte, ti-o iei! De la smecherii mei
Whether it's day or night, you get it! From my tough guys
Si numai tu stii daca vrei sa te feresti de ei.
And only you know if you want to stay away from them.
Politia e tare doar cand face galagie
The police are only strong when they make noise
Woop-woop, nu iti manca nervii ci o hartie
Woop-woop, don't waste your nerves but a paper
Dau play! si scap de gravitatie
I press play! and escape gravity
Ii iau cu mine doar pe cei cu invitatie
I only take those with an invitation with me
Te las sa te infunzi pan' la nas in c***t
I let you bury yourself up to your nose in sh*t
Si-ti dau un sfat: tine gura inchisa!
And I give you a piece of advice: keep your mouth shut!
Intinde mana nu te scap eu doar te sap, asta fac, pac!
Reach out, I won't save you, I'll just bury you, that's what I do, bam!
Ia zi, mai ai impresii-n cap?
Tell me, do you still have any thoughts in your head?
Cu mintea-n bani si cu banii in minte
With my mind on money and money on my mind
Ma gandesc doar cum sa-i inmultesc
I only think about how to multiply it
Pentru ca stii si tu cum e fara nici un regret
Because you know how it is without any regrets
Facem banii peste noapte si traim viata incet
We make money overnight and live life slowly
Imi amintesc cum stateam la coltul strazii
I remember how I used to stand on the street corner
De multe ori m-apuca si miezul noptii
Many times it would catch me in the middle of the night
Nu iesea nimic, nu iesea nimic
Nothing came out, nothing came out
Strazile erau pline de politisti.
The streets were full of cops.
Turnatorii asteptau sa fac un pas gresit
The snitches were waiting for me to make a wrong move
Doamna Coca m-atentiona ca sunt urmarit
Mrs. Coca warned me that I was being followed
Legal, ilegal, legal, ilegal
Legal, illegal, legal, illegal
Vreau sa iasa bani, asta-i scopul principal
I want money to come out, that's the main goal
Fiecare isi alege pana unde merge
Everyone chooses how far they go
E bine sa lasi in urma ta ceva care se vede
It's good to leave something visible behind you
Dar codul penal e penal
But the penal code is penal
Am comis-o iar, cui nu-i place sa se plimbe intr-un Jaguar?
I did it again, who doesn't like to ride in a Jaguar?
Deci pontu-i pont
So the tip is a tip
Jointu-i joint,
The joint is a joint,
Strada-i strada
The street is the street
Marfa-i marfa si
The goods are the goods and
Circa-i circa
The circle is the circle
Frica-i frica
Fear is fear
Jocu-i joc, cam asta-i tot!
The game is the game, that's about it!
Cu mintea-n bani si cu banii in minte
With my mind on money and money on my mind
Ma gandesc doar cum sa-i inmultesc
I only think about how to multiply it
Pentru ca stii si tu cum e fara nici un regret
Because you know how it is without any regrets
Facem banii peste noapte si traim viata ïncet
We make money overnight and live life slowly

Авторы: vlad irimia

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